26 December 2024

The Day After...

Image by Jeff Jacobs from Pixabay

Yesterday, we celebrated an event of epic & legendary proportions. The birth of Jesus Christ. A Savior to the masses, a Prophet to many, an enigma or curiosity to others. Many of us celebrated the day by continuing the traditions that have been set before us: Family, Food, Merriment, Cheer, Food, Joy, Laughter, and Love. Did I mention food?

Today, we continue to be in good spirit and good cheer because it is contagious. However, a harsh reality sets in when we move away from the 25th day of December and face the realities that are the other days of the year. 

Should they be harsh? No!
They should, however, not be as full of joy and merriment as the holiday season. It is Joy and Merriment that makes the holiday season special. The remaining days of the year are there to tell us that there is work that needs to be done. This does not have to be a time for back and forth and ONE-UPMANSHIP (the art or practice of outdoing or keeping one jump ahead of a friend or competitor).

There must be a balance between all things. There must be attempts made to make all things better. However, egos are finicky things to work with but if you want to be better and make life better then be prepared to fight the good fight and work with the egos, of others, all in an effort to make things better. However, should you come across someone that expects it to be "their way or the highway" there is only one appropriate response and you will know what the response will be when your gut tells you. Remember, our lives will get better when we, ALL OF US, want it and will do what it takes to make it happen.

Thank you,
David Guerra

P.S. I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

P.P.S. To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

12 December 2024

2024: A Reflection on CONTROL (part 1)

Image by (https://pixabay.com/users/rigby40-6395145/?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=6861887) Rigby40 from Pixabay

Hello, again.

It has been a while since my last blog post. I had to take a little down time as the holidays started to ramp up just to get my "headspace and timing" aligned, in line, make myself ready to see the end of the year arrive, and to execute on the start of the new year.

Can you believe 2025 is now just days away? Before it comes to an end I want to take this blog post and a couple more to reflect on some of my observations, actions, reactions, and behaviors that affected my life in 2024.

So let's begin, shall we?

The first reflection as the title says is about CONTROL.

Personal Control that borders on Intimidating Control/Abusive Behavior.

Early in 2024, I experienced someone was exerting on the individuals they are "supposed" to be leading/managing. They would be quick to snap at people, the individual would instigate confrontations in order to find themselves on top. To re-assure themselves they had control over others.

I get it. People are different. People react to the actions of others in a different way for any number of reasons.

Well, come to find out this individual was losing their last parent. This individual was watching a close relative slowly and, from what I have been able to put together, a painful end of life. Then it all made sense. The behavior became crystal clear. They found themselves in a situation they could not control. There was pain and suffering and there was nothing this individual could do about it. They had no control.

It made all the sense in the world why they lashed out, why they behaved the way they did. It was completely understandable. NOT EXCUSABLE.

True, Genuine Leaders know their limits. They know when they can no longer effectively lead others. Leaders, while human beings, must also know when it is time to step aside. It is when they either do not know themselves or refuse to accept that things are out of their control that they continue to lose control and ultimately lose the respect of those they are supposed to be leading. Again, it is not excusable.

If you ever find yourself in a situation that is putting you in a place of where you feel you no longer have control and before you abusively try to control others CHECK YOURSELF and if need be, step aside. You will most certainly thank yourself.

While that is one incident, late in 2024, another individual's lack of control and attempting to be abusive to others reared its ugly head, again. An older gentleman suddenly found himself in a health situation that all but took away his freedom. Sure he was alive, able to walk, talk, eat, and breathe. He, however, was tethered to a machine and did not know if he would ever be free of that machine. It was obvious in hearing his voice his frustration came out loud and clear. It was just a matter of time before he lashed out.

Then one day, it all came out. His sense of losing control of his life came pouring out of him. A river of obscenities, racial slurs, derogatory statements about genders, sexual preferences, and orientations. This guy was way out of line. At first, you felt a bit sorry for him and his situation, then by the end of my interactions with this person, I felt nothing but disdain, disgust, and sadness what his situation made him into and that deep down he was always that angry, hate-filled person.

In the case of the older man, while people may want to excuse his behavior and allow it to continue. LEADERS do NOT have that luxury. You will be held accountable for your actions, inaction, words, and behaviors. There are other people involved in the life you have chosen and if you cannot lead them, STEP ASIDE.

If nothing else, you can CONTROL that aspect of your life. Yes, it is that simple.

 Thank you,
David Guerra

P.S. I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

P.P.S. To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

04 November 2024

2024: Celebrate The Small Victories

A war is one through a long, sustained, series of battles. It is winning all the battles that hastens winning a war. These battles, big or small, will always pale in comparison to the war. Nonetheless, the battles must be fought and won. There is no changing that fact.

Of course, there are different perceptions when it comes to battles, conflicts, and wars. However, there is no escaping the fact that battles, conflicts, and/or wars must be fought. There will always be some conflict. There will always be some level of discord. There is no escaping the YIN and the YANG. In order to have harmony there has to be dissonance. Without dissonance how will anyone know what harmony is? It is inevitable and no amount burying your head in the sand will deny that fact.

This fact is important to remember, that while we may not win them all, the next battle is just ahead. This is not a pessimistic way of thinking. This is a realistic way of living. Our days are full of challenges with good and bad outcomes. However, we cannot let the bad over take us and just as we should never be complacent when it comes to the good. For those that feel they are too good to fail, then let me be the first to burst your bubble, YOU will lose. You will lose more times than you will win. How do I know this? I know this because I know I have failed more than I have won.

Failing makes me appreciate the climb and the small victories. While I may never win the war, I know that I have more failures ahead of me. I also know that I have more victories, as well. But in the end, there is no coming back from the ultimate and final loss. So keep kidding yourself but when the end comes, no one will care how much you won and most certainly no one will care how much you lost. It is over and there is no winning from that loss. See, in the end we all lose.

That is why celebrating the small victories, NOW, is just as important as celebrating winning the war. Make that trip memorable by having an adventure along the way. Do not see the trip as a means to an end (the destination) but see it as part of the entire journey (there and back). The same applies with experiences, competitions, and the like. Win or Lose; Rejoice in the fact that you are alive to experience the experience. Remember, while it may be an inconvenience, a flat tire is the moment to change priorities, you pivot and make the best of an unpredicted/unprecedented situation. You turn that detour into another adventure.

Then the celebration that follows will be even better. Of course, the small victories are just an excuse to celebrate. Winning the battle is just an excuse to celebrate. Waking up and putting your feet on the ground is just an excuse to celebrate. Here is a little-known fact: small losses are an excuse to celebrate. Losing a battle, losing a war are also just excuses to celebrate.

What I am saying, is GO AHEAD and CELEBRATE!

Thank you,
David Guerra

P.S. I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

P.P.S. To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

15 October 2024

2024: Adopting a 'Can-Do' Attitude

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

It is all about your attitude. It is all about your CONSISTENT attitude! It is NOT about being occasional. It is not about being a part-tine DOER! It is ALL about having a CAN-DO attitude. 

What is a CAN-DO attitude?
A CAN-DO attitude is just as it sounds. It means you have adopted an attitude (and the beginning of a lifestyle) that you will do what it takes to get what you know you can do and get done. The attitude is the mindset you have, that you believe what needs to be done can and will be done, by you.

Who can have a CAN-DO attitude?
EVERYONE! However, it all BEGINS with YOU. Someone has to lead the way, so why not you? Someone has to be the one to say, “enough is enough!” Someone has to be the one to do something in any situation when others refuse to step up.
One thing to know: The CAN-DO attitude is contagious. By being someone with a CAN-DO attitude know that others will see you, see your success, and want to achieve the same level of success. However, know that having a CAN-DO attitude is NOT a FLEX, it is something that others will want. The CAN-DO attitude is something that everyone can have, all they need is knowing that it is allowed and encouraged. By watching you exhibit a CAN-DO attitude, others will step up and join you.

Why is it important to have a CAN-DO Attitude?
The importance of having a CAN-DO attitude cannot be stressed enough. You, as an individual, know things must get done. You know that in almost all cases things are not going to get done by themselves. Additionally, you know that others lack the initiative to get those things done, especially those that must be done. This is where you, not for the sake of others, step up to get that done. You know you can do it, then do it. You know that where others fail, you succeed. So, succeed. You will come to find that the successful feeling that comes from completing something becomes like an addiction especially when you create more success.

Why is being CONSISTENT important when it comes to having a CAN-DO attitude?
Having a CAN-DO attitude means you hold yourself accountable, all the time. Seriously, what is the point of holding yourself accountable part of the time? Holding yourself accountable all the time minimizes any guess work when it comes to pushing yourself to achieve your goals and/or completing your mission. Consistency breeds reliability. 

As a current or future leader, the number one thing that those that will follow you look for and that is your level of reliability. How reliable are you to be present? How reliable are you to deliver the bad news as well as the good news? The only way to be known as a reliable leader is to be someone that is constantly consistent in what they do, say, and expect.

How long does it take to make CONSISTENCY a habit?
Short answer: as long as it takes. Long answer: As long as it takes for you to not to have to consciously think about or remember to have a CAN-DO attitude. Some say 21 days of consistency creates a habit. I say it depends on the individual some may be less others may be longer.

Let’s wrap this up.
As a leader, current or future, it serves you and those you lead to adopt a CAN-DO attitude. Having the mindset to do what must be done, when it needs to be done gives you and your team a one up on those individuals and/or groups that are not yet where they need to be to be successful. Be the example for those that are getting there and not yet inspired to begin their journey to have a full-time CAN-DO Attitude. Yes, as a leader that is your responsibility. 

Thank you,
David Guerra

P.S. I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

P.P.S. To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

08 October 2024

2024: About Bad-Mouthing Leaders / Others

The title of this week’s blog post is “About Bad-Mouthing Leaders and/or Others” 

First off, DO NOT DO IT!

Second, if you are doing it or have done it in the past…JUST STOP!

Seriously, there is absolutely no need for that to happen.

So what if they are bad mouthing you?

Consider the following: Is anyone that is professional more apt to stoop down to the level of having no option than to bad-mouth others? NO!

A Professional remains a Professional 100% of the time. Professionals do not believe in a “time out” to bad-mouth someone who bad mouthed them.

If anyone that claims they are always “professional” decides it is correct and proper to cast their “professionalism” aside just to get back at someone then they were NEVER a professional to begin with.


These individuals are the “do as I say and not as I do” type. They will never actually be professionals. The kind of professional that people respect, admire, look up to. They will never be leaders. They will never be leaders because leaders find other ways to deal with those they have conflict.

What if you are caught in the path of bad-mouthing? What if you find yourself in the presence of someone bad-mouthing a peer, co-worker, colleague, a supervisor, a manager, a boss, a leader?
First off, let them rant. Unless, you are prepared to be the victim of their next tirade do not stop them. These individuals have done this once or twice and have gotten away with it. So, what’s the use of trying to stop them now?

When they are done, make it clear that everyone heard their outside voice and leave it at that. While this might not stop them from doing it again in front of witnesses, they should, at least, give it a second thought before they open their mouth, again. Remember this, if they say “I don’t care who hears me!” Keep in mind, if they had any guts they would bad-mouth their target to their face. Face-to-Face. However, most of those boisterous individuals are just all talk and no guts whatsoever. To spot a coward all you must do is just watch and listen. They always give themselves away.

Now…it’s your turn!

As an up-and-coming leader, it is your responsibility to control yourself, your emotions, your words, your reactions, and most of all, control your situation. In my recent and not so recent past I have been guilty of not maintaining control of myself, my words, my situations. That’s OK as learning to control yourself comes with time. It is part of learning and growing.
Things are not always black and white but they are there to teach us. They are there for us to learn from. We serve ourselves best when we learn from our mistakes and NOT repeat them. However, be prepared to make more mistakes. I know I have and I know I will.

Final Thoughts: Bad-mouthing others never solves anything. It does, however, help in showing your true colors, who you really are, to those that are caught in the shadow of your rude words and deeds.

Be Better by learning to stop before you start.

Thank you,
David Guerra

P.S. I invite you to follow me on Instagram: dave_guerra • Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

P.P.S. To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

02 October 2024


Let’s break out the old Webster Dictionary to start this one off as these vocabulary words will be on this week’s spelling test.

Wheat is defined as “a cereal grain that yields a fine white flour used chiefly in breads, baked goods (such as cakes and crackers), and pastas (such as macaroni or spaghetti), and is important in animal feeds.”

Chaff is defined as literally, the “seed coverings and other debris separated from the seed in threshing grain” and figuratively as “something comparatively worthless.” Now with those unpleasantries out of the way let us get on with it.

When it comes to being a leader, a self-leader, or the leader of others it is imperative that you become proficient in knowing what is the chaff and what is the wheat. What is important and what is worthless.
In relationship building there will come times that you will find yourself up against what is real and what is not. It serves you to learn the difference sooner rather than later. The sooner you can recognize what is valuable and what is completely worthless the sooner you and those you will, eventually, lead will be better off.

So how does one go about learning how to separate the wheat from the chaff? The process may sound simple but rest assured the process involves making mistakes and learning from those mistakes so as NOT to repeat the mistakes but to get to separating the VALUABLE from the WORTHLESS faster and easier.

TIME is both an ally and an enemy in this process. It is an enemy as it will take time to experience the good and bad. Time is an ally in that the sooner you learn, the less often getting exploited by your ignorance or naivety will occur. Do not worry, people will take advantage of your ignorance and innocence (well not all people, just the ones with their own hidden agenda). Also, be advised people will be quick to figure out that you are satisfied buying the chaff they will not bother to sell you the wheat.

Time is the enemy in that this will happen over and over again until you get it. Therefore, it behooves you to get on the fast track to getting the experience and learning from it. Remember, the adage: “Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me.”

Do everything you can to not to fall into the latter part of that maxim. Do your work, get your feelings hurt, take the L, and whatever else it takes to get the experience. However, do not go actively looking for people to cheat you, rob you, steal from you or do bad things to you all for the sake of getting the experience. No. Never do that. Let it happen naturally. Let it happen organically without any kind of intentional coercion or subversion. You will learn more when it comes at you unexpectedly. Trust me on this one.

Besides, where is the fun when you know its coming? Right, it is no fun at all especially when you expect the wheat and none of the chaff.

With that being said, the time to find yourself getting better is now. There is no better time than the present so get to learning and start separating the wheat from the chaff.
As for what to do with all that chaff? Plain and simple, just throw it away along with yesterday’s garbage. Get rid of it and eventually you will find yourself encountering less and less chaff and more of that golden wheat.

Thank you,
David Guerra

P.S. I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

P.P.S. To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

27 September 2024


As we venture in our journey of life, there are somethings that happen that are meant to set us free, while others are there to anchor us to the world we live in.

Like a ship that is docked, it has ropes that keep it tied to the pier. That way it does not drift away in the night. When the ship is ready to set sail the lines are cast off and soon, it is on a path to places over the horizon on a course set by the ship’s captain. 

The anchor is attached to a chain and when the ship is ready to temporarily stop, it drops anchor. When it is time to move on, hoist the anchor, and soon back on course to places over the horizon.

Do you see a pattern there? If not, that’s ok. I am going to explain it anyway.

Ships are built to head to the high seas. Ships are built to withstand rough seas. Ships are built to not only move from point A to point B but are also built to stay afloat, to stay above water.

As a Self-Leader you are also built to keep moving. You are NOT built to stay docked at any port for too long. You are also not built to stay anchored anywhere for too long. What does that mean?
It means that you are built to continue to grow, to develop, to become better than you are now.

While all this might sound like something I have said over and over before, it is because I have said it over and over. I believe in what I say. I stand by what I say. I have this passion for people to step up and be the leaders they know they can be and are. I stick to my passion because the message I share is that important. 

Over the decades I have been on this planet, I have witnessed good and bad. Good things, Bad Things. Good People and Bad People. Though it would be easy to say that I have seen just about all there is to see when it comes to Good and Bad. I promise you I have only seen the tip of the iceberg. Of what I have witnessed, rest assured it still surprises me to the levels of Good and Bad people can and do go to.
That’s ok, I know that as a human being I am capable of going to those extremes. I opt out of that. No one is, no matter how much they try to kid themselves, no one is perfect. I am not perfect.

Sure, people can claim they live a pious life but are they really? A pious person would never verbally proclaim their piety for a truly pious person lets their actions and behaviors do all the talking for them.
On the other hand, there are individuals that revel in their unabashed devious behavior. The boasting and bragging of their deceit are certainly not something to be proud of or to be used as a tool to make others fear them. The pious and the deceitful have one thing in common.

They have their chains and ropes tying them down. Tying them down to live the braggadocios life they have chosen to use as a facade to mask their inability to cast off their lines and hoist their anchor to live a life they can freely choose to live. While some may argue that the pious or the deceitful are living the life they choose but at what cost? This argument can quickly become a circular argument thus, I offer 

this advice or words of warning:
As we venture in our journey of life, while there is no set time to cast off the ropes and hoist your anchor. You will know when the time comes. Only you will know when the time comes to set yourself free, especially when there are others trying to anchor you down or keep you tied to the dock in the name of keeping you safe. The world is not a safe harbor. The world we live in has rough seas as well as smooth swells all of which you are more than capable of handling.

Get to work! 

Thank you,
David Guerra

P.S. I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

P.P.S. To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

19 September 2024


 It is now the middle of September 2024. In a few days FALL will officially begin and you know what that means! That’s right, the start of the 2024 HOLIDAY SEASON will be well underway. Pay no mind that our local Wal-Mart Supercenter already has their Christmas section in full effect. Sadly, almost as quickly as it starts, the holiday season is over. POOF! In an instant we sit with a new year ahead of us.

Another year with an empty calendar of 365 days and loaded with promises of better days. However, as reality starts to set in we recognize that there will be good times along with the bad. It is just life. That is why we must make the best of the time we have for life is very brief..

To make the best of the time we have, it is good to track our journey across the days, months, and years. It is good to look back at what life was like last year, three years ago, and even further back, if possible. However, we should journal to reflect and share emotions, actions, and events but we must not journal to linger on the past.

So, if you have not started journaling monthly, weekly, or ultimately daily, why not start now? I have been journaling through most of my adult life. I do wish I had caught the habit much sooner. In my youth I did log things but nothing formal or recurring or habitual. Nothing to the level or caliber I am doing now. That is OK as I have NO REGRETS.

Remember, no matter how hard we try, we cannot change the past. But we can change our future. Using the tools of the past we can build a better future. Not just for ourselves but for our legacy. Imagine the following situation:

Today, you have a sudden health scare. Nothing major but if left unchecked it can turn into something very debilitating. You look back on recent journal entries and you begin to spot a trend that led to the situation you find yourself in. Soon you take that information to your practitioner and your health is soon back on the right track. Now, fast forward two to three generations down the road, someone is reading your journal (someone will) and they soon discover they are on track to encounter the same health scare you once found yourself in. There is no guarantee it is the same thing that you had but, hey, genetics are funny that way.

Crisis Averted? Maybe! At least, what you journal today can help open someone’s eyes later or at best, save a life.

Again, just something to think about. There are countless possibilities and future uses for your journaling now. Who knows someone might just make a movie about your life. It has happened before. 

The thing is to get started. So, get started now. Seriously, what is stopping you? Nothing! Absolutely, nothing is stopping you.

There is no need for a dedicated journal, it helps though. Heck, even one of those black and white composition books will do as does some 3x5 index cards. Just do not forget to date your entries.

As for the writing utensil, our great-grandparents had pencils, you can use a pencil. Remember, a BIC blue ink pen works just as well as a Waldmann Fountain Pen - Private Eye of Baker Street (Limited Edition) (MSRP $21,200.00USD).

Leaving your mark on a piece of paper is all that matters.

 Thank you for your time,
David Guerra 

P.S. Check out the link to the Waldmann Fountain Pen (it will take you to the Goulet Pens dot com website).

P.P.S. I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

P.P.P.S. To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

11 September 2024

2024: The Higher, The Fewer – part XXVII

For those that have been following my blog, you may remember the Bell Curve and the Chart that talks about finding yourself in a place better than most of the population. Well, let me take a moment or two of your time to help refresh your memory or to introduce you to what I called “The Higher, The Fewer.”

This comes from an episode of an old television show called Star Trek: The Next Generation. In an episode, there is a reference to obligations and what must be done (whether we like it or not) and what can be done (whether we like it or not). There is a line that at the time made no sense but over time and re-runs it started to make sense. That line was just four words: THE HIGHER, THE FEWER.

To take this literally, it means that while on the ground the place is crowded and as one changes elevation there are less things to get in the way. Picture the road at rush hour, crowded and packed and almost at a standstill. Now look up, in the sky. Not so crowded, is it?
Now look at it this way. You are starting out in life. You get a front line position, you are among many. I know this to be true. I was an Infantryman for the US Army. There were so many of us. Then again, as history has shown us time after time, there is always plenty of cannon fodder. However, all of us had a rank. The Army is funny that way. The rank helps keep things organized and it creates levels of operation, responsibility and a blame buffer between the top ranked individuals and the fodder down below.

While an Infantry platoon may consist of approximately 30 men, there are 4 squads, each with their own leader; Squad Leader. Then there is a Platoon Sergeant and a Platoon Leader. Moving up the ranks there is a Company First Sergeant and Company Commander. Moving up again, there is now the Sergeant Major and the one Battalion Commander. Up even further is the one Brigade Commander, one Division Commander, one Corps Commander and so on, all the way up to the one Commander in Chief. How’s that for a very brief overview the command structure of the US Army?

So, what does this have to do with THE HIGHER, THE FEWER?

As you move up the ranks there are fewer and fewer among you. Look at it like a triangle/pyramid. There is a wide base but as you climb up the available area becomes smaller and smaller. Eventually, when you get to the top there is only room for one. There can be only one.

The same principle applies in life, especially when it comes to those you surround yourself with. When we are young, everyone is your friend. You want to be liked. You want to be popular. Then as you get older and away from school you soon discover that it gets harder and harder to make friends, to be popular; why? Because now as you are older, no longer is charisma and good looks enough. Now it is all about what you bring to the table. What are your merits? Even then it might not be enough to bring into that “kaffeeklatsch” or get invited to the discussion round table or what not.

As you move up the line, you become more selective about who you hang around with. Others are doing the same. Now, you pick your battles wisely. You make decisions after careful deliberation and consideration. No longer is being carefree (and careless) enough. As you have grown, learned, and become more selective you realize the higher you have gone, there are fewer people like you are around you. There are even fewer that you find yourself wanting to be around. That is just human nature. Remember, it is not about being elite or being perceived as an elitist but more about self-preservation as those that call you an elitist are the same ones that bring nothing to a relationship with you. They just have not grown up. You on the other hand keep being you and the rest will take care of itself.

Remember, as Alexander Rozhenko said in Season 5, Episode 20 of Star Trek: The Next Generation, “The Higher, The Fewer.”

Thank you,
David Guerra

P.S. I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

P.P.S. To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

03 September 2024

2024: What Is Your Message?

In a world overflowing with information, where is your message? 

Among all the noise, static, and attention seeking where is your message?

Do not forget to throw opinions into the mix...there lots and lots of opinions out there and where is your message?

Is your message being heard? Is your message being understood?

You have a message and that message must get through.

Folks, getting your message through is a struggle. Then to get your message understood is an uphill climb.

 If I may impart one tip on getting your message through and understood it is this: YOU MUST FIRST KNOW WHAT YOUR MESSAGE IS, THEN YOU CAN PROPERLY CONVEY IT TO OTHERS.

Yes, it does fall on YOU to know your message. Know your message from stem to stern. No exceptions and most importantly, NO SHORTCUTS!

To get to know your message you must first get to know yourself. 

It does not matter what your message is, what matters is you knowing that your message is an extension of who you are and what you stand for. FAILING THAT AND YOUR MESSAGE WILL GET LOST.

Again, it does not matter who you are or who you think you are, if you and your message do not align then you have NO MESSAGE. 

There is no HACK, no TRICK, no TIP, all there is, taking the time to get know yourself and your message will be realized. Do not rush it. Do not try to speed through the process to get your message. I guarantee you that if you go speeding through your message it will be nothing but a jumbled mess. 

It will join its rightful place among all the other jumbled, mixed up noise out in the ether. 

At that point, you have to ask yourself, why bother? 

Why bother, indeed? If no one is hearing let along understanding your message, then it is high time to make a change. CHANGE your message so that it can be easily understood. Then CHANGE the way you are delivering your message. 

Now you might not get it right the first time. Keep working at it. Keep Trying.

At the end of the day, there is only one question to ask and the answer will determine whether your message can be found (or not): What's Your Message?

Thank you,
David Guerra

P.S. I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

P.P.S. To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

27 August 2024

2024: Who is Listening and Who is Paying Attention (Part I)

I  recently found myself at a Medical Specialist office on what I thought was going to be a brief visit on Saturday Morning. Now I know, as to why General Practitioners or Family Medicine Offices have very little business on the weekends, it is the Specialists that have quite a large following on Saturday mornings. Who knew?

Seriously, there were people of all ages. Yes, even infants. I hope by now you can ascertain this specialist deals with issues of one of the senses. Without going any further I will stop right there. You know privacy and the nosy nellies and things like that. But back to the story, my story.

There are three waiting areas. The first one is where people check in and wait to be called. The next area is post-triage/vitals and waiting to be seen by the Doc. The third is a waiting area for letting things happen or recovery after injections or medication, just to make sure there are no adverse side effects. So that sets the stage. 

If you have ever been to any Waiting Room, in this case Waiting Room #1, there is an eerie silence that everyone shares. Sure there are whispers and murmurs but nothing else fills the air. That is until those that work there begin to speak. However, that is for part 2. Finally, your name is called and off you go.

After your vitals are taken and if any prep needs to be done, it is now that it happens. Soon you are whisked away to Waiting Room #2. 

You enter another quiet room or so it seems. In this room, you will find a handful of those waiting to be seen. Before long, someone speaks. You try not to listen but when they are the only one talking it is quite the challenge to block the woman's voice. 

Within seconds everyone in Waiting Room #2 knows what is ailing that individual. Followed by a full treatment history and what she expects the Clinician to do because her "friend had the same malady". Folks, days like that day are not the days to forget to bring your AirPods. I never knew who the lady was talking to but I suspect, no one was talking to her but more like listening to the words.

As for who was paying attention, as I looked around the room I could tell who was really invested and actively listening to the one side of a one-sided conversation. They were the ones who had a deer in the headlights look on their face. These were the faces of people that suddenly found themselves in a situation they were not expecting. The people are already anxious and for all they know face an uncertain future. 

Adding salt to the open wound that is their new, sudden, and unanticipated state of affairs was this lady and her issues. I understand that everyone handles stress differently, however, some common sense and decorum please. Throwing gasoline on a fire is never a good idea and neither is creating more stress and anxiety for others is also NEVER A GOOD IDEA.

Medical Office Managers get out from behind your desk and walk the halls and visit the waiting room(s) and YES the patients are your responsibility. They are part of the office, without the patients you would not have a job. Yes, it is that simple. So get out there and run interference. Pull aside those that like to over-share, those that like to diagnose others, and those that like to stir the pot for the sake of stirring the pot. Remember, your job is to keep the organization moving along. 

Medical Office Staff: Keep an eye and ear on those individuals in the waiting rooms. It is your job to take care of those patients from the moment they walk into the building to the moment they leave. Remember, you are the professional you were hired to be. So be it.

Patients find themselves not liking the environment, they will find some place else to go. I know this to be true as I fired my last General Practitioner and the one I have now absolutely ROCKS!

Patients: Have a little tact, some empathy, and most of all, just keep your mouth shut. I bet you do not like it when others get all up in your business. Guess what?  Others do not like it when you do it! So don't do it.

A Little Disclosure: I was one of the first timers that suddenly found myself there. That's how I knew what the look on their faces was as I had it as well.

Thank you,
David Guerra

P.S. I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

P.P.S. To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

24 August 2024

2024: About Repeating The Past

I cannot let go of this painfully true quote by George Santayana (Spanish-American philosopher, essayist, poet, and novelist): 
I wholeheartedly believe that we (ALL OF US) are on the fast-track to repeating the past, the ugly past. This time, there will be NO Allied Forces to help save us from ourselves. There will be no AXIS powers or WARSAW PACT or Democratic Republics or VC or Khmer Rouge or Union of Soviet Socialist Republics to fight against. All of them are gone and all that is left of those failed regimes are the "ideologies" and NOT the realities.
Those that know of the REALITIES are told to "Be quiet, boomers" by those that have had luxuries all their lives and have never known the hardship and the hunger pangs of standing for hours in a breadline in front of a state run/controlled bakery only to find the shelves are empty because today's quota has been reached.
To be fair, in a world of plenty those that believe they know better than anyone else have seen and felt the pain of scarcity when they hear the words "Our ice machine is broken so no Double Shot Latte Soy Half Caff Ice Coffee for you today."
Oh, the pain and anguish. Of course, that pain and anguish is remedied by ordering a Tall Cinnamon Dolce Latte.
Folks, the realities of what people think is making a better world is nothing but a pipe dream. Those failed forms of government were only self-serving. Serving ONLY those in positions of power while the masses went hungry, left out in the Of course, cold, executed for criticizing their so-called "leaders", sent to re-education camps for "questioning the government" or sent to a gulag all because individuals were no longer found to benefit the state.
Take a moment, reflect on the past, the present, and most importantly look at the future you want and the future you want for you children. Are they worth it? They better be. Choose wisely.
While this United States of America remains Free and the U.S. Constitution still stands as the Law of the Land then this is me exercising my right. 
Yes, I said this.

David Guerra

P.S. I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

P.P.S. To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

20 August 2024

2024: Continue To Change Along With The World

Sorry No Video Today...

But coming back to that real soon. Just a brief update to get you up to speed with what has been going on around here.


Two years ago, I chose to take a diverging path from the course I had had found myself on for far too long in my adult life. It was (and still is) the GREATEST decision I have made. I had to move to a different place of being for my health, my sanity, my relationship with my children, my relationship with my wife, and most of all, the relationship I had with myself.

While so many people TALK the talk about how "from here on out it is about me" or "this year, I am placing myself first" and while that may sound all fine and dandy, it means nothing more than a steaming pile of dog crap if they CONTINUALLY refuse to act on their words. When they FAIL to walk the talk, they find themselves repeating their nonsensical unfulfillable promises to themselves in front of others.

You know who they are. I know who they are (or should I say who they were). Life throws us curve-balls and that is part of what makes life imperfect. It is how we handle these curve balls that show us who we are and what we really are.

In my case, I was seeing for far too long that the WRONG people were the ones throwing me curve balls. By the wrong people, I mean the people that are supposed to be supporting us, lifting us up, encouraging us, loving us but instead chose to be the opposite.  They were using me as their escape. They were using me to make their miserable lives seem not so miserable. Something needed to be done, so I did it.

You can too. You can bring a halt to their nonsense and take control of yourself for yourself. However, you actually have to do something about it. You cannot live on hopes and wishes. As in I hope this stops or I wish I had the strength to change my place in life. Well, you can and you should!

Seriously, you have the power to make a change. You also have the power to roll with the punches those changes will throw at you. But it is up to you to DECIDE and ACT!

You can stand there and become their punching bag or You can take a stand, say NO MORE and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.

They are not going to like it but hey, that's on them. You have to like yourself first and foremost.

You have the strength and the power to keep yourself sane and healthy (mentally and physically). You have the strength and the power to overcome the negativity that currently surrounds you. You have the strength and the power to be better than you were yesterday.

You have the POWER provided you use it.

Yes, I said this.
-David Guerra

P.S. I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

P.P.S. To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

06 July 2024

2024: The Three Keys To Success


As I have mentioned these past several weeks, success in whatever you do or want to do means you have got to put in the work.

Put in the work to become better, to achieve your goals, and to achieve that level of success you have always want to achieve.

All of that will take three things that are key to your success: perseverance, persistence, and passion.

Perseverance is defined as “continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties, failure, or opposition”

Persistence is defined as “the quality that allows someone to continue doing something or trying to do something even though it is difficult or opposed by other people”

Passion is defined as “a strong feeling of enthusiasm or excitement for something or about doing something”

Just by the definitions alone there is a connection that all three have and that is “DOING SOMETHING”

Thus, it can be said that SUCCESS comes from doing something.

Doing that something with persistence, perseverance, and passion.

Think about this, that yes anyone can do something daily but not everyone will achieve a higher level of success without persistence, perseverance, and passion.

Those without those three keys to success are doing the job for the pay check or a margarita Friday night, all the while hoping and wishing for a better thing to come along.

Folks, things will not get better until you get better.

Until you realize that the success you want does not come from the bottom of your daily empty cup of cinnamon dolce latte.

Nor does success come from your misunderstood perception of your place in the family tree or organizational ladder.

There are certainties, there are harsh certainties in life and yes, they do revolve around the three keys to success.

If you find yourself lacking the passion, perseverance, and persistence in anything you do or want to do, why are you bothering?

Do you bother because you truly believe you deserve something even though you are going through the motions and not actually caring about anything but yourself?

That is most certainly not going to get you anywhere.

However, to get to where you want to be is to do all that you with persistence, perseverance, and passion.

Do not worry about whether others like what you are doing or not.  

Let them live their own mediocre lives, you have bigger and better things to achieve.

Your Future Awaits!

Thank you,
David Guerra

P.S. I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

P.P.S. To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

29 June 2024

2024: Your Daily Challenges


A couple weeks ago I talked about obstacles being the stepping stones to your success. This week I want to talk today’s challenges, the everyday challenges we face.

Everyday there are challenges and these challenges come in all varying shapes and sizes.

Whether it is deciding to hit the snooze button, drinking more water, reading more, or dealing work related personnel matters the challenges are there every day.

It has been said many times before and it will be said again and again, you must overcome the challenges of the day in order to create success in the future.

It is no big secret that consistency and persevere is what it takes to succeed.

Therefore, choosing to wake up before the alarm is a good thing.

Drinking more water as opposed to drinking sodas, diet included, will always be better.

Reading more will always be better than watching videos.

Bitching less will always be better than complaining about how everyone had done you wrong.

Making your own cup of coffee with always be better than spending money for that “flavor of the month” coffee shop coffee.

Eating at home will always a hundred times better than always eating out.

I can go on and on and of course, those that find themselves sleeping in, drinking diet Pepsi and popping Advil instead of eating right, will never take a moment to determine that if they were to face their daily challenges in a more positive beneficial manner they might just be achieving the level of success that drinking a grande cinnamon dulce latte will never bring.

Of course, it will always feel good to hit that snooze button and pull the covers over your head. 

Of course, it is always easier to tap on an app on your phone, drive up, and get handed a cup of coffee.
That my friends, is the easy way. That is letting the daily challenges get one or two or more over on you and more than likely it will happen again tomorrow.

Why will happen again tomorrow and the day after that? Because it is easy. Because people do not have any self-discipline. Because people would rather continue to do the easy thing, especially if they have gotten away with it for so long that it would be inconceivable to change.

Sadly, when the time comes for mandatory change to happen, it may already be too late for some.
That is why it stands repeating as often as needed; change by facing and overcoming your today’s challenges to build those successes of tomorrow.

You can do it. So do it before it is too late.

Thank you,
David Guerra

P.S. I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

P.P.S. To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

22 June 2024

2024: Your Limitless Potential

Hello again, this week I want to talk about having the potential.

The potential to do what needs to be done. What you know must be done.

The potential to complete something you started. The potential to just be a better human being.

We all have the potential. However, for any number of reasons many of us do not want to release ourselves and our potential to get to where we want to be. To be where we need to be.

A huge percentage of those reasons as to why we hold ourselves back is because we have self-imposed limits.

These self-imposed limits are debilitating when it comes to achieving the goals we have set for ourselves thus minimizing the level of success we ultimately achieve.

Where these self-imposed limitations come from is painfully obvious.

They come from within us. Of course, they come from many sources that ultimately make us who we are.

Again, this may sting but the truth is, that our self-imposed limitations come from our upbringing, our environment, our relationships with friends, colleagues, peers, mentors, teachers, and yes even our parents. It all contributes to who we are today and of course, how we see ourselves.

If growing up we are not given encouragement and provided with the tools to succeed, then we become people pleasers in hopes that we are recognized then maybe just maybe we are encouraged and provided with the tools.

If growing up, we surround ourselves with friends that are weak minded, little motivation, we rather demand instead of doing, then you will become just like those friends.

Of course, as adults we have the power and free will to choose not to fall into the trap that our family and friends set up for us.

You must learn from the mistakes of the past.
Learn from Your mistakes and the mistakes of others.

To remove those self-imposed limits, you will be able to proceed with confidence in that you can achieve what you set your mind to do.
Seriously, there is nothing more to it. You must work on identifying those self-imposed limits and then moving towards getting stuff done.

There can be no remorse, there can be no regret.

Folks, here is a little secret about remorse and regret. If you find yourself with any kind of remorse or any level of regret about your past the self-imposed limitations will quickly return. Once they are back you will soon find yourself spinning your wheels then realizing you are going nowhere fast.

Once you actively recognize and realize that there is nothing tying you to the past, all there is limitless potential.

You can move towards limitless potential, provided that pay the price of letting go of those things and people that shaped you into creating those limitations.

If you need a reference point, look at those people now, today, and see how their limitations have stopped them dead in their tracks. See where they are now.

Only you can work on changing your world, for the better.

Your Future Awaits!

Thank you,
David Guerra

P.S. I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

P.P.S. To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

15 June 2024

2024: Transforming Obstacles Into Stepping Stones


Hello and welcome. Today I am going to talk about obstacles in our lives and what can be done about them.

First off, it is best to know, accept and acknowledge that EVERYONE has obstacles in their lives. No one is immune. No one person’s obstacles are greater than anyone else. Obstacles are obstacles!

Obstacles are those things that happen to us as we move along in life. It is those things that are tangible and intangible that are there to either challenge us, slow us down, or to stop us altogether from achieving what we want to achieve or prevent us from getting to where we want to be.

Obstacles might come in varying degrees.

Of course, the obstacles you face are yours and no one else.

How you deal with those obstacles is uniquely your own.

The thing about the obstacles in your way are that YOU MUST DEAL WITH THEM.

Sure, there are people that are itching to find an excuse to NOT do what they must do, or not achieve the goals they want to achieve and the moment an obstacle appears to be blocking their path, then that is reason enough to stop, to quit, to give up.

Seriously, why bother even starting? There is no quitting.
If you go into anything with the intention of quitting, you are only hurting yourself as you are not making things happen. Do not worry about what others think, they are too busy avoiding you and your lack of commitment and dedication to yourself. They want no part of it and you.

As I mentioned you must deal with them, uniquely deal with every obstacle that comes your way, as no two obstacles are exactly alike. You must address them as they occur.

That is why as you encounter obstacles you must quickly and decisive deal with them.
By taking the time, now, you will find that these obstacles become stepping stones on your way to the success you want.

When you are on the path towards achieving your success, there is no time to wallow in the muck and mire that others will use as an excuse to quit.

You are on your own and on your own time.

The stepping stones that were once obstacles are helping you go higher, faster, stronger and with added resolve.

The increasing level of determination you have helps pull you further away from your past. You are looking towards the future and in that future, you will find yourself having achieved the level of success you wanted but also another truth is realized.

That truth is that once you achieve the level of success or you reach your goals, you will be left wanting more.

More in that you want to achieve an elevated level of success, you will want to reach higher goals. So, you start off working on these new goals or new tier of success.

This time, the obstacles will be greater and even more difficult to overcome, but this time you know they can be overcome and by treating them as stepping stones to get to the next level you will get there.

Lastly, whether you face your obstacles or not, that is solely up to you. Thus, there is no avoiding the lesson to be learned and both actions will teach you a lesson, provided you are mature enough to listen and learn.

Your Success Awaits!

Thank you,
David Guerra

P.S. I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

P.P.S. To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

06 April 2024

2024: Celebrating Victories (Big & Small)


This week, I am talking about celebrating your victories, big and small. 

The victory is a sign of making progress.
Then again, a failure is a sign of making progress.
Do not let the naysayers or fools try to pull the wool over your eyes.

A Failure or a Loss is still a WIN.
It is a win so long as you learn from that failure.
You learn not to make the mistake again or if you do make a mistake it is going to be a better mistake.
Better mistakes are also signs of making progress. So be sure to include them when celebrating.

Everyone loves a victory. Everyone loves to celebrate.
Now as for calibrating the level of celebrating victories, well that is strictly up to you.
Most will give their two cents and ask why are you celebrating the small victories?

Why not?

Seriously, celebrating life is the standard and most certainly NOT the exception.
The same goes for victories, all victories!
Ignore those individuals that are not at your level.
By not at your level, I mean they would rather dwell on failures instead of learning from them.
Trust me, there are so many individuals out there that only know how to dwell on failure that you should have no problem spotting them.

Ignore those that question why you celebrate. If they do not celebrate the way you do then screw them.
Their lack of ability to enjoy and celebrate is NOT your concern.

You and everyone else are on your own unique journey.
Everyone has obstacles to overcome. Everyone must do what they must do.
That is why you must continue doing your thing and seize the opportunities to celebrate.

As for the naysayers or the negative nellies, well, do not for one minute let the fog in their minds darken your eyes.

You have more important things to do than to worry about what others believe you should be celebrating or not celebrating. The thing to remember is to let them be unique no matter if they do not give you the same respect and opportunity to be unique.

Now back to celebrating the victories.

Celebrating the victories does two things:

One, it shows that you are not affected by the setbacks but instead you are actively looking and pursuing the next opportunity to celebrate.

Two. Celebrating the victories shows that you have your priorities set. Set to a standard that encourages rejoicing victories of all kinds and reassures continued growth and the continued need for more future celebrations.

However, a word of warning, be careful when celebrating in that you are not celebrating more than you are achieving. There is always work to be done.

So, get out there and celebrate and continue with your victories.

Thank you,
David Guerra

P.S. I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

P.P.S. To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

30 March 2024



This week, I am talking about facing fears and choosing courage.

Recently, my nephew made the jump from amateur to professional MMA Fighter. He had been training for several years and it was time. He knew it was time.

It was the inevitable path to take if he wanted to achieve his goals as a Mixed Martial Arts fighter, a professional Mixed Martial Arts fighter.

However, making the jump from amateur to professional means stepping into a professionally sanctioned match, a professional MMA cage, fighting against another professional fighter. Most certainly his amateur days were over.

He knew going in, he was going to be taking that first professional punch. He also knew he had to take that professional punch to the face. He gave punches and kicks as well as he took punches and kicks. And after 3 rounds he did not get the W.

That’s OK, because in all actuality he did win.

See, in the grand scheme of his MMA career he scored a HUGE W. While his fight record shows he is 0 and 1. His EXPERIENCE record shows him and 1 and 0.

As soon as the fight was over and the referee did not raise his arm in victory, I immediately saw in my nephew’s eyes he was already moving on to the next match. As there was nothing he could do to change the outcome of the match that just concluded.

Now before I go any further, you may be wondering what does this have to do with facing fear?

Folks, it is simple. Who in their right mind willfully steps into a Professional MMA fight knowing they are going to get punched in the face? Who in their right mind goes rushing into a burning building to save lives and put out a fire. Who in their right mind volunteers to join the Military to purposefully to go to the frontlines while everyone else is sitting in the rear with the gear.

Someone who has a LOT of fear but does it anyone because it has to be done. That’s who!

Someone who on any other regular day would be at home with their feet up on the coffee table drinking a cold one and watching the ball game but instead makes a conscious effort to face their fears and chooses courage.

Those are the individuals that have a firm grasp on where they are, where they are going and of course, success is just within reach.

Courage is a HUGE factor in achieving success. However, courage alone is not going to get you or anyone there.

Having the courage and then taking action will get you there. Sure, there are people that claim they face fear and are courageous but truthfully, they are ALL TALK and that is all they got.


Those are the people that talk a good game be have absolutely no idea to how to face fear. Sure, they may have done it once or twice in their past but not to the point that it inspires them to try again and again of facing their fears and choosing courage.

Sadly, for those ALL SHOW AND NO-GO KIND OF PEOPLE fear has overcome them, it has overtaken them.

When push comes to shove and doing what they know they must do, they would rather back down and let others do their dirty work for them. They would rather push others into harm’s way without getting their hands dirty.

Yet, they would be quick to take the credit for the success of others and quick to point the finger and blame others for a failure.

So be careful as a leader, and especially be careful as a follower not to fall for those kinds of managers. Those bad managers will bring morale down faster than a lead balloon.

Let us get back to my nephew’s first professional MMA fight.

As the referee did not raise his hand in victory there were a couple of things that I saw as victories, as his victories; he got that first professional punch to the face out of the way. More importantly he gets that first L out of the way. 

While the other guy did get his first professional punch to the face out of the way. That other guy now carries the specter of the L on his shoulder. Going forward everyone will be expecting a W including him but that first Loss is weighing heavy as it is only a matter of time. 

My nephew walks into the next match without having to carry the idea of he might lose. He already has. He has tasted the L and now the first W will taste even sweeter.

My nephew knew it was not going to be easy going Pro. However, he also knows and lives on the idea and the mindset of that to get to where he wants to be, in his life he must step into something he knew was going to physically hurt him.

My nephew and countless others like him with that same mindset, are a great example of overcoming your fears by choosing courage. So starting facing your fears and choose courage.

Everyone, Your Future Awaits!

Thank you,
David Guerra

P.S. I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

P.P.S. To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

21 March 2024



This week, I want to talk about taking charge and leading yourself.
Yep, a topic that is near and dear to my heart. You could call it my passion and that topic is SELF-LEADERSHIP.

For so long I did not know I was NOT actually in control of my life.
I was a people pleaser. I was the “nice guy.” The “don’t rock the boat” person. The Never Say No person. They knew where they stood with me. To people close to me and distant, I was just a shiny beacon for those that want to take advantage of someone, there I was.

For most of my life, I felt that was not in control of my life. Others were taking me in the direction they wanted me to go. Some had good intentions while others were just there to string me along for their sadistic pleasure.

Then over time, I started to realize that my priorities were wrong. I was willfully handing over power to those to use it or abuse it and use and abuse me, as well.

Then came a day when the breaking point was reached.

I had had enough of the lies, the manipulation and most importantly being blamed for their shortfalls and their inadequacies. I found myself in a place that something had to give, something had to happen.

It was time for me to TAKE ACTION.

It was then and there that I had to take a long hard look at myself and see where I was and where I wanted to be.

I re-assessed my place in life. Then I made the changes I felt I had to make to keep my marriage intact, free from third party influences, keeping myself present in the lives of my children. Just like that I had to do what I had to do to keep myself where I had to be as well as on the path to where I was going.

It has been a very rough road and as I am still on it, it continues to be rough. However, when it comes to being the leader of your world, a leader of your own life there will be times you have to do what must be done. That is non-negotiable.

What is also non-negotiable, is that you will be tested. Tested every day.

You will be tested by people that are looking out for your own interest.
You will be tested by people that are not looking out for you, at all.
Of course, there will be some that will not be test you but attempts will be made by individuals that believe you deserve nothing and they deserve everything you can give them. No questions asked.

These tests can be huge challenges when you find yourself worrying more about them than you worry about yourself.

However, these tests are nothing and should mean nothing to you as the only test you should take in life is you doing what you can to be better today than you were yesterday.

See, at the end of the day, there is a certainty that no one can ever change: you are responsible for yourself.

Many will fight you but at some point, in life, things must change, you must change. Remember change is part of growth.

A harsh reality is that at some point in our lives our parents will NEVER stop being our parents but they will stop parenting us and let us live our lives based on what they were able to do and NOT do in raising us, yet all the while they are hoping for the best for us.

People you once called friends may at one point or another stop being friends only to become someone you used to know.

And some people will attempt to gravitate back in your life but for what reason or why?

If they used you as a scapegoat in the past, are they looking to do that again? If that is the case, well they have not changed but you have changed. Remember that.

You are not that person anymore.
You are the leader of your life and your responsibilities.

It is not up to them anymore. It is all on YOU!

Your Future Awaits!

Thank you,
David Guerra

P.S. I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

P.P.S. To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

16 March 2024

2024: Your Mindset Is Your Most Powerful Asset


Hey there…good to see you again & welcome to spring break 2024.

How about that time change? Daylight Saving Time is a change we all know is coming and there is nothing we can do about it other than roll with it. Which I hope you did.

Time is a very powerful asset in our lives. They say time heals all wounds. This I believe to be true. See time does have the power to heal especially as we move away from what originally hurt us.
You also have the asset of time so do not waste it.

Additionally, you have a huge asset that far too many people use none of it, some of it, or they use it the wrong way. What is this asset?

The asset in question is your mindset.

Yes, your mindset is a huge asset provided you use it the way it is meant to be used. Otherwise, you will find yourself with a huge liability.

For those of you that do not know that Liabilities are not a good thing. Let us break it down.

You finance a new car = liability.

You take a mortgage out on a home = liability.

Remember, it is not until you pay off a home that it becomes an asset.

What does a mortgage have to do with your mindset. A LOT!

See far too many individuals immediately believe that the moment they buy a home it becomes an asset. It becomes an asset to the bank.

See the bank fronts you the money to buy the home with the intention of paying in full the amount mortgaged back to the bank.

The bank or mortgage company just created a money-making asset in that you give them a monthly payment with interest. 

Let me clarify this, you give them money which for you is a liability. They get the money plus interest well that is an asset. Never lose sight of that fact.

Now what about you? 

You probably go around kidding yourself into believing your mindset is an asset to your life. All the while, you unknowingly have become a walking liability.

Here is another little secret, we are all walking liabilities. Almost no one has a mindset that is a pure and complete asset. 

However, that should never stop any of us from working to improve ourselves and do what we can to get close to a mindset that is an asset not just to ourselves but also to those we surround ourselves with.
That is why working today to be better than you were yesterday is so important.

By actively working to create a mindset that is not only positive but actively on guard to avoid and or immediately deal with the negativity then are you creating a mindset that strives to be an asset for you and for those you lead.

Folks, be warned you will be challenged every step of the way.

There will be individuals, close and distant, that would rather see you fail than to see you succeed. To them I say Screw Off and Get out of the way of those doing what it takes.

That is where you cannot falter. You cannot fail yourself and if you are leader of others, you cannot fail them.

You stay the course and soon you will find yourself consciously and effortlessly working to improve yourself and your mindset, 24/7.

Doing what it takes to create a mindset that is your most powerful asset will be a habit that will lead to your success as an individual and as a leader.

Remember, get your mind on the right path and your Mindset will follow.

Thank you,
David Guerra

P.S. I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

P.P.S. To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble