01 December 2022



It does not take having a PH.D. to know that without an ever-increasing level of education, you destined to remain right where you are. That is fine for some people but for those that bitch, whine, & moan about how they are not getting anywhere or believe they should be getting paid more for the limited level of responsibility they currently have, if any.

While LIFE is a great teacher, life experiences can only take you so far. Those individuals say life experience is all they need are right and wrong at the same time. If they let life happen to them and that is all, then what have they really learned. What did life really teach them?

This also applies to those the saying they went to the “school of hard knocks” and that is all the education they need. Well, don’t be surprise when you are NOT getting the pay you “feel” you deserve. 

The School of Hard Knocks ONLY serves to show that for all the times you have been knocked down, you got back up. KUDOS! 

However, the question that should be asked, but all too often is not: What did you learn from getting knocked down? Far too many people learn NOTHING from getting knocked. Sure, they get back up again but quickly forget what knocked them down so they, as expected, get knocked back down.

This is where increasing your level of formal education comes in handy. Educating yourself. Taking the initiative and understanding that there is more in cracking open a book on your own than in putting all your faith into the bare minimum you have put in and “truly” believing it will be more than enough to take you to where you want to be.

Oh, and for those that are dead set on thumping one book and saying that is the only book you need to read to learn about life. Well chances are that book was written about two thousand years ago. What does it serve today? Certainly, it offers ONE unique insight to ONE world view but what about all the other views and perspectives? How about expanding on what you have learned from that ONE book?

The same thing applies to expanding your vocational education. While some are happy being right where they are on the corporate ladder. There are others that REFUSE to remain on the lower rungs and in order to move the ladder they know building on and improving their level of education will make the journey to the top a little bit easier and faster but even then, the need to continue their education will never cease.

One thing I should clear up: Continuing your education does not have to be in a formal classroom setting, it does however involve you taking the initiative and doing something to make increasing your level of education happen. 

You want success? Then that's all up to you to achieve it.

Thank you,
David Guerra

P.S. I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

P.P.S. To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

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