I recently finished reading the second book of my Book Trifecta for the first third of 2010: CRUSH IT!: Why NOW Is the Time to Cash In on Your Passion by Gary Vaynerchuk. CRUSH IT! is one of those unique books that not only conveys a message but also the author’s passion. Sometimes the black letters on white paper tend to be emotionless or subjective to the reader’s interpretation, this is not the case with Gary Vaynerchuk and his message in CRUSH IT!. If you ever heard him talk either in person, on the web, or on television you know what I am talking about. If you have not heard him talk you really should.
In his book, Gary Vaynerchuk lays out, in no uncertain terms, his master plan towards the successful purchase and ownership of the New York Jets. How does this apply to the reader? Gary gives you his playbook and reveals how by following it he and his organizations have reach and level of genuine authenticity that keeps customers coming back for more and hoards of new and potential customers banging on his door.
There are no magic beans, no smoke to cloud your judgment; no ego stroking talking mirrors, no secret handshakes, or hidden links to what Gary is offering in CRUSH IT!. He tells it like it is, that my friends is the secret to Gary Vaynerchuk's success. Throughout the book, Gary reminds us that business is playing by a new set of rules and every one is on the same level playing field right along side the big corporations.
The level of the playing field starts to change when people either fail to do something about their situation or do something about your situation. When they do something positive about the situation they find themselves in thus they can start to rival those top tier mega organizations. When individuals and small businesses fail to do something about their situation they fall behind and the longer they wait to do something a further behind they will be. In CRUSH IT!, Gary tells us that not only do we need to start doing something about our situation, we do not need to worry about the other guy we only need to worry about ourselves and ultimately "Keeping it real…Very real."
Lastly, Vaynerchuk offers up what Social media services have helped propel him to top of his field. In one chapter, Gary dedicates himself to telling us what works for him in the Social Media arena and how to create community by digging your own “Internet trench.” In that chapter, Gary is saying is that by creating an online presence one must be prepared to shake a lot of hands and never stop shaking. While everyone might not like your message you'll have to continue shaking hands until those that want to hear your message find you. Then and only then is the rest is up to.
I will close by adding the following: CRUSH IT! is a book for everyone. There is at least one golden nugget for everyone and that is a good thing. At the end of the book there's a message that sums up what Gary has been saying for the previous 133 pages, "listen to your DNA-it will always lead you in the right direction." He’s not kidding, Gary tells us this straight from his heart. As an example, he took his father’s liquor store from $4Million operation to $50Million operation in just eight years and more recently reaching #2 on the New York Times Bestseller List with CRUSH IT! with success like that what can go wrong?
Complete & Total Disclosure: I am a huge fan of @garyvee (if you are not already, I recommend you follow him on Twitter and on Facebook at facebook.com/gary). Also, check out his Wine Library video blog on Winelibrary.tv it is loaded with great stuff.
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