I recently read something that is attributed to General George S. Patton as saying, "We herd sheep, we drive cattle, we lead people. Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way."
Since the end of World War II (especially since around the time of General Patton's unfortunate passing) there have been many quotes that have been attributed to one of the United States' greatest fighting Generals. Some of these quotes have been outright falsehoods (or a product of Hollywood), some have been twisted to suit other needs, and some have been spot on. However, this quote (We herd sheep...) falls somewhere between spot on and just off the mark.
This quote makes the classic distinction between manager and leader crystal clear. Anyone can drive cattle, with a little training, of course. Heck, Billy Crystal and Daniel Stern did it in "City Slickers" with Curly's help, of course. As for herding sheep, that may be a little more difficult, as a lot of trust is put on the shepherd in that he/she will take the flock where it needs to go. In the end, both the cattle and the sheep will wander around aimlessly and therefore cannot be effectively led. A manager, in this case, in the form of shepherd or trail boss, are certainly not true leaders.
Now when it comes to people (human beings) on the other hand are dynamic and depending on the situation can either do one of following three things: Lead, Follow, or Get out of my way.
Having to pick from one of the three means that it is up to the individual and not the collective (the flock), to determine what path he will take. The individual can either pick up the Staff of Leadership and lead other people to where they need to be or will he pass the baton to someone that will lead him. Then again, the individual can throw his hands up in the air, step aside and watch the parade go down the road and out of sight (without him) while he wanders aimlessly like the cattle that broke away from the herd.
Which one of the three do you like? Just like General Patton, I love being at the front of the parade instead of watching it from the curb hoping that the clowns wave at me.
Here are some Technorati Tags: • Dave Guerra • Leadership • Leading • Leadership Development • Professional Development • Lead, Follow, or Get out of the way • General George Patton • quotes • Herd Sheep • Drive Cattle • shepherd • Trail Boss • City Slickers • Curly • Give to the American Red Cross • Hire A Hero
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