22 September 2021


No matter what you receiving understand that while to you it might not seem equal to what you give. It is understandable but welcome to the world of being a leader. ALL LEADERS SHOULD ALWAYS GIVE MORE THAN WHAT THEY RECEIVE. When your followers give you something, understand that what they give you might not be at the level you feel you should be getting/receiving. What they give you is reflective of that something they are connecting with you. No matter what they give you, no matter what you receive, never let it come across as it being not enough. Remember, you are the leader and you should always give more than what you get. If you cannot understand that fact is the standard, then you really do not deserve to be a leader. Remember, Actions over Words all day, every day! Get to work, David Guerra, MBA author of THE WALKING LEADER ------ David Guerra is a US Army Veteran, author of the Walking Leader book series, Small Business Starter, Leadership Advocate and Action Taker. For more info please visit http://daveguerra.com ------ The Walking Leader is available on Amazon: http://amzn.to/1lACReo Great To Follow is available on Amazon: http://amzn.to/1CUfiqe ------ Subscribe to my WALKING LEADER PODCAST: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/w... ------ Let's Connect: ► TWITTER: @daveguerra ► INSTAGRAM: dave_guerra ► FACEBOOK: fb.com/TheDavidGuerra ► AMAZON.com: bit.ly/daveguerra ► send me an EMAIL: dave@daveguerra.com #DaveGuerra #Ledership #Giving

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