Folks, it is not rocket science and it doesn't have to be. It is real simple:
Business Owners if you have vehicles with your company's name on the side, back, or on top do you know who is driving and promoting your business?
If you do not know, you really should know who it is and how they're doing it. A lot of businesses tend to forget that the way their vehicles are being driven reflects directly on the business who's name is stenciled on the side of the vehicle.
There isn't an old saying, you may heard of it, and I really believe especially in business; "the first impression is the ONLY impression." I am more than certain that all business owners do not want any potential customer's first impression of the company to be that of one of your vehicles driving recklessly, changing lanes without using the turn signal, rolling through a stop sign or blowing past them on the highway with no regard for their own safety or the safety of the other drivers.
This certainly is not a good way to do business. In the current economy, no business can afford to lose future customers, before they even get them, because company drivers are not properly trained with the company's expectations when it comes to driving a company vehicle.
I haven't started talking about current customers. Imagine the horror in your customer's eyes when a vehicle from a business they had a long time relationship with cuts them off out on the highway.
Business Owners I do so hope you get the hint. If you don't get it, then you deserve every customer you lose because you chose not to address a very serious situation. Remember, on the road, a first impression is a very long, lasting impression (that's what billboards are expected to do).
Using Creative Commons credit image courtesy of ***Karen at http://www.flickr.com/photos/sarahbelle1/3017785110/
Here are some Technorati Tags: • Dave Guerra • Leadership • Leading • Leadership Development • Professional Development • Lead, Follow, or Get out of the way • Bad Drivers • Company Vehicle • First Impression • Give to the American Red Cross • Hire A Hero