Guten Morgen (German for Good Morning). I was reading something about what people do in the morning. Their morning routine and how what we do as part of the morning routine sets the mood and tone for the rest of the day. After reading the article I got to thinking about my morning routine and I concur with the findings. On those mornings that I do everything that I planned on doing it is a great day. Then on those mornings where I do all but one (or more) the day isn’t as great as it could be. Then there are those mornings when I have one or two things to do and I get them done, the day is, also, not as great. The way I see it, is that I could be doing more and don’t.
For me, the morning routine ends at around 8:00 but it begins around 5:30. I typically get up after hitting the snooze button one time (yes just once). Then get my gear on to hit the road. In this case, hitting the road means running as I am currently working on a 10K prep program for a race in February 2012. It is around this time that I take a photo of the day’s sunrise to share with friends and family. Then make coffee and two hard-boiled eggs (eaten sans yolk). Of course, there are mornings when there are more things to do that are more work related. But for the most part that’s about it, the core of my morning routine.
When I press the snooze button more that three times then all bets are off. When it is raining, the road has to wait. When I am out of coffee then you can rest assured that it will be a very bad day. As any one of the things that I fail to do will certainly lead to a less than spectacular day I try to do them all...everyday. When those days that I don’t get things done, the guilt (which I guess is a good thing as it means that I do care) drives the day.
What is your morning routine and how does it drive your day? Because Mein Morgen is my morning and it's alright.
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