19 February 2010

Change is all around

I know I have talked about it in the past and yet it never ceases to amaze me how people handle change. While some people will embrace it, others will go into panic mode, and others will become spectators as change unfolds right in front of them. Which one are you? There are no other options just three and you do have to make a choice.

I firmly believe that while change might not always be for the better, it does serve a greater purpose in life. If not for anything else than to realize that change is going to happen again and again until the end of time. No matter how much we wish for it to go away, change will continue to be part of this existence.

This past week was a great example of how change affects people. The 21st Games of the Winter Olympics kicked off last Friday, but not before the death of the Georgian athlete on the last turn of the Whistler Luge track. While it was shocking and horrific to see, it was a most unexpected change that served as a catalyst for subsequent changes. Being proactive, ok reactive, the organizers of the Olympic Games in Vancouver took charge and made the necessary changes to make the course a little safer before competition started thus preventing any such future calamities, hopefully. Change is coming and it can make you or break you.

The economy is certainly full of changes. Right now, there are people still sweating bullets for fear that their job is on the line. Instead of increasing their value within their respective organizations, they are getting mad, panicking and doing things that will all but ensure their dismissal. Change is coming and you better be ready for it.

The world is constantly evolving and change is always happening. Natural and man-made disasters are always occurring. There is nothing the average person can do to prevent natural disasters, but when those changes occur you have to roll with the punches because last time I checked no one can “fool with Mother Nature.” When the changes are man-made, if you are not right there at the moment just before it happens there is really nothing anyone can do to stop the change. Change is all around you; accept it as the price of admission to live on this planet.

Right now, people are facing personal struggles that will change their life forever. They are the ones that are allowed to be angry and mad, but only for five minutes. As Tom Hanks as Astronaut Jim Lovell said in Apollo 13, “We are not gonna do this. We're not gonna go bouncing off the walls for ten minutes...'cause we're just gonna end up right back here with the same problems--” Five minutes is all you get because change is coming, no, no it is already here!

We do not have to like change, we don’t have hate it either. We just have to accept the fact that when it comes to change we must Be Strong, Be Brave, and Be In Charge.

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