Life Lesson 1012: Deception, Diversion, & Division is all around you.
The sooner you are able to recognize that while water on the surface may appear still and calm, just below the surface a tsunami is forming. Grow complacent and expect waters to run still, you will soon find yourself on a capsizing ship.
Stay Vigilant by being aware of your surroundings, keeping your eye on the big picture, and always be prepared for the unexpected, because, rest assured, the unexpected is exactly what you are going to get.
As always you can read this blog post in its original location at
Here are some Technorati Tags: • Deception • Diversion • Division • Don't Grow Complacent • Stay Vigilant • Dave Guerra • Leadership • Leading • Leadership Development • Professional Development • Lead, Follow, or Get out of the way • Ready, Fire, Aim! • If it ain't broke, break it. • Hire Crazies • Ask dumb questions • Pursue failure • Spread Confusion • Ditch Your Office • Read Odd Stuff • Avoid Moderation • Higher, Admire, Desire, Require, Satire, Inquire, On Fire, All Possible Scenarios • Give to the American Red Cross • Hire A Hero
US Army Veteran, MBA, Author "The Walking Leader" "Great To Follow" and the OCCUPIED BERLIN series (historical fiction). This blog contains my Thoughts, Words, Tips, and Lessons about Personal and Professional Leadership. Count on everything being delivered without pulling a single punch (NEVER!)
12 October 2011
03 October 2011
Germany: A Country Turns 21
Twenty-one years ago today (October 3, 1990) the countries of the German Democratic Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany quit existing as East Germany and West Germany. On that evening, the two countries were unified again. Prior to that the last time Germany was united was during what is considered its darkest hour: The Third Reich.
Once the Second World War was over and the victorious allies (US, UK, USSR, & FRANCE) moved in to claim the spoils of war and to begin rebuilding Europe in their image. The only problem is that no one could really decide in whose image Europe was to be rebuilt in. So a line was drawn right down the middle of Germany and it extended beyond the borders and throughout Europe. On the Western side of that line was Democracy and Freedom and on the Eastern side was Communism, Suspicion, Rhetorical Speeches, and Oppression. However, on both sides of that line were rows and rows of soldiers, tanks, airplanes, and bombs, both conventional and nuclear.
For almost 45 years, the country of Germany was not only divided but occupied by those that broke the back of the “thousand year” Reich. During that time tensions all over Europe were high. Brinksmanship became a new word in the Cold War dictionary. It was East versus West, move and counter-move, point and counterpoint, spy versus spy, and the men and women at all levels of all governments did what they could, on a daily basis, to ensure that those "99 Red Balloons" never went up.
When the Berlin Wall went up in 1961 things became even more desperate and impassioned, what was once a simple walk across the street quickly became a mad dash between life and death. Those in the East found themselves trapped behind wires, machine guns, and towers with beams of light. They knew that deep inside it was fundamentally wrong to keep people down, it was wrong to keep them from living a life that allowed for basic human rights and freedoms. People on both sides of the Iron Curtain knew it was wrong. That did not stop those in the East from trying to escape the oppression of the Communist Regimes that littered the Eastern European countryside. While many managed to escape some did not. Some were made to die where they were shot only to serve as a horrific reminder to the entire world as to who as in-charge and to what lengths governments would go to impose its will on its citizens.
Then as things started again to look their darkest, a small tide of change was starting to form in Moscow, when a new General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union was announced. Mikhail Gorbachev brought to the forefront a new way of thinking, living, and (hopefully) thriving: Glasnost and Perestroika (Openness and Restructuring). By having the vision to recognize that as time is changing, the Communist system must change otherwise face implosion because the world changed and the Soviet Union stood by idly wondering why. This spark of change slowly spread throughout Eastern Europe however it did not take the form of Government sponsored or sanctioned reforms.
Quite the contrary, the people saw opportunities to take advantage of some of those Moscow backed changes and use them against their governments. In Poland, the Solidarity Trade Union was born and with it a new name became the face of the Anti-Communist Movement: Lech Walesa. Here was a simple shipyard worker that was now as common as President Ronald Reagan and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. The seed was planted and it was starting to take roots and spread.
Even the Catholic Church got in on the act when in October of 1978 the church leaders elected Polish Bishop of Krakow Karol Józef Wojtyła as the head of the Roman Catholic Church who took the name of Pope John Paul II. It was this Polish Pope who is credited as being the spiritual inspiration for the downfall of the Communism in Eastern Europe.
As the late 1980s began, other loopholes in the system were being discovered and exploited. The economies of Communist Bloc nations were being taxed in the sense that it was becoming increasingly difficult to stay in the black as their economic output was greater than the income that was being generated. Something had to happen before the DDR and other eastern nations went bankrupt. Food, materials, basic supply shortages were starting to become commonplace. Thus in desolation and frustration, the hungry made their stand when they would stand for no more. The East Germans were the most obvious when it came to having the hunger, the longing in that they had a common history with their brothers and sisters on the other side of the Berlin Wall. Throughout the summer of 1989 East German citizens found their way to Hungary and into Austria by a hole in the Iron Curtain. Then what started as a trickling stream turned into a flood of humanity. The flow of people out of East Germany was starting to tax not only the Eastern Bloc countries that were acting as way-stations but also East and West Germany. East Germany was having a brain drain the likes of which it had not seen since before the wall went up. West Germany was having difficulty processing and assimilating those new comers into West German society, it was not for lack of trying it was due to the sheer number of East Germans transitioning to the west.
Then in early November 1989, the DDR’s leadership met to discuss the question of the emigrating citizens to the West. On November 9, 1989 through a slight error when the announcement regarding when modified travel restrictions between the DDR and FRG were to take effect, the Berlin Wall fell.
Seizing the moment and the opportunity the Federal Republic of Germany and its western allies, US, UK, and France, moved quickly towards unification of the German nation and people and with the work of the politicians, diplomats, and the people (through popular vote) the process was underway. Then with the signing of the Two plus Four Treaty or the more formal, The Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany, the two nations, with a common people, were unified once again.
Now 21 years later the one German nation continues to thrive. Even as the largest economy in the European Union, the country continues to have growing pains. Then again what is one to expect from a country that is only twenty one years old?
Congratulations to all my Friends and Family in Germany. Keep up the good work as there is a long, hard road ahead but as we did it during the Cold War to get to this place and time, you will carry on to ensure a lasting peace well into the future.
As always you can read this blog post in its original location at
Here are some Technorati Tags: • Day of German Unity • Deutschen Einheit • Federal Republic of Germany • Deutsche Demokratische Republik • FRG • DDR • November 9, 1989 • October 3, 1990 • West Berlin • East Berlin • Berlin Wall • Iron Curtain • Dave Guerra • Leadership • Leading • Leadership Development • Professional Development • Lead, Follow, or Get out of the way • Ready, Fire, Aim! • If it aint broke, break it. • Hire Crazies • Ask dumb questions • Pursue failure • Spread Confusion • Ditch Your Office • Read Odd Stuff • Avoid Moderation • Higher, Admire, Desire, Require, Satire, Inquire, On Fire, All Possible Scenarios • Give to the American Red Cross • Hire A Hero
Once the Second World War was over and the victorious allies (US, UK, USSR, & FRANCE) moved in to claim the spoils of war and to begin rebuilding Europe in their image. The only problem is that no one could really decide in whose image Europe was to be rebuilt in. So a line was drawn right down the middle of Germany and it extended beyond the borders and throughout Europe. On the Western side of that line was Democracy and Freedom and on the Eastern side was Communism, Suspicion, Rhetorical Speeches, and Oppression. However, on both sides of that line were rows and rows of soldiers, tanks, airplanes, and bombs, both conventional and nuclear.
For almost 45 years, the country of Germany was not only divided but occupied by those that broke the back of the “thousand year” Reich. During that time tensions all over Europe were high. Brinksmanship became a new word in the Cold War dictionary. It was East versus West, move and counter-move, point and counterpoint, spy versus spy, and the men and women at all levels of all governments did what they could, on a daily basis, to ensure that those "99 Red Balloons" never went up.
When the Berlin Wall went up in 1961 things became even more desperate and impassioned, what was once a simple walk across the street quickly became a mad dash between life and death. Those in the East found themselves trapped behind wires, machine guns, and towers with beams of light. They knew that deep inside it was fundamentally wrong to keep people down, it was wrong to keep them from living a life that allowed for basic human rights and freedoms. People on both sides of the Iron Curtain knew it was wrong. That did not stop those in the East from trying to escape the oppression of the Communist Regimes that littered the Eastern European countryside. While many managed to escape some did not. Some were made to die where they were shot only to serve as a horrific reminder to the entire world as to who as in-charge and to what lengths governments would go to impose its will on its citizens.
Then as things started again to look their darkest, a small tide of change was starting to form in Moscow, when a new General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union was announced. Mikhail Gorbachev brought to the forefront a new way of thinking, living, and (hopefully) thriving: Glasnost and Perestroika (Openness and Restructuring). By having the vision to recognize that as time is changing, the Communist system must change otherwise face implosion because the world changed and the Soviet Union stood by idly wondering why. This spark of change slowly spread throughout Eastern Europe however it did not take the form of Government sponsored or sanctioned reforms.
Quite the contrary, the people saw opportunities to take advantage of some of those Moscow backed changes and use them against their governments. In Poland, the Solidarity Trade Union was born and with it a new name became the face of the Anti-Communist Movement: Lech Walesa. Here was a simple shipyard worker that was now as common as President Ronald Reagan and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. The seed was planted and it was starting to take roots and spread.
Even the Catholic Church got in on the act when in October of 1978 the church leaders elected Polish Bishop of Krakow Karol Józef Wojtyła as the head of the Roman Catholic Church who took the name of Pope John Paul II. It was this Polish Pope who is credited as being the spiritual inspiration for the downfall of the Communism in Eastern Europe.
As the late 1980s began, other loopholes in the system were being discovered and exploited. The economies of Communist Bloc nations were being taxed in the sense that it was becoming increasingly difficult to stay in the black as their economic output was greater than the income that was being generated. Something had to happen before the DDR and other eastern nations went bankrupt. Food, materials, basic supply shortages were starting to become commonplace. Thus in desolation and frustration, the hungry made their stand when they would stand for no more. The East Germans were the most obvious when it came to having the hunger, the longing in that they had a common history with their brothers and sisters on the other side of the Berlin Wall. Throughout the summer of 1989 East German citizens found their way to Hungary and into Austria by a hole in the Iron Curtain. Then what started as a trickling stream turned into a flood of humanity. The flow of people out of East Germany was starting to tax not only the Eastern Bloc countries that were acting as way-stations but also East and West Germany. East Germany was having a brain drain the likes of which it had not seen since before the wall went up. West Germany was having difficulty processing and assimilating those new comers into West German society, it was not for lack of trying it was due to the sheer number of East Germans transitioning to the west.
Then in early November 1989, the DDR’s leadership met to discuss the question of the emigrating citizens to the West. On November 9, 1989 through a slight error when the announcement regarding when modified travel restrictions between the DDR and FRG were to take effect, the Berlin Wall fell.
Seizing the moment and the opportunity the Federal Republic of Germany and its western allies, US, UK, and France, moved quickly towards unification of the German nation and people and with the work of the politicians, diplomats, and the people (through popular vote) the process was underway. Then with the signing of the Two plus Four Treaty or the more formal, The Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany, the two nations, with a common people, were unified once again.
Now 21 years later the one German nation continues to thrive. Even as the largest economy in the European Union, the country continues to have growing pains. Then again what is one to expect from a country that is only twenty one years old?
Congratulations to all my Friends and Family in Germany. Keep up the good work as there is a long, hard road ahead but as we did it during the Cold War to get to this place and time, you will carry on to ensure a lasting peace well into the future.
As always you can read this blog post in its original location at
Here are some Technorati Tags: • Day of German Unity • Deutschen Einheit • Federal Republic of Germany • Deutsche Demokratische Republik • FRG • DDR • November 9, 1989 • October 3, 1990 • West Berlin • East Berlin • Berlin Wall • Iron Curtain • Dave Guerra • Leadership • Leading • Leadership Development • Professional Development • Lead, Follow, or Get out of the way • Ready, Fire, Aim! • If it aint broke, break it. • Hire Crazies • Ask dumb questions • Pursue failure • Spread Confusion • Ditch Your Office • Read Odd Stuff • Avoid Moderation • Higher, Admire, Desire, Require, Satire, Inquire, On Fire, All Possible Scenarios • Give to the American Red Cross • Hire A Hero
31 August 2011
Embrace Those That Lift You Up and Ignore Those That Bring You Down
You can stand there and try to justify your existence to those that bring you down but at the end of the day, they are just going to continue to drag you down to that dark, bottomless, heartless, soulless, lonely, ugly, pit of hell they seem to find themselves living in.
You can seek out and join those that openly and without expectation of something in return will go out of their way to lift you up to a higher and better place.
...the choice is obvious
As always you can read this blog post in its original location at
Here are some Technorati Tags: • Choices • Wise Decisions • Embrace the Positive • Ignore the negatives • Dave Guerra • Leadership • Leading • Leadership Development • Professional Development • Lead, Follow, or Get out of the way • Ready, Fire, Aim! • If it ain't broke, break it. • Hire Crazies • Ask dumb questions • Pursue failure • Spread Confusion • Ditch Your Office • Read Odd Stuff • Avoid Moderation • Higher, Admire, Desire, Require, Satire, Inquire, On Fire, All Possible Scenarios • Give to the American Red Cross • Hire A Hero
You can seek out and join those that openly and without expectation of something in return will go out of their way to lift you up to a higher and better place.
...the choice is obvious
As always you can read this blog post in its original location at
Here are some Technorati Tags: • Choices • Wise Decisions • Embrace the Positive • Ignore the negatives • Dave Guerra • Leadership • Leading • Leadership Development • Professional Development • Lead, Follow, or Get out of the way • Ready, Fire, Aim! • If it ain't broke, break it. • Hire Crazies • Ask dumb questions • Pursue failure • Spread Confusion • Ditch Your Office • Read Odd Stuff • Avoid Moderation • Higher, Admire, Desire, Require, Satire, Inquire, On Fire, All Possible Scenarios • Give to the American Red Cross • Hire A Hero
27 August 2011
Another Word (or Two) About Mediocrity
Some time back I wrote about Mediocrity and how it is the most average thing someone can do.
Thus, it is time to revisit this whole "mediocrity" thing. Things get average all the time, all things that are done over and over become average thus we become average. Let's say that you and I are All-Star Baseball Players and we are the current Home Run leaders in Major League Baseball. We've been hitting a Home Run at least once per game. However, we are no longer excited. The fans are but for us it is has become the same old, same old. It has become average and we have become mediocre/complacent in that what we are doing is no big deal.
How can we claim we have become mediocre or average? Well, it is something like that question of being in a car that is traveling at the speed of light and you turn on the headlights. Do they work? The answer is Yes and No.
It's like this: to the observer we are doing something spectacular. We are hitting one home run per game and in a 162 game season that is a lot of home runs and that makes it a remarkable streak. To the participants, us, hitting those home runs has become routine, average, and mediocre.
Thus the answer to the headlight question: to the observer the lights do not appear to come on, to the participant they turn on every time. The observer sees something that has approached the speed of light and moved beyond it and can only see the spectacular event unfolding in front of him. The participant sees everything including the headlights turning on as if not even remotely affected by the spectacular event that is taking place.
In the case of the car and its headlights, it is all about perspective. In the case of the home run hitters (You and Me) it is about doing what we can do to go one step further, to go beyond what we are used to. To break out beyond the mediocrity. To hit two or more home runs in every game we play (now that would certainly make things exciting).
There comes a time when an individual sees that there has to be more, more to living than just going through the motions and becoming complacent with life and all that we have at this moment. It is at point that the little light bulb flickers on over your head and the realization that something needs to happen. Something needs to change! That change will only happen with the first step and that is to recognize that change has to happen now, not later. If you put it off until later then I can all but promise you it will never happen.
So if you find yourself just like me then it is time for a change. Time to make things happen is right now, right here, at this very moment. Time to quit talking and start doing. The time for planning is over. Time to start hitting more home runs is now.
So start making that change happen because one thing is certain change is not going to change itself.
As always you can read this blog post in its original location at
Here are some Technorati Tags: • Mediocrity • Change • Complacent • Time • Dave Guerra • Leadership • Leading • Leadership Development • Professional Development • Lead, Follow, or Get out of the way • Ready, Fire, Aim! • If it ain't broke, break it. • Hire Crazies • Ask Dumb Questions • Pursue Failure • Spread Confusion • Ditch Your Office • Read Odd Stuff • Avoid Moderation • Higher, Admire, Desire, Require, Satire, Inquire, On Fire, All Possible Scenarios • Give to the American Red Cross • Hire A Hero • Support the Armed Services Blood Program
Thus, it is time to revisit this whole "mediocrity" thing. Things get average all the time, all things that are done over and over become average thus we become average. Let's say that you and I are All-Star Baseball Players and we are the current Home Run leaders in Major League Baseball. We've been hitting a Home Run at least once per game. However, we are no longer excited. The fans are but for us it is has become the same old, same old. It has become average and we have become mediocre/complacent in that what we are doing is no big deal.
How can we claim we have become mediocre or average? Well, it is something like that question of being in a car that is traveling at the speed of light and you turn on the headlights. Do they work? The answer is Yes and No.
It's like this: to the observer we are doing something spectacular. We are hitting one home run per game and in a 162 game season that is a lot of home runs and that makes it a remarkable streak. To the participants, us, hitting those home runs has become routine, average, and mediocre.
Thus the answer to the headlight question: to the observer the lights do not appear to come on, to the participant they turn on every time. The observer sees something that has approached the speed of light and moved beyond it and can only see the spectacular event unfolding in front of him. The participant sees everything including the headlights turning on as if not even remotely affected by the spectacular event that is taking place.
In the case of the car and its headlights, it is all about perspective. In the case of the home run hitters (You and Me) it is about doing what we can do to go one step further, to go beyond what we are used to. To break out beyond the mediocrity. To hit two or more home runs in every game we play (now that would certainly make things exciting).
There comes a time when an individual sees that there has to be more, more to living than just going through the motions and becoming complacent with life and all that we have at this moment. It is at point that the little light bulb flickers on over your head and the realization that something needs to happen. Something needs to change! That change will only happen with the first step and that is to recognize that change has to happen now, not later. If you put it off until later then I can all but promise you it will never happen.
So if you find yourself just like me then it is time for a change. Time to make things happen is right now, right here, at this very moment. Time to quit talking and start doing. The time for planning is over. Time to start hitting more home runs is now.
So start making that change happen because one thing is certain change is not going to change itself.
As always you can read this blog post in its original location at
Here are some Technorati Tags: • Mediocrity • Change • Complacent • Time • Dave Guerra • Leadership • Leading • Leadership Development • Professional Development • Lead, Follow, or Get out of the way • Ready, Fire, Aim! • If it ain't broke, break it. • Hire Crazies • Ask Dumb Questions • Pursue Failure • Spread Confusion • Ditch Your Office • Read Odd Stuff • Avoid Moderation • Higher, Admire, Desire, Require, Satire, Inquire, On Fire, All Possible Scenarios • Give to the American Red Cross • Hire A Hero • Support the Armed Services Blood Program
18 August 2011
Mein Morgen….
Guten Morgen (German for Good Morning). I was reading something about what people do in the morning. Their morning routine and how what we do as part of the morning routine sets the mood and tone for the rest of the day. After reading the article I got to thinking about my morning routine and I concur with the findings. On those mornings that I do everything that I planned on doing it is a great day. Then on those mornings where I do all but one (or more) the day isn’t as great as it could be. Then there are those mornings when I have one or two things to do and I get them done, the day is, also, not as great. The way I see it, is that I could be doing more and don’t.
For me, the morning routine ends at around 8:00 but it begins around 5:30. I typically get up after hitting the snooze button one time (yes just once). Then get my gear on to hit the road. In this case, hitting the road means running as I am currently working on a 10K prep program for a race in February 2012. It is around this time that I take a photo of the day’s sunrise to share with friends and family. Then make coffee and two hard-boiled eggs (eaten sans yolk). Of course, there are mornings when there are more things to do that are more work related. But for the most part that’s about it, the core of my morning routine.
When I press the snooze button more that three times then all bets are off. When it is raining, the road has to wait. When I am out of coffee then you can rest assured that it will be a very bad day. As any one of the things that I fail to do will certainly lead to a less than spectacular day I try to do them all...everyday. When those days that I don’t get things done, the guilt (which I guess is a good thing as it means that I do care) drives the day.
What is your morning routine and how does it drive your day? Because Mein Morgen is my morning and it's alright.
As always you can read this blog post in its original location at
Here are some Technorati Tags: • • Morning Routine • Morning • Have A Great Day • Dave Guerra • Leadership • Leading • Leadership Development • Professional Development • Lead, Follow, or Get out of the way • Ready, Fire, Aim! • If it aint broke, break it. • Hire Crazies • Ask dumb questions • Pursue failure • Spread Confusion • Ditch Your Office • Read Odd Stuff • Avoid Moderation
• Higher, Admire, Desire, Require, Satire, Inquire, On Fire, All Possible Scenarios • Give to the American Red Cross • Hire A Hero
For me, the morning routine ends at around 8:00 but it begins around 5:30. I typically get up after hitting the snooze button one time (yes just once). Then get my gear on to hit the road. In this case, hitting the road means running as I am currently working on a 10K prep program for a race in February 2012. It is around this time that I take a photo of the day’s sunrise to share with friends and family. Then make coffee and two hard-boiled eggs (eaten sans yolk). Of course, there are mornings when there are more things to do that are more work related. But for the most part that’s about it, the core of my morning routine.
When I press the snooze button more that three times then all bets are off. When it is raining, the road has to wait. When I am out of coffee then you can rest assured that it will be a very bad day. As any one of the things that I fail to do will certainly lead to a less than spectacular day I try to do them all...everyday. When those days that I don’t get things done, the guilt (which I guess is a good thing as it means that I do care) drives the day.
What is your morning routine and how does it drive your day? Because Mein Morgen is my morning and it's alright.
As always you can read this blog post in its original location at
Here are some Technorati Tags: • • Morning Routine • Morning • Have A Great Day • Dave Guerra • Leadership • Leading • Leadership Development • Professional Development • Lead, Follow, or Get out of the way • Ready, Fire, Aim! • If it aint broke, break it. • Hire Crazies • Ask dumb questions • Pursue failure • Spread Confusion • Ditch Your Office • Read Odd Stuff • Avoid Moderation
• Higher, Admire, Desire, Require, Satire, Inquire, On Fire, All Possible Scenarios • Give to the American Red Cross • Hire A Hero
11 August 2011
I said it before and I'll say it again
17 July 2011
It's Your Time To Lose
Last Friday, I had lunch with some old co-workers. It was great seeing them again, it had been long overdue. As lunch progressed we caught up on old times, how things are going today, and about the recent changes that the organization has been going through were affecting everyone.
Like many organizations recently, my former workplace has been undergoing a change that involves closing of facilities, reduction in (work)force (RIF), and budget cutbacks to name a few. My friends were telling me about how throughout the organization there were some individuals that had been with the org for a very long time. During the conversation, my friends were telling me that they were sent to one of the locations, that is scheduled to close, to help with the draw-down of equipment, records, and personnel all of which comes to a conclusion by end of August.
The added that while they were are the closing location they met a man that was worried about his future. They told that he said that he had given the organization over 20 years of dedicated service and they let him go just like that. He went on to say that no one wants to hire an "old man" who only worked in supply his entire career with the organization. My friends said that they were really upset about his situation and wished they could do something.
I took it all in and told both of them to not feel bad about this individual. Here this guy had twenty years of good solid work but what did he do with those twenty years? Did he go and get himself an education? Did he go get certified in something that would make him a valuable enough asset that the organization would find a place for him? Did he decide to do something with his time other than off at 5:00 PM and home by 5:05 PM, no work on Saturday and Sunday, enjoy the holidays and major holidays off, and above all did he sit there and collect a paycheck? I could see their jaws hit the floor.
I said that I was not trying to be mean nor sound like I was the most heartless, ruthless, cold-blooded individual this side of Ebenezer Scrooge but I cannot feel sorry for someone who would rather sit there as an organization takes over 8 years to get to this point and then have the nerve to ask "What happened?" or better still with 20+ years of opportunity to better his place in life have the gall to say "Please feel sorry for me, look at what the man went and did to me. Put me out on the street so they could save some money."
Well buddy, if in 20 years you couldn't do something to better yourself, then the organization was well overdue to save some money.
Fair warning to everyone: The writing is on the wall and times are constantly changing. If you are not ready for when the hammer falls, there is no one to blame but yourself (and ONLY YOURSELF).
As always you can read this blog post in its original location at
Here are some Technorati Tags: • Economy • Times Are Tough • Keepin' your head above water • Temporary lay offs • Easy credit rip-offs • Ain't we lucky we got them • Dave Guerra • Leadership • Leading • Leadership Development • Professional Development • Lead, Follow, or Get out of the way • Ready, Fire, Aim! • If it ain't broke, break it. • Hire Crazies • Ask dumb questions • Pursue Failure • Spread Confusion • Ditch Your Office • Read Odd Stuff • Avoid Moderation • Higher, Admire, Desire, Require, Satire, Inquire, On Fire, All Possible Scenarios • Give to the American Red Cross • Hire A Hero
Like many organizations recently, my former workplace has been undergoing a change that involves closing of facilities, reduction in (work)force (RIF), and budget cutbacks to name a few. My friends were telling me about how throughout the organization there were some individuals that had been with the org for a very long time. During the conversation, my friends were telling me that they were sent to one of the locations, that is scheduled to close, to help with the draw-down of equipment, records, and personnel all of which comes to a conclusion by end of August.
The added that while they were are the closing location they met a man that was worried about his future. They told that he said that he had given the organization over 20 years of dedicated service and they let him go just like that. He went on to say that no one wants to hire an "old man" who only worked in supply his entire career with the organization. My friends said that they were really upset about his situation and wished they could do something.
I took it all in and told both of them to not feel bad about this individual. Here this guy had twenty years of good solid work but what did he do with those twenty years? Did he go and get himself an education? Did he go get certified in something that would make him a valuable enough asset that the organization would find a place for him? Did he decide to do something with his time other than off at 5:00 PM and home by 5:05 PM, no work on Saturday and Sunday, enjoy the holidays and major holidays off, and above all did he sit there and collect a paycheck? I could see their jaws hit the floor.
I said that I was not trying to be mean nor sound like I was the most heartless, ruthless, cold-blooded individual this side of Ebenezer Scrooge but I cannot feel sorry for someone who would rather sit there as an organization takes over 8 years to get to this point and then have the nerve to ask "What happened?" or better still with 20+ years of opportunity to better his place in life have the gall to say "Please feel sorry for me, look at what the man went and did to me. Put me out on the street so they could save some money."
Well buddy, if in 20 years you couldn't do something to better yourself, then the organization was well overdue to save some money.
Fair warning to everyone: The writing is on the wall and times are constantly changing. If you are not ready for when the hammer falls, there is no one to blame but yourself (and ONLY YOURSELF).
As always you can read this blog post in its original location at
Here are some Technorati Tags: • Economy • Times Are Tough • Keepin' your head above water • Temporary lay offs • Easy credit rip-offs • Ain't we lucky we got them • Dave Guerra • Leadership • Leading • Leadership Development • Professional Development • Lead, Follow, or Get out of the way • Ready, Fire, Aim! • If it ain't broke, break it. • Hire Crazies • Ask dumb questions • Pursue Failure • Spread Confusion • Ditch Your Office • Read Odd Stuff • Avoid Moderation • Higher, Admire, Desire, Require, Satire, Inquire, On Fire, All Possible Scenarios • Give to the American Red Cross • Hire A Hero
16 July 2011
Summer of Change: Friends
Greetings fellow space travelers, yet again. Time for another post. Sticking with the Summer of Change theme, this time I will talk about Friends. We all have them. Some have many, some have a few, some have just one that stands above all and some have many that they can summon with just one call. No matter how many or how few the reality is that we all need friends and they need us.
John Lennon & Paul McCartney were the best of friends and out of that friendship some of the greatest music the world has ever known was born. While many of us will never have the kind of relationship that John and Paul had, in that with one of their simple conversations a timeless classic was born. We may come close but really there will never be another Lennon-McCartney duo.
However, that does not mean that every friendship is doomed. Not by a long shot, what it means is that friendships don’t start off as Musical History making machines. They start off as all friendships do and that is getting to know each other. They start off knowing that friendships are based on give and take. They grow and become greater than the sum of their parts because all parties recognize that in order to have a successful friendship/relationship both have to give and take. You could call it a dialogue, a two-way conversation. A friendship or any relationship for that matter cannot grow and sustain growth when the conversation is always one sided, always a monologue. One person gives while all that the other person does is take. Yeah, that’s not so good.
Thus here we are, at the point where pen meets paper, where the rubber meets the road, where steel and target become one. We are at the point when many of us don’t want to realize it but it must be done (and it can be done) that is seeing who our “friends” are and who are our Friends. Getting to the point and making that hard decision when it comes to realizing that there are some people in our lives that are there to only use us as sounding boards, to bitch, moan and complain about their lives and how bad things are with them. Then when it is your turn to bitch and moan they could care less.
Is that Right?
It is, if you like being stepped on and having other people wipe their feet all over you (basically if you like being treated like a door mat then I guess that’s good thing).
Most people will say “No! It is not a good thing” however many people will not do something about it?
All of us have those kind of people in our lives. Some we have because will like the misery, some we have because we feel we can help, and some we have because they got dumped on us by some other friend.
So what do we do? What can we do?
Personally, you need to decide whether having that friend is right for you?
I mean if that individual, the one that is constantly dumping his or her problems on you but NOT there for you, is someone that can elevate your social standing, really worth keeping??? Here is a big clue: IT IS 2011! and you can elevate your own social standing with little to no problem. This is the age of Social Media and the age of being his/her friend because he/she is "so-and-so" is OVER!!! That’s right my friends "name dropping" is so 1996 and it is so OVER.
Now ask yourself AGAIN, do you really need that individual in your life?
Now, on the other side of the friendship file what are you doing to foster the relationship with those individuals that you will drop everything you are doing to be by their side because you know they will do the same for you (without hesitation)?
What about them?
I am Guilty as charged. In the past I have done that to friends and it has cost me, dearly. Though I am not happy about it and I may never get those friendships/relationships back I am certain that whether or not they come back I will not do it to another REAL, TRUE friend. They deserve that.
Right now, I have the people that I want in my inner circle, my sphere of influence if you will. My sphere of concern is always expanding, it is ever changing, it is dynamic and one day, some of those that are in the sphere of concern will move into my sphere of influence. Why? Because I will work hard at building those relationships and they deserve it as well.
How does the Summer of Change come into play here?
• We all need friends.
• We all need two-way conversations
• We need giving and taking.
• We do not need to part of All Giving and No Taking Relationships
• We need people that we can be there for
• We need people that will be there for us
How do I/You make it happen?
• Re-evaluate all my relationships and friendships
• Salvage what can be salvaged
• Strengthen what is weak
• Take strength and Energy AWAY from a Draining, One-Sided, non-Mutually Beneficial relationships
• DEFINITELY Cut the ties that bind me to those relationships that are
- not about dialogue
- not about sharing
- not about being there for each other
- not about TRUE Friendship
Above all, always remember to quickly identify those that are only in it for themselves and set them adrift, quickly, don’t worry they will find some other port to land at. Hopefully, those at the new port will also see them for who they are and set them floating down stream as well.
What happens after I cut those ties that bind?
A couple of paragraphs ago I wrote about Social Media and name-dropping. If you fear that you will be alone and isolated, here is where you can try using social media to your advantage.
Be yourself and you will find people that share YOUR interests will start to gravitate towards you. If you find yourself a student of 16th Century French Poetry, find a Blog or start your on the subject. Find an online group/community to join or start your own. Put yourself out there and before you know it, you will be surrounded with people that not only like you but also genuinely care about you and you about them. Then once you have them make time for them, real time!
Good Luck with your Summer of Change.
As always you can read this blog post in its original location at
Here are some Technorati Tags: • Dave Guerra
• Leadership • Leading • Leadership Development • Professional Development • Lead, Follow, or Get out of the way • John Lennon • Paul McCartney • Friends • Summer of Change • Sphere of Influence • Sphere of Concern • Real People • two-way exchange • people using people is bad • Give to the American Red Cross • Hire A Hero
John Lennon & Paul McCartney were the best of friends and out of that friendship some of the greatest music the world has ever known was born. While many of us will never have the kind of relationship that John and Paul had, in that with one of their simple conversations a timeless classic was born. We may come close but really there will never be another Lennon-McCartney duo.
However, that does not mean that every friendship is doomed. Not by a long shot, what it means is that friendships don’t start off as Musical History making machines. They start off as all friendships do and that is getting to know each other. They start off knowing that friendships are based on give and take. They grow and become greater than the sum of their parts because all parties recognize that in order to have a successful friendship/relationship both have to give and take. You could call it a dialogue, a two-way conversation. A friendship or any relationship for that matter cannot grow and sustain growth when the conversation is always one sided, always a monologue. One person gives while all that the other person does is take. Yeah, that’s not so good.
Thus here we are, at the point where pen meets paper, where the rubber meets the road, where steel and target become one. We are at the point when many of us don’t want to realize it but it must be done (and it can be done) that is seeing who our “friends” are and who are our Friends. Getting to the point and making that hard decision when it comes to realizing that there are some people in our lives that are there to only use us as sounding boards, to bitch, moan and complain about their lives and how bad things are with them. Then when it is your turn to bitch and moan they could care less.
Is that Right?
It is, if you like being stepped on and having other people wipe their feet all over you (basically if you like being treated like a door mat then I guess that’s good thing).
Most people will say “No! It is not a good thing” however many people will not do something about it?
All of us have those kind of people in our lives. Some we have because will like the misery, some we have because we feel we can help, and some we have because they got dumped on us by some other friend.
So what do we do? What can we do?
Personally, you need to decide whether having that friend is right for you?
I mean if that individual, the one that is constantly dumping his or her problems on you but NOT there for you, is someone that can elevate your social standing, really worth keeping??? Here is a big clue: IT IS 2011! and you can elevate your own social standing with little to no problem. This is the age of Social Media and the age of being his/her friend because he/she is "so-and-so" is OVER!!! That’s right my friends "name dropping" is so 1996 and it is so OVER.
Now ask yourself AGAIN, do you really need that individual in your life?
Now, on the other side of the friendship file what are you doing to foster the relationship with those individuals that you will drop everything you are doing to be by their side because you know they will do the same for you (without hesitation)?
What about them?
I am Guilty as charged. In the past I have done that to friends and it has cost me, dearly. Though I am not happy about it and I may never get those friendships/relationships back I am certain that whether or not they come back I will not do it to another REAL, TRUE friend. They deserve that.
Right now, I have the people that I want in my inner circle, my sphere of influence if you will. My sphere of concern is always expanding, it is ever changing, it is dynamic and one day, some of those that are in the sphere of concern will move into my sphere of influence. Why? Because I will work hard at building those relationships and they deserve it as well.
How does the Summer of Change come into play here?
• We all need friends.
• We all need two-way conversations
• We need giving and taking.
• We do not need to part of All Giving and No Taking Relationships
• We need people that we can be there for
• We need people that will be there for us
How do I/You make it happen?
• Re-evaluate all my relationships and friendships
• Salvage what can be salvaged
• Strengthen what is weak
• Take strength and Energy AWAY from a Draining, One-Sided, non-Mutually Beneficial relationships
• DEFINITELY Cut the ties that bind me to those relationships that are
- not about dialogue
- not about sharing
- not about being there for each other
- not about TRUE Friendship
Above all, always remember to quickly identify those that are only in it for themselves and set them adrift, quickly, don’t worry they will find some other port to land at. Hopefully, those at the new port will also see them for who they are and set them floating down stream as well.
What happens after I cut those ties that bind?
A couple of paragraphs ago I wrote about Social Media and name-dropping. If you fear that you will be alone and isolated, here is where you can try using social media to your advantage.
Be yourself and you will find people that share YOUR interests will start to gravitate towards you. If you find yourself a student of 16th Century French Poetry, find a Blog or start your on the subject. Find an online group/community to join or start your own. Put yourself out there and before you know it, you will be surrounded with people that not only like you but also genuinely care about you and you about them. Then once you have them make time for them, real time!
Good Luck with your Summer of Change.
As always you can read this blog post in its original location at
Here are some Technorati Tags: • Dave Guerra
• Leadership • Leading • Leadership Development • Professional Development • Lead, Follow, or Get out of the way • John Lennon • Paul McCartney • Friends • Summer of Change • Sphere of Influence • Sphere of Concern • Real People • two-way exchange • people using people is bad • Give to the American Red Cross • Hire A Hero
20 June 2011
Summer of Change: Simplify
Hello, again. Time for another post. Continuing with the Summer of Change, this time I am talking about Simplicity. Simplicity, as defined by Merriam-Webster, is the state of being simple, uncomplicated, or uncompounded. Really, life being simple, uncomplicated, uncompounded? Yeah right, easier said than done. But it can be done.
From almost birth, we have been conditioned to accept that change usually means things are going to get real complicated, real intense, real fast. Very seldom does change mean the opposite. Very seldom does change mean streamlining in the truest sense. Change comes in all shapes and sizes, in all forms or in all fashions. Change can be good and change can be bad (oh so very bad). Above all, Change is constant, fluid, and ever changing.
That being the case, change can be molded to fit any situation and any purpose. When it comes simplifying life, change is what you make it. We control how simple we want things to be. For example, if we are in a relationship that is not beneficial to BOTH parties then the simple thing to do is to change the situation. Change the relationship. Simply put make things less stressful, less difficult, less complicated and simpler.
Just like the squeaky wheel that gets the grease, instead of getting torn apart and rebuilt only to have the squeak return, taking the simplest approach is usually the most effective, most efficient, and ultimately, the most lasting change.
Now how does this apply to simplifying life and sustaining that simplicity? Simple, make that conscious effort to make simplicity and simplification part of your world. Seek out those things in your life that is “over-stuffed.” The stuff that is bursting at the seams with complexities and start slimming them down. A sort of “spring cleaning” if you will. Of course, as humans it is in our nature to break things down and build them up again (hopefully building back up with a different set of complexities), then only to recognize that we have to simplify that which has become complicated, yet again. That’s OK, there is no need for concern because it is expected. The concern should be taken if what is rebuilt starts to look exactly like what was just recently removed. Then you have the “moth to the flame” syndrome kicks in and that is just crazy. Silly people thinking that the same conditions will yield different results.
Remember, that every time you work towards simplification you are also working towards making your life less cumbersome. In the end, who needs to be lugging around all that complicated baggage? Seriously? Really! Who needs it?
From almost birth, we have been conditioned to accept that change usually means things are going to get real complicated, real intense, real fast. Very seldom does change mean the opposite. Very seldom does change mean streamlining in the truest sense. Change comes in all shapes and sizes, in all forms or in all fashions. Change can be good and change can be bad (oh so very bad). Above all, Change is constant, fluid, and ever changing.
That being the case, change can be molded to fit any situation and any purpose. When it comes simplifying life, change is what you make it. We control how simple we want things to be. For example, if we are in a relationship that is not beneficial to BOTH parties then the simple thing to do is to change the situation. Change the relationship. Simply put make things less stressful, less difficult, less complicated and simpler.
Just like the squeaky wheel that gets the grease, instead of getting torn apart and rebuilt only to have the squeak return, taking the simplest approach is usually the most effective, most efficient, and ultimately, the most lasting change.
Now how does this apply to simplifying life and sustaining that simplicity? Simple, make that conscious effort to make simplicity and simplification part of your world. Seek out those things in your life that is “over-stuffed.” The stuff that is bursting at the seams with complexities and start slimming them down. A sort of “spring cleaning” if you will. Of course, as humans it is in our nature to break things down and build them up again (hopefully building back up with a different set of complexities), then only to recognize that we have to simplify that which has become complicated, yet again. That’s OK, there is no need for concern because it is expected. The concern should be taken if what is rebuilt starts to look exactly like what was just recently removed. Then you have the “moth to the flame” syndrome kicks in and that is just crazy. Silly people thinking that the same conditions will yield different results.
Remember, that every time you work towards simplification you are also working towards making your life less cumbersome. In the end, who needs to be lugging around all that complicated baggage? Seriously? Really! Who needs it?
Here are some Technorati Tags: • Dave Guerra • Leadership • Leading • Leadership Development • Professional Development • Lead, Follow, or Get out of the way • Summer of Change • Simplify • Change • Simplification • Give to the American Red Cross • Hire A Hero
Daisy Photo Credit: KKIMPEL on FLICKR (
08 June 2011
Summer of Change: A New Perspective
With the frequency (or lack thereof) posting that I have been doing (thank the book for that one) I have decided to try something a little different. And because things are constantly changing and because I wouldn't want it any other way, I dedicated 2011 as the Year of Change and so far it has not let me down. However, I want to break it down even further and keep change moving and staying fluid, therefore let it be known that I am hereby declaring the summer of 2011 as the Summer of Change.
So to get things started I want to share with you the first of ten things that I believe are key to Change and embracing all it has to offer (and not just for the summer but for always).
Therefore, the first thing to consider is to adopt and adapt to A NEW Perspective. A New Perspective is at the top of the list or better yet the foundation for accepting change.
Walking through life with blinders on leaves little room for a seeing life through a new perspective let alone recognizing when a new opportunity is walking beside you. Casting those blinders off, you can see the world for what it is: wide and varied. You instantly start seeing a new perspective, as you have no choice.
It is at that point that we can see the blessing of family and friends. The little things in life that are no longer cloud by a self-imposed haze or short-sided or one-sided. Not only do we start seeing more of the world but also we start hearing more of the sounds of life. Instantly, we start experiencing new life and new experiences. At that moment, change has established a foothold and we are off and running.
Of course, there will be that moment when things change so fast that we want to put the blinders back on just as fast. Don’t do it, You can’t do it…like Pandora’s box once the spirits are out you can’t put them back in the box. Any attempt to fight it will be a moot point. So, don’t do it! Just roll with it! Start living in the now and less in the then.
A word of warning…
Living in the now does NOT mean replacing the blinders with rose-colored glasses. It means knowing to be aware of the dark side of things, the negative stuff. It is also what we are made of. People want to only see the good side of life and ignore the bad and there are others that only see the bad side and refuse to accept that there is good in everything. When it comes to accepting change it means, whether we like it or not, accepting the good AND the bad, the Light and the Dark, the Yin and the Yang. You get the picture: See the world for what it is (from all sides).
Once you start growing and cultivating your new perspective, it will become easier to weed out the bad and only let in the good. Deciding what can be removed and what can be added will become easier because you are seeing life in a whole new way. You are seeing that life is all around you and in the end, isn’t that what being happy with your life is all about?
Here are some Technorati Tags: • Dave Guerra • Leadership • Leading • Leadership Development • Professional Development • Lead, Follow, or Get out of the way • Change • A New Perspective • Give to the American Red Cross • Hire A Hero
So to get things started I want to share with you the first of ten things that I believe are key to Change and embracing all it has to offer (and not just for the summer but for always).
Therefore, the first thing to consider is to adopt and adapt to A NEW Perspective. A New Perspective is at the top of the list or better yet the foundation for accepting change.
Walking through life with blinders on leaves little room for a seeing life through a new perspective let alone recognizing when a new opportunity is walking beside you. Casting those blinders off, you can see the world for what it is: wide and varied. You instantly start seeing a new perspective, as you have no choice.
It is at that point that we can see the blessing of family and friends. The little things in life that are no longer cloud by a self-imposed haze or short-sided or one-sided. Not only do we start seeing more of the world but also we start hearing more of the sounds of life. Instantly, we start experiencing new life and new experiences. At that moment, change has established a foothold and we are off and running.
Of course, there will be that moment when things change so fast that we want to put the blinders back on just as fast. Don’t do it, You can’t do it…like Pandora’s box once the spirits are out you can’t put them back in the box. Any attempt to fight it will be a moot point. So, don’t do it! Just roll with it! Start living in the now and less in the then.
A word of warning…
Living in the now does NOT mean replacing the blinders with rose-colored glasses. It means knowing to be aware of the dark side of things, the negative stuff. It is also what we are made of. People want to only see the good side of life and ignore the bad and there are others that only see the bad side and refuse to accept that there is good in everything. When it comes to accepting change it means, whether we like it or not, accepting the good AND the bad, the Light and the Dark, the Yin and the Yang. You get the picture: See the world for what it is (from all sides).
Once you start growing and cultivating your new perspective, it will become easier to weed out the bad and only let in the good. Deciding what can be removed and what can be added will become easier because you are seeing life in a whole new way. You are seeing that life is all around you and in the end, isn’t that what being happy with your life is all about?
Here are some Technorati Tags: • Dave Guerra • Leadership • Leading • Leadership Development • Professional Development • Lead, Follow, or Get out of the way • Change • A New Perspective • Give to the American Red Cross • Hire A Hero
29 May 2011
Memorial Day 2011
Want to take a moment of your time to ask you to take a moment tomorrow and remember what is the reason for Memorial Day.
From the US Memorial Day dot org website (
"Memorial Day, originally called Decoration Day, is a day of remembrance for those who have died in our nation's service...Memorial Day was officially proclaimed on 5 May 1868 by General John Logan, national commander of the Grand Army of the Republic, in his General Order No. 11, and was first observed on 30 May 1868, when flowers were placed on the graves of Union and Confederate soldiers at Arlington National Cemetery."
Take a moment and remember all those that have paid the ultimate price as well as those that go in harm's way now. It is their sacrifice that allows us to enjoy the freedoms we have now.
Don't forget to fly the US Flag & Enjoy Your Day!
Here are some Technorati Tags: • Dave Guerra • Leadership • Leading • Leadership Development • Professional+Development • Lead, Follow, or Get out of the way • Memorial Day • 2011 • USA • Fly the Flag • Give to the American Red Cross • Hire A Hero
From the US Memorial Day dot org website (
"Memorial Day, originally called Decoration Day, is a day of remembrance for those who have died in our nation's service...Memorial Day was officially proclaimed on 5 May 1868 by General John Logan, national commander of the Grand Army of the Republic, in his General Order No. 11, and was first observed on 30 May 1868, when flowers were placed on the graves of Union and Confederate soldiers at Arlington National Cemetery."
Take a moment and remember all those that have paid the ultimate price as well as those that go in harm's way now. It is their sacrifice that allows us to enjoy the freedoms we have now.
Don't forget to fly the US Flag & Enjoy Your Day!
Here are some Technorati Tags: • Dave Guerra • Leadership • Leading • Leadership Development • Professional+Development • Lead, Follow, or Get out of the way • Memorial Day • 2011 • USA • Fly the Flag • Give to the American Red Cross • Hire A Hero
25 April 2011
April 2011
Lately, for some strange reason I have not wanted to blog. However, I did not want the month to go by without posting something (anything). Now don't get me wrong I have plenty to say whether people want to hear it or not, makes me no never-mind.
The lack of posting may be in part that lately the conversation has been taken to other platforms and while that may be a good thing, on those other platforms I am more apt to fire off quick responses or go off on tirade about some injustice in the world. While lately those tirades and rants have been on an issue, a very personal issue, that I know I am right about and others...well, are just CONFUSED.
As this month of April comes to an end, I am at an impasse when it comes to picking a topic to write about. Of course, this month has been such a target rich environment such as the NFL Knuckleheads worried about whether they get a bigger piece of the already multi-billion dollar size pie they are carving out slices out of or not, to the sleeping Air Traffic Controllers and their blatant disregard for human life, to my old pal, Donald Trump, thinking out loud about running for office. As you can see I just gave myself plenty of fodder for the month of May.
Please don’t think I have been resting on my laurels for the past month. Quite opposite, my “Book” project has been well underway and more focused than ever before. A word of warning, if prior to the start of 2011 you thought you heard me talk about a book…well this is not that book (I will get back to that one (soon)). Something else got a hold of me and it would not let go until I put it on paper, and well, let’s just say that by this time in May I should be ready to announce the title.
WOW!! Some 330 words later and while I didn’t say much, I managed to set myself up for the coming month quite "brilliantly"
Here are some Technorati Tags: • Dave Guerra • Leadership • Leading • Leadership Development • Professional Development • Lead, Follow, or Get out of the way • April 2011 • Donald Trump • Air Traffic Controllers • NFL Owners • NFL Players • Give to the American Red Cross • Hire A Hero
The lack of posting may be in part that lately the conversation has been taken to other platforms and while that may be a good thing, on those other platforms I am more apt to fire off quick responses or go off on tirade about some injustice in the world. While lately those tirades and rants have been on an issue, a very personal issue, that I know I am right about and others...well, are just CONFUSED.
As this month of April comes to an end, I am at an impasse when it comes to picking a topic to write about. Of course, this month has been such a target rich environment such as the NFL Knuckleheads worried about whether they get a bigger piece of the already multi-billion dollar size pie they are carving out slices out of or not, to the sleeping Air Traffic Controllers and their blatant disregard for human life, to my old pal, Donald Trump, thinking out loud about running for office. As you can see I just gave myself plenty of fodder for the month of May.
Please don’t think I have been resting on my laurels for the past month. Quite opposite, my “Book” project has been well underway and more focused than ever before. A word of warning, if prior to the start of 2011 you thought you heard me talk about a book…well this is not that book (I will get back to that one (soon)). Something else got a hold of me and it would not let go until I put it on paper, and well, let’s just say that by this time in May I should be ready to announce the title.
WOW!! Some 330 words later and while I didn’t say much, I managed to set myself up for the coming month quite "brilliantly"
Here are some Technorati Tags: • Dave Guerra • Leadership • Leading • Leadership Development • Professional Development • Lead, Follow, or Get out of the way • April 2011 • Donald Trump • Air Traffic Controllers • NFL Owners • NFL Players • Give to the American Red Cross • Hire A Hero
14 March 2011
Earthquake & Tsunami: What You Can Do
While the story continues to unfold in Japan there is something to remember: the humanitarian efforts are underway. At last count, resources from all over the planet are on their way to help on all aspects of recovery in the wake of last Friday's Tsunami and Earthquake. Working together, the world can help Japan get out from under the rubble and rebuild. That means all of us have to lend a hand or two to make it happen. How does one do this and WHAT CAN YOU DO?
Right now you can:
• Donate Money to the RED CROSS at and click on the DONATE FUNDS button.
• Donate your unique service or skill to the RED CROSS at and click on the VOLUNTEER YOUR TIME link.
• Give Blood. Donate your blood and help save lives at and click on the GIVE BLOOD link.
• Get TRAINED. Get training and become certified in CPR and/or FIRST AID and click on the TAKE A CLASS link.
Do this, the sooner the better. Please don't wait until it is too late.
Here are some Technorati Tags: • Dave Guerra • Leadership • Leading • Leadership Development • Professional Development • Lead, Follow, or Get out of the way • Donate Funds • Volunteer • Give Blood • Get Trained • Be Prepared • Do it now • Give to the American Red Cross • Hire A Hero
Right now you can:
• Donate Money to the RED CROSS at and click on the DONATE FUNDS button.
• Donate your unique service or skill to the RED CROSS at and click on the VOLUNTEER YOUR TIME link.
• Give Blood. Donate your blood and help save lives at and click on the GIVE BLOOD link.
• Get TRAINED. Get training and become certified in CPR and/or FIRST AID and click on the TAKE A CLASS link.
Do this, the sooner the better. Please don't wait until it is too late.
Here are some Technorati Tags: • Dave Guerra • Leadership • Leading • Leadership Development • Professional Development • Lead, Follow, or Get out of the way • Donate Funds • Volunteer • Give Blood • Get Trained • Be Prepared • Do it now • Give to the American Red Cross • Hire A Hero
08 March 2011
Going Up and Up, Where and When it falls no one knows!
I am more than certain that no one that I know has been living under a rock or with their head in the sand for the past several weeks. You have seen that the price of gasoline (and oil) has been skyrocketing higher, faster, and further than anything we have seen in the recent past. When will enough be enough? When will we put our foot down and say, "That's it!" It might not be so easy to bring this to a grinding halt.
Of course, a real life human drama is unfolding and the uncertainty of that human drama is what cannot be contained. Thus, inevitably, there are people and/or groups of people or organizations that are taking advantage of the uncertainty and that is what needs to be reigned in. Unfortunately, the chief culprits are the media and their reporting on what is going on. This past weekend I saw a news report that was far from fair as the reporter made certain that an oil port was highly referenced in the news story. Then the focus of the follow-on discussions with alleged “experts” becomes that of what to do about rising oil prices and what must be done now to drive down the prices.
This type of “news” reporting then causes the listeners/viewers to start worrying which creates fear and in the immortal words of Star War’s Jedi Master Yoda “Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.”
In all actuality, if right now the fighting was to stop and all would be good in the world the price of oil would climb before falling back to the prices we had before the Middle East’s Jasmine Revolution started. Why would it continue to climb?
The reason it would continue to climb is that it takes time to get the oil out of the ground and pouring into our gas tanks. Until the supply lines are fully restored the price is expected to climb. So while we all wish we could scream, at the top of our lungs, “I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!” in this case it will be counter-productive. No matter how loud we yell we’ll still be in the same place where we started off.
If this won’t help, then what?
At this time, there is no surefire remedy to the economic impact of a full tank of gas. However, there are some things you can do now to lighten that load. Begin small and a little will certainly go a long way:
• Buy a Fuel Efficient Car (most of us can’t do this at the drop of a hat, if you can then more power to you)
• Start a carpool and share in the misery. Seriously, it helps to minimize the hit to the pocket book when five people share the cost of a tank of gas.
• Minimize the trips to the grocery store or the local mega-lo-mart.
• If there is something you really need and a store is within a two mile walking distance, walk or ride a bike.
• Keep your tires inflated to the recommended
• Keep your vehicle tuned up
• Clean your car (a clean car means a lighter car and that means less stress to move the car)
• Start a garden (and eat what you grow)
One last thing to remember: When the crisis is over (they always end) please continue doing what you do now to save fuel because the next crisis is one bad dictator away (and there is always another crisis on the horizon).
Here are some Technorati Tags: • Dave Guerra • Leadership • Leading • Leadership Development • Professional Development • Lead, Follow, or Get out of the way • Gas Prices • Car • Automobile • Climbing prices • Human drama • Uncertain times • Motivate Yourself • Give to the American Red Cross • Hire A Hero
image courtesy: eschipul at used by Creative Commons licensing (
23 February 2011
What The Fairly OddParents Have to Say About Homework and Life

Recently, my son was watching the Nickelodeon cartoon "The Fairly OddParents" and something very interesting happened that caught my ear. If you don't have a 5 year old running around your house, then you might not have heard of this an animated series about the adventures of Timmy Turner and his fairy godparents named Cosmo and Wanda.
While I don't remember what exactly the episode was about but what caught my attention was something that OddParent Cosmo said to the show's hero, Timmy Turner. Cosmo passed out these priceless words of wisdom to Timmy: "DO YOUR HOMEWORK, WATCH YOUR STOCK PORTFOLIO, AND YOUR LIFE WILL BE OK!"
Now, I am not advocating you fire up your DVRs to catch those words of wisdom from Cosmo or Wanda but when those nuggets come at you, you better be ready.
...and Kids you better listen to what Cosmo and Wanda tell Timmy, they know what they're talking about. Of course, you can only watch Fairly Odd Parents after you do your homework (and with your parents permission).
Here are some Technorati Tags: • Dave Guerra • Leadership • Leading • Leadership Development • Professional Development • Lead, Follow, or Get out of the way • Words of Wisdom • The Fairly OddParents • Do Your Homework • Watch Your Stock Portfolio • Life Will Be OK • Cosmo • Wanda • Timmy Turner • Give to the American Red Cross • Hire A Hero
image of The Fairly OddParents is used without permission from Nickelodeon.
10 February 2011
When You Can't Say NO, What Is The Opposite Of Yes?
Have you ever been in a situation or asked to do something that you don't really want to do and you hesitate, flinch and say "YES" but deep down you know you want to say NO!!!
Every nerve and fiber of your being is SCREAMING at you to say NO!!!
But you do the opposite and say, "Yes" (and paint on something that half way passes for a smile on your face).
What do you do? You have to do it or be considered someone who does not keep their word or wishy-washy or worse still "passive-aggressive".
I once knew someone who had everything going for him in life. A wonderful career, a wonderful family, and above all, he had a wonderful support system in those friends and family that thought the world of him. But there was one flaw that no matter how hard he tried he could not hide. That flaw was his inability to say, No.
He would say Yes to many things that people asked of him to do and at first he would do what was asked of him. But as time went on he would be a "no-call, no-show" or feign and give the old faithful answer of "oh, was it yesterday?" and expect that everything would be alright. Well it wasn't.
Still my friend never caught on and that was starting to strain relationships. You could say it was getting harder and harder to be around my friend as people were getting tired of his half-hearted approach to following through with the expectations he was leaving people with.
At one point people stopped asking my friend for anything, as they knew what the answer was and what the result was going to be.
Then finally my friend reached out and needed something done. Well here was time for payback, give him a dose of his own medicine, he was going to get what was finally coming to him, as it was long overdue. Someone told him Yes they would do what he asked. When the big moment came the person that said Yes to my friend actually came through and completed the requested task.
At some point after the task was complete, may be it was guilt or naivety but my friend asked that person why did you help me?
The person replied, “Because you asked and I said Yes.”
"Oh...I thought you weren't going to show" was my friend's response.
"Why? Because you say Yes and don't show?"
Seizing the moment the person then asked, "Why do you say Yes when you really want to say No?"
My friend responded, "Because I want people to like me"
Just as the last word came from my friend's mouth, it was like you could see the light bulb turn on over my friend's head (he finally got it).
So remember, when you can't say NO, the Opposite of Yes will always be NO!
You are a big boy/girl and it is perfectly fine to say NO! People will certainly respect a person more that way than someone who is wishy-washy. People who respect you know that you respect them and that is certainly the best way to get and keep more true friends around for a very long time.
Something else to think about: Those people that don’t want to hear a NO from you are the exact same people that will tell you NO the moment you really need something from them.
Every nerve and fiber of your being is SCREAMING at you to say NO!!!
But you do the opposite and say, "Yes" (and paint on something that half way passes for a smile on your face).
What do you do? You have to do it or be considered someone who does not keep their word or wishy-washy or worse still "passive-aggressive".
I once knew someone who had everything going for him in life. A wonderful career, a wonderful family, and above all, he had a wonderful support system in those friends and family that thought the world of him. But there was one flaw that no matter how hard he tried he could not hide. That flaw was his inability to say, No.
He would say Yes to many things that people asked of him to do and at first he would do what was asked of him. But as time went on he would be a "no-call, no-show" or feign and give the old faithful answer of "oh, was it yesterday?" and expect that everything would be alright. Well it wasn't.
Still my friend never caught on and that was starting to strain relationships. You could say it was getting harder and harder to be around my friend as people were getting tired of his half-hearted approach to following through with the expectations he was leaving people with.
At one point people stopped asking my friend for anything, as they knew what the answer was and what the result was going to be.
Then finally my friend reached out and needed something done. Well here was time for payback, give him a dose of his own medicine, he was going to get what was finally coming to him, as it was long overdue. Someone told him Yes they would do what he asked. When the big moment came the person that said Yes to my friend actually came through and completed the requested task.
At some point after the task was complete, may be it was guilt or naivety but my friend asked that person why did you help me?
The person replied, “Because you asked and I said Yes.”
"Oh...I thought you weren't going to show" was my friend's response.
"Why? Because you say Yes and don't show?"
Seizing the moment the person then asked, "Why do you say Yes when you really want to say No?"
My friend responded, "Because I want people to like me"
Just as the last word came from my friend's mouth, it was like you could see the light bulb turn on over my friend's head (he finally got it).
So remember, when you can't say NO, the Opposite of Yes will always be NO!
You are a big boy/girl and it is perfectly fine to say NO! People will certainly respect a person more that way than someone who is wishy-washy. People who respect you know that you respect them and that is certainly the best way to get and keep more true friends around for a very long time.
Something else to think about: Those people that don’t want to hear a NO from you are the exact same people that will tell you NO the moment you really need something from them.
Here are some Technorati Tags: • Dave Guerra • Leadership • Leading • Leadership Development • Professional+Development • Lead, Follow, or Get out of the way • Don't Just Say Yes • You Can Say No • Say No • Say Yes • Say what you feel • Don't say what you think others want to hear • People like you for who you are • Friends Commit • Give to the American Red Cross
• Hire A Hero
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