15 December 2009

Get into the thick of it

There are three things you can do when it comes being/becoming a leader. You can get into the thick of it, you can stand back and watch others get into the thick of it, or you can be one those that wonder what happened and how did everyone get into the thick of it. What I mean by the thick of it, it is what you do (your job, your career, or your studies).

You can breeze through your job or school and get by with just enough but all that will get you is a paycheck or a degree. Then what? If you are one of those foolhardy individuals that thinks that because you have a degree or a cool job title you are automatically a leader, well got another thing coming.

No matter, how long you have been working or have been in school it is not too late to get involved with your organization and with what it is doing. Once you get involved, it will be that much easier to move to the front or the top. It may not be instant move up, remember you will have to pay your dues. The only way to pay those dues will be to get up and get into the thick of it.

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