31 October 2014


Folks, if it is so very simple, then why do so many people refuse to get it?

Your Character DEFINES you. Your character defines where you come from and who you come from. Your character is a direct reflection of those that have raised you and what you have been exposed to all your life.

However, all that is no excuse for what you do with your character.

Everyday, all of us face moral questions. It is our character that directly impacts how we decide to act on those moral questions.

Only you can decide how you want to answer the question.

Remember, they say "Character is doing the right thing when nobody is looking" but when you think no one is watching someone always is.

Thank you,
David Guerra

I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

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28 October 2014

About Customer Service and saying HOLD ON

Business Owners and Leaders, when it comes to customer service do you know what your staff are saying to your customers?

Are they telling people to "HOLD ON" instead of saying, "One moment, please."

Are they coming across as rude and crude every time there is a customer interaction?

If they are doing and saying that to your customers are you OK with that?

You better not be.

Trust me, that is no way to treat a customer, client, or anyone.

Anyone and everyone that calls or visits your organization wants to be treated like a VIP.

Let me re-phrase that: This is 2014 and everyone must be treated like a VIP and you and your organization must do everything they can to make it happen.

Failing to do that, people will leave you, your staff, and your organization faster than you can attempt to apologize.

See, just apologizing doesn't cut it any more. What does cut it is doing something above and beyond "just apologizing" and working hard to ensure the situation never re-occurs.

Get up, get in touch and in tune with what your staff are doing and saying on your behalf. It was about a year ago that I wrote a blog post about Company Vehicles and what the employees that are driving those autos are doing to your company's name and reputation.

When your staff is not having appropriate communications with your customers and external stakeholders they might as well be driving the company vehicle recklessly up and down the main street  are doing the exact same thing when they are answering the phone or dealing with someone who has walked up to the front counter.

If you do not hold them accountable they will drive your business to the ground. Yes, it is that simple.
Now go do something about it.

Thank you,
David Guerra

I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

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27 October 2014


If you have been following me on Twitter (@daveguerra), Facebook (facebook.com/thedavidguerra), Google+ (plus.google.com/+DaveGuerra) then you know for the past several weekends I have been posting links to websites and online articles that are all about Etiquette: Business, Interpersonal, Professional and Personal.

Here is this past weekend’s ETIQUETTE WEEKEND collection (10/25-10/26/14).

1. 3 Tips for Your Business’s Social Media Etiquette

2. 5 Rules of Etiquette That Still Apply in the Workplace

3. From invitation to location, etiquette tips for conducting business over a mealhttp://www.al.com/business/index.ssf/2014/03/from_invitation_to_location_et.html

4. Don't wipe your nose, no doggy bags, other advice in part 2 of Michelle Powell's business-dining etiquette tips

5. 3 Rules of Electronics Etiquette During Business Travel

6. 3 Etiquette Tips for Emailing a Very Busy Person

7. Top 10 Etiquette Tips for Sales Professionals

8. 12 Ways To Improve Your Life Right Now

9. Turning Off and Tuning In

Thank you,
David Guerra

I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

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23 October 2014

Why Do I Have To Give You My Email Address Again (and Again)?

Not a week goes by that I get an email, Tweet or Facebook post telling me that someone I follow has "FREE" downloadable content.


I follow the provided link and before I can get to that "free" content, I am asked to join their mailing list and only then can I get access to the downloadable content. I am already on the mailing list! 

You already have my email address! Why are you asking me again? Why do I need to give my email address to you again? Why do I need to do this to access to something I already said I wanted? Why?

It baffles me! I understand that people want to know the analytics behind every email, tweet, and post they put on the Internet. There is nothing wrong with that.

However, what is wrong is making your followers pass through unnecessary gates and checkpoints to get to where they have previously agreed to go.

Content Providers: Do your followers a favor and send them a super-duper secret link to the content. Make certain that link does not require anyone to re-sign up for anything before getting access. Yes, it is that simple and it can be for the same price as what you are already paying. It might take just a bit longer but isn't minimizing the loss of a mailing list member worth it?

Why would a mail list member leave the list?

Simple, you keep asking for the email address, eventually people are going to get tired of the nonsense and amateur hour shenanigans. 

Besides, isn't being on the mailing list about being on the inside? Isn't that why you started a mailing list?

Yep, keep asking them to re-apply to be insiders is a quick way to make everyone an outsider. Then what do you have?

Thank you my friends.

Good Day,
David Guerra

I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

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21 October 2014


If you have been following me on Twitter (@daveguerra), Facebook (facebook.com/thedavidguerra), Google+ (plus.google.com/+DaveGuerra) then you know for the past several weekends I have been posting links to websites and online articles that are all about Etiquette: Business, Interpersonal, Professional and Personal.

Here is this past weekend’s ETIQUETTE WEEKEND collection (10/18-10/19/14).

1. When Business Etiquette Resembles a Competitive Dating Scene

2. Don't discount value of etiquette in business world, says Bay Village expert: Faces of the Suns (video)

3. Business Etiquette Tips: Bringing Back Professionalism


5. To communicate effectively, follow the Four P’s

6. Outsmart your phone — proofread messages

7. Nine Tips on Written Communication Etiquette

8. Customer Service 101: Phone Etiquette for Small Businesses

9. A Fierce Bad Rabbit Helps Teach Etiquette

10. Top five workplace etiquette breaches: Are you guilty?

Until next weekend, I Thank you.
David Guerra

I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

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15 October 2014

How Your Idea Can Be Better Than My Idea?

Why is your idea better than my idea?

When I say “idea”, I mean any idea you or I may have.

Business Idea. Blog Idea. Pinterest Idea. Dating Idea. App Idea.

Now why is your idea better than my idea?


Why is my idea better than your idea?

Simple, it has to do with who can get the word out not just faster but better.

Sound familiar?

It should because every politician running for office or wanting to stay in office does it.

They might not have the best message but if they can be faster and better at getting that message out to the public, they stand a pretty good chance of getting elected or re-elected.

Yes, it is that simple.

Heck, you could stand on a platform of “Cow Chips for Everyone” and be elected Governor. People have been elected for a lot less than that. The message or platform can be completely against what people stand for but if you use the available media channels to your advantage the next thing you know you can be elected President.

OK, maybe you do not want to be President but what you really want to do is to launch your blog. Once launched, you are going to want people to read your words of wisdom. Therefore, you write and write. Put some great content out there. However, if you do not do something (and fast) you are not going to get readers to read the content you are providing on the great idea that you call your blog.

Here is where your idea has a great chance of being better than my idea.

Use Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, Vine, and the next app that’s gonna be big to tell the world of your idea.

Now, I am NOT advocating that you spam people with a link to your blog but I do recommend you use those platforms to engage people.

Engage them?

Yes, you start a DIALOGUE and NOT a monologue.

You start following them and they will follow you. Then next thing you know you have millions of followers and the guy who was happy just writing on his blog has a tens and tens of followers.

So just by sheer number of followers, your idea is better. It might not be right but it is better.

Give it a shot.

Thank you,
David Guerra

I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

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14 October 2014

Expand your horizons to get to where you want to be

There are times when you feel like you are spinning your wheels and going nowhere.

That is OK we have all been there. Some of us are there now, others have recently left that place (hopefully to a better spot) and soon others will arrive at that place.

What is the trick to getting out of that place?

There is no trick. It is actually quite simple; expanding your horizons will get you moving forward and get you to where you want to be.

Read a book from a different genre. Make a new friend. Try a different Latte. Watch a silent movie from beginning to end. Wear bold color clothing. Do not stand in the shadows. Find the spotlight and get as close to it as possible.

Then continue doing something new, different, and exciting. Before you know it, you have expanded your horizons and you will be well on your way to where you want to be.

Remember, the moment you step outside your comfort zone, you have expanded your comfort zone.

Just keep stepping out!

Thank you,
David Guerra

I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

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13 October 2014


If you have been following me on Twitter (@daveguerra), Facebook (facebook.com/thedavidguerra), Google+ (plus.google.com/+DaveGuerra) then you know for the past several weekends I have been posting links to websites and online articles that are all about Etiquette: Business, Interpersonal, Professional and Personal.

Here is this past weekend’s ETIQUETTE WEEKEND collection (10/11-10/12/14).

1. To Sing or Not to Sing: Proper Etiquette to Observe the National Anthem

2. Modern Business Manners, Part 1

3. Wedding Etiquette: This Old Wedding Tradition Might Rub You The Wrong Way 

4. Social Media Etiquette for Business: 25 Do’s & Don’ts

5. Keys to Business Etiquette

6. Tip Of The Day – Treat Everyone With Politeness

7. Business Card Etiquette Still Counts

8. Modern Business Manners, Part 2

9. Business Etiquette (old school is still preferred)

10. From social media to working at home, navigating the new business etiquette

Thank you,
David Guerra

I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

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09 October 2014

Do Stupid Things, Win Stupid Prizes!

It is harsh but it is the truth. When you do stupid things, You win stupid prizes.

Of course, there are those very rare exceptions when doing something stupid gets you a huge award.

However, getting those one-in-a-million awards should never be the reason for doing stupid things. If it is then rest assured you will deserve every stupid prize you get.

Folks, I really can't get any clearer than that.

Getting down to the heart of the matter, is that you are solely responsible for your  success and failure. You are the only one who can decide if you want success or if you want the pity party you have been getting all your life.

The thing is that everyone has the same struggles as  you do and everyone wants everything handed to them. But that is not how this works.

What works is being smart about what you are doing, taking smart action and making something good happen. Then the next thing you know you are making the next smart move, and so on.

That is when you start winning the good prizes!

Thank you,
David Guerra

I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

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08 October 2014

Leave a Positive Legacy

Do everything you can including moving heaven and earth to ensure that your legacy is something positive and not something that would be best kept swept under a rug.

Personal or Professional, it does not matter because in the end your legacy will be clumped into one. Who hasn’t heard this before: “He was a great philanthropist but a lousy husband”?

It was not too long ago, that I was listening to a fellow author speak of her work and how it affected her family. She said that in one of her works she included a story about a family member that had a not-so pleasant truth. When her family read it, they were not too pleased about the content. They rather it be kept swept under the rug.

That’s OK; after all, it was the truth. Good or bad, the truth is the truth.

The family felt that the legacy of a family elder would be tarnished because of what the author wrote.

The author wrote what the author felt was the truth. She was not about to create a falsehood that would completely change the family member’s legacy. Then what would be worthy of sweeping under the rug?

Remember, we are all dead longer than we are alive. Future generations will want to know about the members of their family tree. Everyone is curious about those that came before us. I know that when I look up my family tree, I hope to find some great explorer, a world-renowned doctor, or at least, a wonderful teacher. I did find several members of the Greatest Generation.

However, that has all changed now.

Readers, I ask that you do something now before it is too late. Challenge your family (both at home and work) to do what they can now to change their legacy and ultimately their family tree.

Thank you,
David Guerra

I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

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07 October 2014

Let People In!

There will come a time when you are doing something and doing it so well that people will notice.

They will not only notice but they will become genuinely interested in what you are doing. That interest will serve as a call to action for them and they will want to help.

Let them help. Let them in!

Folks, if you really want people to have something to believe in, something you have created then let them in.

Let them in and make them INSIDERS.

Everyone likes to be an insider. Everyone wants to be in the know.

Everyone likes to be invited to the VIP section.

OK, I might be going a little overboard but why not?

Why not let those that truly want in become insiders?

Think about it? What will it cost you or your organization to let a few more people behind the velvet ropes?

What will your organization gain?

Does the cost outweigh the gain or does the gain outweigh the cost? I bet the gain will definitely outweigh the cost.

Go for it. Let them help and Let them in!

Thank you,
David Guerra

I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

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06 October 2014


If you have been following me on Twitter (@daveguerra), Facebook (facebook.com/thedavidguerra), Google+ (plus.google.com/+DaveGuerra) then you know for the past several weekends I have been posting links to websites and online articles that are all about Etiquette: Business, Interpersonal, Professional and Personal.

Here is this past weekend’s ETIQUETTE WEEKEND collection.

1. Business etiquette is key to effective leadership: guest opinion
The role of etiquette and how "[b]usiness leaders have a responsibility to set the tone for the work culture and relationships they influence"

2.  How to Master Business Etiquette in UK
"Things are done a bit differently "over the pond", so you should know how to work the way the British do."

3. Etiquette at Business Events
These "tips will ensure that you always display excellent business etiquette when you attend business events."

4. Ice Cream Etiquette
"a few tips on how you can best enjoy one of our nation’s most savory and beloved desserts."

5. The idiot's guide to gum etiquette
Having violated gum chewing protocol early this weekend I found this a little too late.

6. Which Soft Skills Does An Entrepreneur Need?
The "4 skills that today's entrepreneur needs to hone, irrespective of industry or gender."

7. Your Tech Etiquette for a Gadget-Crazed World
"[S]ome tips to keep you from blowing your relationships"

8. Have a seat ... but not there: 5 rules of etiquette for where to sit in a business setting
"Signifying a position of power or that of equality (when negotiating, for instance) is silently communicated through seating arrangements."

9. Camping Etiquette!
Even out among the pine cones there is a need for proper etiquette.

10. Etiquette of Business Hospitality Dinners
Interesting online Q&A forum about changing from dinners to lunches to reduce lost personal time.

Thank you,
David Guerra

I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

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05 October 2014

You do not have to ask for permission (to do what you want)

You do not have to ask for permission to do what you want.

When was the last time you asked for permission to do something? Let me clarify this question. When was the last time you asked for permission to do something you want to do?

Who says you must ask for permission?

You want to sell something on the Internet? Get on EBay and sell it.

You want to create a website? Learn html and build it.

You want to write a book? Put pen to paper and write that book.

Think about this: If you were to ask for permission to write a book who would say yes?

I guarantee the following: There will be people that will give you one of two answers. The first would flat out say “NO” followed by “are you kidding me?” or “you can’t write a book?” or “who do you think you are?

The second answer would be complete silence. You know the kind of silence that speaks volumes. That kind of silence usually comes from individuals that are the passive-aggressive types. Thus, the “silent treatment” is expected and does not come as a big surprise to you. 

If you really want an answer from the person that gave you nothing but silence, I guarantee you will be waiting a long time.

However, what do those two answers have to do with you writing a book, creating a website, or selling on EBay? 


You still have the want and the desire to do it. Just because someone says “NO” in no way minimizes or eliminates what you want to do.

Instead awaiting around for when they are ready to give you an answer, you could be finishing the first draft of the next Great American Novel. 

Be yourself not matter what they say or don’t say and DO IT!

Thank you,
David Guerra

I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

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04 October 2014

About Cutting Corners

In anything and everything we do, whether its in Business or our Personal life, we like to see where we can cut corners. You know streamlining the process, saving a few bucks, and most of all saving time.

However, cutting corners does come at a price. Can you or your organization afford to pay that price?

Think about this: A process has a corner cut here and there because 99.999% of the customers do not need that corner, in the first place, to deliver them exceptional customer service.

Everyone is happy!

The employees are happy that they do not need to do something “needless” or extra. The manager is happy because it is one less thing she has to hold her staff accountable for. The owner is happy because the cost per customer ratio is low and that means saving money and more money in the company coffers is excellent. The customer is happy as their time spent interacting with the company representative was reduced because of cutting that corner.

However, is the customer truly happy? Yes, 99.999% of them are happy.

Why not 100%?

It is going to be the 00.001% that is going to want that cut corner returned. It is whatever was cut that will be the one thing the 00.001% will NEED (not want) to achieve a successful transaction with the organization.

Guess what? No, Happy Customer here!

Also, that customer will make the loudest noise. Trust me on this, when a customer is NOT happy she will let everyone within shouting distance know.

Does the corner really need to be cut?
If so, are you prepared to deal with the repercussions of being unable to address those that need that item that was cut from the process?

Here is where a manager might say, “We will deal with that when it happens.”

Great answer but what about when the 00.001% customer that is a once in a three or four year customer? Will you or your organization remember how deal with the missing corner then?

Cutting corners can be good for the organization and most of its customers. But remember in a large pond a pebble dropped in the center will create ripples that will take a while to reach the shoreline. Therefore, think long-term before you go around cutting corners for the sake of cutting corners.

Thank you,
David Guerra

I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

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