23 October 2014

Why Do I Have To Give You My Email Address Again (and Again)?

Not a week goes by that I get an email, Tweet or Facebook post telling me that someone I follow has "FREE" downloadable content.


I follow the provided link and before I can get to that "free" content, I am asked to join their mailing list and only then can I get access to the downloadable content. I am already on the mailing list! 

You already have my email address! Why are you asking me again? Why do I need to give my email address to you again? Why do I need to do this to access to something I already said I wanted? Why?

It baffles me! I understand that people want to know the analytics behind every email, tweet, and post they put on the Internet. There is nothing wrong with that.

However, what is wrong is making your followers pass through unnecessary gates and checkpoints to get to where they have previously agreed to go.

Content Providers: Do your followers a favor and send them a super-duper secret link to the content. Make certain that link does not require anyone to re-sign up for anything before getting access. Yes, it is that simple and it can be for the same price as what you are already paying. It might take just a bit longer but isn't minimizing the loss of a mailing list member worth it?

Why would a mail list member leave the list?

Simple, you keep asking for the email address, eventually people are going to get tired of the nonsense and amateur hour shenanigans. 

Besides, isn't being on the mailing list about being on the inside? Isn't that why you started a mailing list?

Yep, keep asking them to re-apply to be insiders is a quick way to make everyone an outsider. Then what do you have?

Thank you my friends.

Good Day,
David Guerra

I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

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