The is a line in the song "Matter of Feeling" by Duran Duran from their classic NOTORIOUS album that goes: "...Never Let The Zeros Bring You Down..."
I go to that line in times that I find myself a bit overwhelmed. Especially, when on top of everything else there come along individuals that are demanding more than they give. They excel at taking more than they would ever imagine giving. Those individuals are keen at taking more and more water from the well and then blame you for the well running dry. Yeah, those people!
Recently, in my life, there were a couple of individuals who decided to take it upon themselves to question me and my actions on a project that I have spent almost 25 years (1997 - 2022) on a labor of love. NOT one of those individuals ever contributed in any shape, form or fashion to the project. Sure they used the FREE side of that service. Then when parts of that FREE side were taken away (more on that later), the demands came. Kinda like when cockroaches come out when the lights go dark. Nobody sees them in the light but when it's night they are all over the place, like cockroaches do.
These individuals wanted demanded VIP Service but refused to fork over even a simple "thank you for the free service all those years" instead started with the "you should" and "you need to". They even had a plan on how to get the FREE service back online. Of course, they claim to be active participants in this "plan" of theirs. Again, where were they when the FREE service was active. One of these ZEROS claimed and I quote, "I used to post there often." I know the opposite is true (I am still the admin of the service and I know who posted and who did not.) Again, like a kid who cries when a ball he never played with goes missing.
Sound familiar? It should because like cockroaches these individuals are everywhere. We have encountered them once or twice in our lives. Now, those are the ZEROS that I am talking about.
This is but one example. Of course, dealing with people who are of no consequence should not be the only thing that can make anyone feel overwhelmed. But when these ZEROS become the tip of the iceberg well that's a little different.
Life can be a bit too much from time to time. Yet, when it comes to making it past those that demand, those that take, those that counter our every move. It is all about putting it in perspective.
The perspective is that you have to remember that you control your own reaction. While it may seem selfish, YOU control how you want to handle the ZEROS and their nonsensical situations. Especially, when the ZEROS are moving in the opposite direction you are going.
HINT: There will always be individuals like that. For whatever reason, they decide their agenda must be your agenda especially when they stumble across you only after the well has run dry.
Keep in mind: You control your Sound. You control your Vision. You control your Path. You control you Journey. You control your Fate. More Importantly, You control your Destiny.
Along they way, if individuals keep getting in the way, remember, NEVER LET THE ZEROS GET YOU DOWN!
Thank you,
P.S. I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website:
P.P.S. To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking Leader: Amazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble
P.S. I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website:
P.P.S. To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking Leader: Amazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble