15 September 2014

About Teacher Effectiveness???


I was listening to a recent NPR story, "'Building A Better Teacher': Dissecting America's Education Culture" about how teachers teach here, in the USA, versus abroad.

You are probably thinking, "Oh, here he is with that Teacher thing gain!"

If you are thinking that, well, you got that right. If you are not thinking that, well YOU BETTER!

The report mentioned that there is a "pervasive idea" that Great Teachers are born and NOT made. Just as a Great Leader can be made, Great Teaches can be made. I guess the only ones that believe that Great Teachers are born are those that go out of their way to say they are Great Teachers yet do not have the qualifications (in real life) of a Great Teacher.

Personality & Charisma vs. Technique

The report mentions that while others may say that great teaching takes Personality and Charisma but in actuality, it is the Techniques that the Teacher uses that makes them great. Guess what? Someone had to teach that Teacher the techniques that work and how to make them work effectively. There you go, a Great Teacher is made. Great Teachers recognize that in order to be great they have to do everything they can to stay great. Seriously, who wants to be irrelevant?

The NPR report mentions in the U.S. there is "A CULTURE OF PRIVACY AROUND TEACHING" and how it is the opposite in countries like Japan. 

A Culture of Privacy around teaching? Really? 

In the United States, Teachers spend most of their workday surrounded by their students. Those young minds that, essentially, know nothing and cannot hold the teacher to a higher standard. Those students look to the teacher for answers and when the teacher needs a question answered whom does he or she turn to? No one. 

In the US workplace just like in the schools (elementary, middle school, & high school) there is the daily dash to the parking lot when the last school bell rings or the work whistle blows. No one wants to stick around and chit chat. No one wants to be late going home. Of course, there are those very few exceptions but how many are the exception?

Is Mentorship the answer?

Yes, Mentorship is one of the answers. Everyone needs a mentor and everyone needs to be a mentor to somebody. However, there are not enough mentors out there just like there is not enough teachers that truly believe they need to be mentors. Why is this? Why are people afraid to share and ask for help? Why do people say they need help but refuse to be helped, especially when it will directly affect their chosen vocation?

A Science of Teaching (or Becoming A Great Teacher)

It was nice to listen that the issue of Teacher Professional Development is something that others are thinking about and actively have on their mind. Just as in every profession, being a Teacher requires taking the initiative and staying up to date with the latest news, tips, techniques, and training when it comes to becoming a Better Great Teacher.

However, some (if not many) Teachers that want to be Great but firmly believe that they will become great ONLY if their Principal or District Administration wants them to become great. Otherwise, why bother? Why bother? If it was not for the love of teaching, why did you bother becoming a teacher? Seriously! 

Guess what? You have to do it on your own. If you wait for your Principal or the District to send you out to get some Seriously High-speed Important and Timely Training, it is not going to happen. You have to give them a reason to send you. You have do a little work on your own. Imagine that?

The real issue at hand is the need for Teachers to do what they can and must do to become better at their chosen profession. That way is to become lifelong learners and that means putting in the work. Putting in the work on your own.

There is no excuse for not honing your craft. Gain new skills and refine those techniques that have made you a Great Teacher and become the Greatest Teacher of them all. However, it begins with you and aren't the kids you teach worth it?

As a Parent, I know my kids are worth having the Best of the Best Teachers teach them.

Thank you for your time,
David Guerra

I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

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