16 May 2015

Q & A #DareToBe Tweet Chat: Be Spontaneous (Tuesday, May 12, 2015)

At 8PM Eastern, every Tuesday, the #DareToBe tweetchat takes place on Twitter. The #DareToBe tweetchat is hosted by Andrea Sanchez (@asanchez16), an Editor, Writer & Communications Executive and according to her Twitter profile, from Houston, Texas.

Every week a different topic. On the evening of May 12, 2015, the topic was Be Spontaneous. I could not capture all the twitter based answers to the 11 questions asked by @ASanchez16. However, I present the questions and  my answers (with a bit of amplification). Please enjoy and if you can, please joins us. Look for the #DareToBe hashtag every Tuesday evening.

Be Spontaneous

If someone is spontaneous, they are _______________.
If someone is spontaneous they are in the moment and taking action in that moment. Ideally, the action being taken is unplanned or at the most part of multiple options that can be taken depending on the situation.

Can a perfectionist be spontaneous? Explain.
I do believe a perfectionist can be spontaneous in that there are times the perfectionist needs to just let things happen thus allowing things to develop in their own manner. Once developed, the "perfectionist" can then go to work from that point forward.

What prevents people from being spontaneous?
The biggest fear, that I have encountered, that prevents people from being spontaneous is what others may think of the individual. Thus, they become paralyzed with fear and stop themselves from being spontaneous.

What is the relationship between spontaneity and innovation?
When it comes to proving a concept based on innovative ideas it means taking that leap and being spontaneous when it comes to being the "test pilot" for something that has never been created or tried before is critical for the innovation (idea or product) to move forward. Thus you cannot have one without the other. It is almost as if they are synonymous.

Give an example of a time you were spontaneous. How did it make you feel?
I prefer not to say what and where I was spontaneous but it did make me feel more alive than I ever have before. It was one of those #DareToBe alive moment.

What are the benefits of being spontaneous?
A benefit of being spontaneous is getting an opportunity to supercharge your batteries. The rush that comes from doing something spontaneous is what gives you that supercharge. Then you will want to do something spontaneous again. You get a hunger to be more spontaneous.

What if I like to plan? Is not being spontaneous such a bad thing?
Planning is excellent. It gives you an outline by which one can be spontaneous. By this I mean, a plan is guide of what you anticipate happening. However, any and every plan is EXCELLENT until the moment comes to put it into action! Once in action, the plan is at the mercy of all the outside forces that are foreseen and unforeseen. This is when being spontaneous is not only essential but critical!

How can one learn to be more spontaneous?
You learn to be more spontaneous by just being more spontaneous. Take the first step at being spontaneous before you know it you will be more spontaneous. Take that step!

When is being spontaneous not an option?
At a funeral, at your trial, and most definitely when you are being questioned by the police. There is a time and place for everything. Pick your moments of being spontaneous wisely.

How can spontaneity be integrated into the workplace?
As the leader, you must take the lead and be spontaneous. Once you have spontaneity under control then can you encourage others to do so. However, you must set the standard and lead by example.

Tomorrow, I will #DareToBe spontaneous by ____________________.
Tomorrow (and every day), I will #DareToBe spontaneous by being randomly spontaneous.

Thank you,
David Guerra

I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

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