A few weeks ago I wrote change and how circumstances force change on us and how it can also be the perfect opportunity to initiate change. There was something I overlooked; the storm that usually comes with change.
The storm?
Yes, some people call it fallout and others call it the storm. This is what happens when change is happening but it affects them in a negative manner or so they think it is negative. This is when resistance starts. Thus the person initiating the change goes head-to-head against the person(s) resistant to the change.
As the person initiating the change, your change, you have to expect that there will be those that will fight you every step of the way. This is when you have continue fighting through. You have to ensure that you do not back down. Under no circumstances are you to even consider changing your mind, you went to all that trouble to initiate the change. Now, why would you want to go back on your decisions?
Sure it may eliminate the displeasure and discomfort that is causing others, but it will also let the others know that if they moan and whine long enough you will give in. Stand your ground, this time and every time.
Again, it may be difficult and discomforting for you as well. You will need to ensure everyone that your decisions are yours and you will not be intimidated into rescinding your decisions.
Keep fighting the good fight and in the end you will be better for it.
Here are some Technorati Tags:
• Dave Guerra • Change • Weathering the storm • Don't Back Down • motivation • Don't moan and whine • you can do it • Give to the American Red Cross • Hire A Hero
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