A few weeks ago, my daughter and I went on one of those Saltwater Fishing excursions out on the Gulf of Mexico. These fishing trips have become an annual event for her and me. Whether we catch fish or a cold or neither we always have a Great Time! We do some serious Daughter-Daddy bonding and this year was NO EXCEPTION.
However, isn't there always a HOWEVER when it comes to my posts?
I was left a little disappointed by the Customer Service/Business Side of the operation. The issue is that the Boat is a 50foot vessel. It has two decks but no one goes up there as all the fishing happens on first deck. The Wheel House is also on the second deck and it is big enough to hold the Captain and about three adults maximum.
Our first trip of the day was to take four (4) hours and it was going to be bay fishing at the Laguna Madre. Well we set sail at 8AM sharp and by 8:30 the hooks were in the water and the day was on. So Far So Good? Right?
Yes and No.
Yes, in that the day of fishing had begun. No in that there was a group of about eight individuals who were tying up the Captain and his crew at the back of the boat. Over the course of the next four hours, the Captain never once set foot to see how his passengers/customers/guests were doing at the front of the boat or the BOW in nautical terms. Yep, all the action was at the Stern and that's where they stayed. We did get a visit from the First Mate the ship's version of Gilligan or Little Buddy. He could not walk past us fast enough to get to the stern once again.
Seriously, Captain Lou (let's just call him Captain Lou) couldn't take five minutes from his busy schedule to ensure that everyone was SAFE, having a good time, or to do or say what he could to make certain we returned for more fun and fishing. For all we know Isaac the ship's bartender called in sick and Captain Lou was mixing Mai Tais on the Lido Deck while Gopher and Doc baited the hooks.
Aside from driving the boat to our next anchor point this guy must have spent more than 90% of his time and attention at the back of the boat. If memory serves me correct there were ten (10) of us on the Bow and there were about eight (8) fishing off the stern. I can't begin to stress enough just how much this guy was preoccupied with the back of the boat.
The time our Four Hour Tour had come to an end we managed to snag two trout, one catfish, and one complete Rod and Reel set and that was sweet. My daughter somehow managed to snag it off the bottom of the bay and that was a good thing (
see accompanying image).
As we made our way to get off the boat we had to go to the stern, there we finally got to see why Captain Lou and Gilligan were as giddy as little girls that they neglected their duties to their guests and possible paying customers. There was one individual, back there, who had one of those orange home improvement buckets FULL of fish. There were others who had stringers of fish. Well no wonder their experience was AWESOME! They were catching the fish.
I know, I know, some days you catch fish and some days you catch a cold. However, Captain Lou and his "little buddy" could have taken some time to talk to us and share their experiences on their waters and who knows we might not have had to stop, on the way home, for some "McFish." Don't get me wrong we had a GREAT TIME!!! It was the customer attention that was lacking and that made my business interaction experience as EH....OK?
Let's break this down:
Less than half of the passengers got a Stellar Experience and will most certainly be returning for more fun with the Skipper and Little Buddy.
MORE THAN HALF got near bottom of the barrel experience and are most certainly entertaining the idea of finding a different boat and captain for any future fishing excursions. I know I will
Folks, it breaks down to this: When you have a captive audience you have to the your very best to that 100% get the Stellar Experience because short of being stuck up in a Ferris wheel all these people paid GOOD MONEY to spend time out on the water. For the feeling at the end of the morning, over 50% might as well have been stuck up in the Ferris wheel. So don't forget that aside from an engine and wheel house, a boat has a Bow, a Stern, a Port, Starboard side and sometime people have business to conduct on that boat. Take care of everyone and not just the ones that are making you look good.
Thank you,
Dave Guerra
P.S. I do invite you to join the conversation and tell me what you are thinking.
As always you can read this blog post in its original location at
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