18 December 2014

To Succeed Never Resent

Resentment seems to be all over the place. Speak to someone long enough and their resentment of others comes out. You can hear it as clear as you can hear hounds howling at the full moon on a cold winter's night.

It doesn't take a genius to figure out that people don't like those they resent. Why?

Because they got all the breaks?

Because they make more money than you?

Because they are smarter than you?

Because they worked just that much harder than you?

Because they make you work longer hours?

Because they make you work harder?

Because they demand more sales be made by you?

I could go on and on but what's the point? There are infinite reasons or excuses to resent others.

What do you win by resenting others? NOTHING!

So don't do it!

Thank you,
David Guerra

I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

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