A couple of nights ago I was watching the latest episode of The Deadliest Catch. Talk about reality TV, this show has got it all; Real people doing a real job that is so dangerous that people have actually died during the filming of the show. If you've never seen it, I do invite you to watch every Tuesday night on the Discovery Channel.
Anyway, I was watching last Tuesday's episode and there was a scene where the crab pot slipped off the launcher and almost pinned one of the deckhands against another several hundred pound crab pot. Luckily, the deckhand's quick reactions saved his life as he managed to get out of the way the loose pot and the rope that connects it to a marker bouy. They say that if your feet get caught in that rope there's no place to go but over the rail and down to the bottom of the Bering sea before you realize what happened.
One of the other deckhand's was interviewed immediately after and he stated that everyone on the boat got complacent. It was complacency that allowed the crab pot to slip off the launcher as someone forgot to set the hook that keeps the crab pot in place until it is time to launch. It was complacency that prevented the deckhand from checking to see if the hook was in place. That deckhand's last comment of the interview was, "Complacency will kill you."
Nothing can be further from the truth. Think about your place of business, how many times a day do you find yourself in a situation that could harm you or quick possibly kill if you aren't on your toes? Of course, some people will find themselves in those situations more often than others. That does not excuse those that do not find themselves often in such situations.
Keeping your eyes open, keeping your ears open, and sometimes keeping your mouth shut month just save your life. Most of all, not being complacent will save your life. Let them call you paranoid but you will be ready for anything, at any time, no matter what the situation is.
Here are some Technorati Tags:
• Dave Guerra • Deadliest Catch • Discovery Channel • Complacency • Vigilant • on your toes • survival • paranoid • Give to the American Red Cross • Hire A Hero
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