29 January 2024

2024: What’s Your Small Step?

Every day there are new opportunities. There are new challenges. There is always something happening, something new.

While each day is unique. Each day is also something else.
Each day also builds upon the previous day and the adds to the next day.

It is knowing and understanding that yesterday is gone and today we can only do what we must to build that better future.

Therefore, each day we must take that one small step that will take us to that one giant leap for our future.

Just as each day is different, unique, each day you must strive to be better than you were yesterday.

That being said and as it is non-negotiable to work at being better today for an even better tomorrow it does not have to be a difficult task.

taking that step every day to get you one step closer to greatness. There is no way around that. You must put in the work. You have no choice. It is non-negotiable.

Greatness, especially for leaders, is a long and arduous journey.
To be a great leader you can only achieve after constant consistency. If you are not prepared to be consistently constant then you are not prepared level up.

No matter what your definition of greatness may be, one thing is certain.
Greatness cannot be achieved overnight.
Greatness, especially leadership greatness comes over time. Over a long time.
Again, non-negotiable.

Because it takes time, it takes those small steps that will eventually get you to where you want to be.

There is very little else you can do to expedite the process. It is the compilation and culmination of taking those small steps that you will one day look back on and see as one big giant leap into the future.

These small steps can be just about anything you want them to be. It takes reading 10 pages a day to read a book in two to three weeks. It takes writing 100 words a day to eventually journal your year. It takes walking 1 mile a day and, in a year, you will have walked 365 miles which is twenty miles than the distance between Hartford, Connecticut and Washington, D.C.

Of course, only you can know what your ultimate future goal will be and thus, only you can know what are the small steps you are going take today, tomorrow, and every day until you achieve your goal.

Now I ask you, what is your one small step? What is that one small step you will take today and every day to make the giant leap for your future greatness to occur?

Take those steps now because…

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Thank you,
David Guerra

P.S. I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

P.P.S. To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

20 January 2024

Embrace Change and the Unknown: Your Growth Zone Awaits!

While January 2024 is already half over, this year promises to move just as fast as 2023.
While things may be moving fast, two things are certain about 2024.

There is CHANGE and the UNKNOWN.

Anytime is the right time for change and of course, it is also the right to face the unknown.

Anytime is the right time to face the unknown?

Yes! There is no wrong time. The unknown is always out there! So why put it off?

Is it fear? If it is fear of the unknown, well it is time to grow up and deal with it.

Remember, the unknown is just that! Something that has not yet been revealed. See, once something is revealed then it is known. Then what is there to fear.

The same thing with change. There are far too many people that fear change just as much if not more than they fear the unknown.

To them change is bad. Change is the will of others being forced on them. While in some forms this is true. For the most part, changes are never permanent but change most certainly is.

However, change and the unknown are always close by one another. You very seldom find one with the other. That is just how it goes. When it comes to change you may know what is coming but rarely do you know what is on the other side of that change: the unknown.

As I have alluded to, many human beings do not like change and the unknown.

However, it does not take very much to embrace change and the unknown.

Consider embracing change and the unknown as the catalyst towards growth. The kind of growth that makes you a better person. The kind of growth that you have always wanted but were afraid to try. The kind of growth that you have seen others attain which motivated and inspired you to try to attain to be better.

You can do it. You can embrace the change by changing your perspective. This change is simple.

START looking at your life as one thing: as an ADVENTURE.

An ADVENTURE you are wanting to undertake. An adventure that will give change you and your life. It will change everything about YOU.

As you move through your ADVENTURE, embracing change and the unknown, you will also grow. You will be in the zone of growth that others can only imagine. Treat today and every day for the rest of your life as an ADVENTURE and nothing can stop you.

Treating life like an ADVENTURE means you know you are going to face the unknown, the change, and most of all you will be moving through the unchartered territory that is your life.


Thank you,
David Guerra

P.S. I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

P.P.S. To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

02 January 2024


image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay


They say every new year starts with plenty of hope, promises, and dreams.

They are right. 

However, what they do not tell you is that almost all years end with regret, shame, sadness, and broken promises.

They are right, as well.  

So this new year may have started out with a mix of hopes and promises but it does not have to end in disappointment and broken promises. It should end with a sense of accomplishment. 

A word of warning: if you are one of those individuals that every year repeats "New Year, New Me" or "This year it is all about me" and yet continue to find yourself lacking maybe this year you really should not say any of that nonsense, especially since it really has not worked out for you.

So to everyone, might I recommend the following: TAKE ACTION. 

Plain and simple: TAKE ACTION. Keep your words to yourself and just get stuff done.

If you need to tell someone, if you need validation, look in the mirror and tell yourself.

Have A Happy New Year,
David Guerra

P.S. I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

P.P.S. To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble