Over the past few days I have been picking up more and more chatter about the dismissal of 1,000 Sprint customers for "excessive" customer support calls and the couple hundred U.S. Army Soldiers that are being cutoff for "excessive" roaming. Yet these guys have been courting new business all over the media: TV, Print, and Internet. So they want new business and but not if you are going to make waves.
What kind of business sense is that?
I understand that there are times that customers have to be fired, I have done that on occasion. However, I have talked to the customers and let them know why the end of the road is fast approaching. I ended the business not because they were excessive callers or that they used the free services in an excessive manner, I ended the business relationship because I could no longer support them. However, I did leave things open such as if they ever needed my services, they would get it at the same price we parted ways at. I still call them to see how they are doing and they are still on my Christmas Card list, just to let them know that even though I don't see them as much as I have, I still value them.
Now, I am not asking Sprint to start handwriting Christmas cards. What I am asking is for them to be civil. What I am asking is for them to ensure that those they cut-off be given an opportunity to return, provided they learned their lesson of "excessive" support calls. However as for the SOLDIERS.
Talk about shooting yourselves in the foot. In case you didn't know SOLDIERS ROAM! That's what Soldiers do and you cannot change that. So, if you cannot deal with that fact, then you are right in cutting them loose. Just be sure you let them port their numbers when they take their money to the competition.
Do you think its best to so dramatically get rid of customers while you are courting new customers? The logic behind this action (or inaction) completely escapes me.
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