They say the first step is the hardest. They are wrong. The first is actually the easiest. It is the second that's the hardest to do.
Think about this, the first step gets you off your ass. The first step is deciding to do something. The first step puts you on the path. But, it is the second step that matters most. See the second step can take you in any direction. Hell, it could even take you back to where you started. Then what?
The second step is all about taking you places. The second step is the realization that you are not going back to where you started even if you do take that second backwards. That second step is moving you in a direction that you choose to go on. You can go to the left or you can go to the right. Unfortunately, as by now I have made it clear you could choose to go in any direction including taking a step back.
So what's the point of all of this?
The point is to stop putting the emphasis on taking that first step. Anyone can take that first step. Anyone, including cowards can take that first step. It is what you do with the second, third, fourth step and so on that matters most.
When you are standing at the precipice of change and there is nothing you can do but to get out in front of it that the second and the next steps you take are what put you in control of change or riding the crashing waves of change. Now who does not want to be in control of change?
Set a course!
Before the first step and the second you must know where you want to be go. You have to make certain that your goal, your mission, the end of your journey is exactly what you want. By knowing exactly what you want you then can set off on that journey. Yet, as any sailor knows the winds, the tide, and other ships will interfere with charted course. The same will happen to you on your way on that journey. So don't worry when you go off-course. You adjust and get back on track. Ships and airplanes go off-course and adjust their path accordingly.
Take the second step, Keep moving forward, keep adjusting, and you will reach your Destination.
You Start All Over Again!
Thank you,
David Guerra
I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website:
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To order your copy of The Walking Leader: Amazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble
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