20 August 2024

2024: Continue To Change Along With The World

Sorry No Video Today...

But coming back to that real soon. Just a brief update to get you up to speed with what has been going on around here.


Two years ago, I chose to take a diverging path from the course I had had found myself on for far too long in my adult life. It was (and still is) the GREATEST decision I have made. I had to move to a different place of being for my health, my sanity, my relationship with my children, my relationship with my wife, and most of all, the relationship I had with myself.

While so many people TALK the talk about how "from here on out it is about me" or "this year, I am placing myself first" and while that may sound all fine and dandy, it means nothing more than a steaming pile of dog crap if they CONTINUALLY refuse to act on their words. When they FAIL to walk the talk, they find themselves repeating their nonsensical unfulfillable promises to themselves in front of others.

You know who they are. I know who they are (or should I say who they were). Life throws us curve-balls and that is part of what makes life imperfect. It is how we handle these curve balls that show us who we are and what we really are.

In my case, I was seeing for far too long that the WRONG people were the ones throwing me curve balls. By the wrong people, I mean the people that are supposed to be supporting us, lifting us up, encouraging us, loving us but instead chose to be the opposite.  They were using me as their escape. They were using me to make their miserable lives seem not so miserable. Something needed to be done, so I did it.

You can too. You can bring a halt to their nonsense and take control of yourself for yourself. However, you actually have to do something about it. You cannot live on hopes and wishes. As in I hope this stops or I wish I had the strength to change my place in life. Well, you can and you should!

Seriously, you have the power to make a change. You also have the power to roll with the punches those changes will throw at you. But it is up to you to DECIDE and ACT!

You can stand there and become their punching bag or You can take a stand, say NO MORE and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.

They are not going to like it but hey, that's on them. You have to like yourself first and foremost.

You have the strength and the power to keep yourself sane and healthy (mentally and physically). You have the strength and the power to overcome the negativity that currently surrounds you. You have the strength and the power to be better than you were yesterday.

You have the POWER provided you use it.

Yes, I said this.
-David Guerra

P.S. I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

P.P.S. To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

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