04 September 2012

100 Days, 100 Ways Day 4: Think Positive!

For those that have been negative thinkers this is probably one of the most difficult things to change. With a little practice, it should not be an issue. 

Now don't be fooled and I am not going to fool you...Negative Thinkers are a dime a dozen. I can look at my email contact list or my cell phone contact list and find at least two negative thinkers with the first few scrolls of the screen. I don't surround myself solely with Negative Thinkers but they do creep into our lives because we need them and they need us: typically professionally but we also get them socially.

Don't despair, negativity is essential to living. It keeps us grounded and helps us to not live with our head in the clouds. However, making negativity the only motivation in your life is not healthy. It is not good for your Blood Pressure as the stress of negativity will contribute to increasing it. It is not good for your weight as the only comfort you get is immediate when good tasting food becomes the only thing you feel you have control over that is good. Rest assured your ever increasing weight will start making you feel bad.

So how to make the change from negative to neutral or positive?
First recognize that you have to have negativity in your life. Know that it does NOT have to consume you. Know that you can control it and that you can change the negative to positive (or at least to a neutral stance). Once you recognize that the negative is starting to creep in to your life, nip it! Nip it in the bud! In the bud, I say!

Seriously, if you want to be know for something other than being a "Negative Nelly" then it is time to change your thinking. It won't be easy but it can be done and who knows, you might just end up surprising a few people.

-Dave Guerra

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