10 February 2015

You have to live by your business calendar and keep your personal calendar flexible.

You have to live by your business calendar and your personal calendar has to be nothing but flexible.

It's that simple. Your business calendar is your bread and butter but your personal calendar is your world. Things happen such as the kids get sick, school plays, field trips, going to the beach at the spur of the moment, and so on.

Keep your business appointments but do not for one second avoid your personal responsibilities. Whether you are at the top of the corporate ladder or in an entry level position or anywhere in between you have to take care of yourself and your family. Otherwise, they will become a distraction. As a businessperson, I for one do not like distracted employees. The distraction does not bring value to the company. In fact, it could hurt the company's mission. See where I am going with this?

Keeping your personal calendar flexible is essential. You have to be ready for the unexpected. For the most part, your business calendar is probably the most rigid thing you will encounter in your life. Stay flexible my friends.

Thank you,
David Guerra

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