Oh yes, I was psyched.
I could almost smell the aroma of roasting my own coffee beans. It was going to be wonderful, tasty, and above all it was going to be the "best part of waking up."
That is until I read the fine print. That's where the bottom fell out from underneath me: It can take up to 5-years before any good beans are produced. What? I had to commit 5 years to the care and maintenance of some plants that may or may not produce before I could pick my first coffee bean? What if the yield was not enough to make a single cup of coffee? How many more years would I have to wait?
The questions and the "What If's" started to pile up. There were more negatives than positives. This was not looking good and it seemed like I was destined to be a lifetime member of the "Grande Cinnamon Dolce Latte" Club. My dreams of breaking away from the corporate binds that tie were starting to fade with the morning sun.
Many times we find ourselves looking at something that promises to change our lives, even a little, but we quickly squash it when we realize just how difficult changing our lives will actually be to achieve.
Certainly for some people, driving up to the free standing box and screaming an order for coffee is a "fine and dandy" existence.
There are others, that wish there was an alternative but balk at the fact that the alternative will take dedication, time, and commitment.
Still there are others that have the DESIRE to break out of the "norm" and just go for it! These are the ones that are willing to take the steps to make that dedication, time, and commitment matter most and achieved the Desired Outcome.
Whether it is with a Kona plant or a new business venture or whatever they are going to make the time, put in the effort, and sustain that commitment to grow what needs to be grown. It can be a daunting task but if it is really worth the effort, none of that will matter. What will matter is that after careful thought, consideration, and a little planning the negatives were not so many and the positives, typically the end result, was far greater than anything else. This means that the desire to achieve the desired outcome is greater than everything else, especially the negative (or the downside of things).
Thus we can say when:
d + t + c >= D
...as dedication, time and commitment work together, in unison, and become greater than the DESIRE, then DESIRE is elevated to a greater status then, and only then, is the Desired Outcome achieved.
D → DO
What does this all mean?
It means that no matter what you this is easy or difficult is moot.
It means that ONLY through DEDICATION, TIME, & COMMITMENT can you achieve what you want. If what you want is that cup of fresh KONA coffee and you do not want to pay the corporate prices then time to pony up the D,T, and C.
I know I have to pony up as I pulled the trigger and ordered the Kona plants after I found the perfect spot to put all the plants that I will need in order to have several pots of coffee, (unfortunately) five years from now but it will be worth it.
As always you can read this blog post in its original location at http://daveguerra.blogspot.com
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