27 August 2013

There Is No Longer Such A Thing As "Too Early"

In today's 24/7/365, always on, I want it now, instant world there is no longer such a thing as "too early"

Really, you can NEVER be too early for anything. Teenage girls line up for a week to get a glimpse of their favorite boy band du'jour. Heck, even the Tuesday before Thanksgiving is the new Black Friday.  Being too early is no longer an exception. Being Early is EXPECTED!

As for not being early, well now all you can be is LATE, TOO LATE, or WAY TOO LATE!

No longer can anyone get away with being late for anything. Whether it be for work, school, a date, a dinner, or a party.

Think about this: Would you approve of anyone arriving late? Short of a car accident or their clothes completely catching on fires, is there really any valid excuse any more?

NO! There is absolutely no valid excuse. A line from the 1994 song "Come Out and Play (Keep'm Separated)" by the Offspring gives the most appropriate warning: "...By the time you hear the siren, It's already too late..."

Thank you,
Dave Guerra

P.S. I do invite you to join the conversation and tell me what you are thinking.

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