Welcome to the Second Half of 2023.
Today is the first day of the second half of the year. The first half of 2023 can now be officially classified as #yesterday.
Today and just like every day to come, we move forward.
When we wake up, we put our feet on the ground and get moving. We Move Forward.
We do so because that is what it takes to make this life breathable and bearable. We move forward by taking that first step of the day, then the next, and so on and so on.
While what the future brings is UNCERTAIN. What is certain is that the FUTURE = CHANGE.
Yep, more change. Remember, as a constant, change is a certainty.
The sooner those that feel they have the luxury of sipping on high expectations realize (and learn and accept) change is what we are slave to, the better off they will be, indeed. We cannot escape change. Change is the chain that cuts across our soul. Change is the chain that anchors us to this world.
Believe me, sipping on high expectations was not foreign to me. Then when those expectations came crashing down on me, I knew then that I was the only that was putting myself in that situation. Especially, when I allowed people to pass judgment, ridicule, and other nonsense on did I realize the expectations I placed on them were much, much higher than what they were actually delivering. Strange coincidence? I think NOT. Remember, I was allowing them to do what they chose to do.
Folks, for the next six months and all the months after that pick and choose wisely how YOU will react to the change that is coming. You will either embrace it or you will rage (and curse) at how the expected change is UNFAIR it is. Remember, when you decide to rage or embrace, it is all about how you created the situation that lead to change or YOUR CONTRIBUTION to the actions that caused things to go to CRAP!
When it is all said and done and what matters most is that one day the actions YOU contribute to WILL lead to change that you will either love or hate.
There is no turning back once change arrives.
Oh, and before I forget, I promise YOU one more thing:
P.S. I invite you to follow me on Twitter:
@daveguerra • visit my website:
P.P.S. To order your copy of
Great To Follow:
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To order your copy of
The Walking Leader:
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