01 February 2013

111. About Plans: Go Ahead...Redefine Your Plan! (Part 8)

Redefining Your Plan!

Now you've run through your plan and things are moving along, that is until...

Until you hit a stumbling block then what do you do?

What you do is take a moment to REDEFINE the plan. If the issue is with a supplier then you find a new and better supplier. If the issue is with a friend then is the relationship salvageable or was it never really a friendship?

It all comes down to this: LOOK at the plan, LOCATE the exact point where the stumbling occurred, DETERMINE what EXACTLY needs to be done, REDEFINE it, ACT on it, GET BACK ON TRACK with your plan!!!

Never let a stumble or a fall mean the end of executing your plan.

Thank you,
Dave Guerra

As always you can read this blog post in its original location at http://daveguerra.blogspot.com

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