Thanks to Simon, John, Roger, and Nick for reminding me about this one.
We've all heard of the VIP section. That's where the all the "very important people" go. Just who are those VIPs? Are they actors, actresses, politicians, or just rich people with nothing else better to do with their money? They would like to think so.
However, the identity of a VIP is very subjective. To any organization or establishment a VIP is someone who can bring recognition or prestige to the organization. To an establishment (bar or restaurant) a VIP will give valuable exposure. However, is it right for everyone to want in to the VIP section?
Right and Wrong! The VIP section, wherever it may be, is a contradiction.People want in and those that are in want nothing more than to get out. So what's the big deal?
The big deal is that people want to be where the action is. People like living vicariously through others. Remember how cool you thought H.P. Lovecraft and Jack Kerouac were?
You read their books and thought to yourself "Wow, these guys are living an awesome life" and you probably thought about living that kind of life because these guys had it all, they can do what they wanted, not have to answer to anybody and people liked them.
Then when you got to college or started working you realized that was not what life was about.
While that is the same for the VIP section in anything and anywhere. Once you get there what is next? Where is the next VIP section and how do you get to it?
The thing is that eventually one of two things will happen; you will get tired of trying to get into the VIP section that you just completely give up or you will become irrelevant and people will not want you in the VIP section any longer. What then?
Here are five things you can do if you find yourself unable to get into any VIP section:
1. The stop been envious of other people. Envy is a surefire way to keep you out of any VIP section including your own.
2. The same goes for jealousy. Jealousy is not self-inspiring nor self-serving. Jealousy has always been and always will be self-destructing.
3. Recognize that others want their own VIP section. You are not alone in this endeavor. However, when you realize that everyone's vision is unique and your vision of what the VIP section is almost certainly differs from the person next you.
4. Help others make their own VIP section. That old adage of "it takes a village" is still very true. Help them make their own and they will most certainly help you make yours.
5. MAKE YOUR OWN VIP SECTION. There is no need to worry if you are on the list because it is your list and you are always on top of that list.
So what if you do not own a nightclub or restaurant or bar? You have where you are and that is all that matters. Make where you are the hottest, most sought after spot on the planet. Make where you are the only VIP section that matters.
If it is your home then you are all set! Your friends and family will always be at the coolest place in the world.
If it is where you work, even better because not only can you make the employees members of the VIP section but that every single customer that walks in through your door is automatically in the VIP section.
So it's up to you, you can even choose to try to get into the latest and greatest VIP section as determined by somebody else or you can just make your own with your own set of rules and access list.
Personally, I recommend making your own. It was a lot of fun making my own VIP Section.
As always you can read this blog post in its original location at
Here are some Technorati Tags:
• VIP • Section • make your own • Don't be jealous • Stop the envy • Dave Guerra • Leadership • Leading • Leadership Development • Professional Development • Lead, Follow, or Get out of the way • Ready, Fire, Aim! • If it aint broke, break it. • Hire Crazies • Ask dumb questions • Pursue failure • Spread Confusion • Ditch Your Office • Read Odd Stuff • Avoid Moderation • Higher, Admire, Desire, Require, Satire, Inquire, On Fire, All Possible Scenarios • Give to the American Red Cross • Hire A Hero
US Army Veteran, MBA, Author "The Walking Leader" "Great To Follow" and the OCCUPIED BERLIN series (historical fiction). This blog contains my Thoughts, Words, Tips, and Lessons about Personal and Professional Leadership. Count on everything being delivered without pulling a single punch (NEVER!)
30 October 2013
12 October 2013
Blah, Blah, Blah + Static = Lack of Urgency
There comes a time in our lives when we see that not everything that others want us to see or wish for us to see is substantive but just a smoke screen.
It happens.
In my opinion, this has been happening quite a bit lately. What I have seen is the continuing saga and drama of individuals that would rather deliver the same old song and dance instead of evolving to the next level, their next level of professionalism.
What I mean is they create the sense of urgency the same way they always have and fail to recognize that at some point there " urgency" becomes routine. It is that same sense of routine that others eventually stop giving any credibility to the individual. Think "The Boy Who Cried Wolf".
Then anything in the future becomes nothing but "blah, blah, blah" and that turns into STATIC.
It is that static that people eventually begin to ignore. Then just like the boy, the person creating the "sense of urgency" no longer has any credibility nor is urgency applied when something real happens.
What then?
This is when those individuals that deliver that same "song and dance" must evolve and get away from that way of behaving. Unfortunately, this will only happen when they have their back up against a wall and wolf is nipping at their heels. Is it too late?
Yes, when that time comes it is way too late! However, all is NOT lost.
Those individuals have to see the light before it becomes TOO LATE again.
If you are one of those individuals, please take this as a warning and not as static that you ignore now and later say to yourself, "If only I listened, then?"
Only you can save yourself.
Until Next Time,
David Guerra
It happens.
In my opinion, this has been happening quite a bit lately. What I have seen is the continuing saga and drama of individuals that would rather deliver the same old song and dance instead of evolving to the next level, their next level of professionalism.
What I mean is they create the sense of urgency the same way they always have and fail to recognize that at some point there " urgency" becomes routine. It is that same sense of routine that others eventually stop giving any credibility to the individual. Think "The Boy Who Cried Wolf".
Then anything in the future becomes nothing but "blah, blah, blah" and that turns into STATIC.
It is that static that people eventually begin to ignore. Then just like the boy, the person creating the "sense of urgency" no longer has any credibility nor is urgency applied when something real happens.
What then?
This is when those individuals that deliver that same "song and dance" must evolve and get away from that way of behaving. Unfortunately, this will only happen when they have their back up against a wall and wolf is nipping at their heels. Is it too late?
Yes, when that time comes it is way too late! However, all is NOT lost.
Those individuals have to see the light before it becomes TOO LATE again.
If you are one of those individuals, please take this as a warning and not as static that you ignore now and later say to yourself, "If only I listened, then?"
Only you can save yourself.
Until Next Time,
David Guerra
08 October 2013
Attention Business Owners: About Your Company Vehicles (again)
Attention Business Owners
Thank you,
David G. Guerra
P.S. I do invite you to join this conversation. I want to know what you are thinking.
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To order your copy of "The Walking Leader" Amazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble
Here are some Technorati Tags: • The Walking Leader • Company Vehicles • Employee Drivers • Bad driving • Road Rage on company time • Employee Behavior • FESCO • Tri-County Communications • CHURCH'S FRIED CHICKEN • GENCO • Phase One Electric • Glazers Distributors • Professional Service Industries, Inc. • PSI • Top Cut Lawncare • LeFleur Transportation • Dave Guerra • Leadership • Leading • Leadership Development • Professional Development • Lead, Follow, or Get out of the way • Ready, Fire, Aim! • If it ain't broke, break it. • Hire Crazies • Ask dumb questions • Pursue failure • Spread Confusion • Ditch Your Office • Read Odd Stuff • Avoid Moderation • Higher, Admire, Desire, Require, Satire, Inquire, On Fire, All Possible Scenarios • Give to the American Red Cross • Hire A Hero
I said it before and I will say it again: Do you know what happens when your employees take your company vehicle home?
Sure it might be after hours but they are still advertising your company name, phone number, website, and they are most certainly advertising your company's reputation.
The situation is do you really know what your employees are doing with your company name on the weekends and after hours? Better still, what are they doing with your company name when they are driving home after work or when they are driving to work first thing in the morning?
Are they really promoting the professional reputation that you worked long and hard to develop, cultivate, and maintain?
Are your employees working hard to maintain that professional reputation? Most of them are. However, just like at a restaurant all it takes is one bad meal or a rude waiter and that restaurant's reputation goes down the kitchen sink and so will your organization's reputation.
All it takes is for one employee that is in a hurry to start the weekend and run a red light or do rolling stop at a stop sign or worst still shows signs of road rage in your company's van or truck and come Monday morning and almost as if by magic you sit there wondering how your company's reputation just disappeared.
Now, I know there's a need for employees to take company vehicles home after hours and weekends, especially if they are on-call. However, those employees need to fully understand the severity of how quickly things could escalate and the importance of them to remain highly professional from the moment they drive the company vehicle off the company parking lot to the moment they return the company vehicle to the company parking lot.
So long as they have control of a company vehicle they have control of your company's reputation and fate. Now, you need to ask yourself: Are you prepared to turn over total and complete control of your company to someone who you know is not prepared?
Of course, you send out your service vehicles and service people. Your employees have to get from point A to point B. Obviously, you trust them enough to get from one point to another to do the job that they were hired to do. That’s fine, however, it is their attitude and behavior while they're traveling that is the biggest indicator of how long your business will last.
If you have in the past or if you haven't, get those drivers together and lay down, in no uncertain terms, your exact expectations of those driving the vehicles no matter when they're driving the vehicles. Also, don't forget to stress the repercussions of violating the expectations that you have just finished giving them. I understand that there will be people who will push you, that will not take you serious as to what your expectations are and what will happen if they do not follow through.
Therefore, it behooves you, your employees, your company, and your insurance company that every driver signs a form that acknowledges their understanding and expected compliance of the vehicle use policy as you have explained to them. Don't forget to ask if there any questions. If there are no questions then verbally acknowledge that no questions were asked otherwise answer the question(s).
Something to remember; when you are talking to your staff please do not pull any punches, do not joke around, or they will most certainly take with them the impression that all of this is just a joke and you were not serious! This impression will be difficult to shake when it comes to following through when someone breaks the driving policy.
Remember, whether you want to admit it or not your customers and potential customers are ALWAYS watching you, your company, your employees and what they do with your reputation. So take my warning or not, that is up to you.
Thank you,
David G. Guerra
P.S. I do invite you to join this conversation. I want to know what you are thinking.
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To order your copy of "The Walking Leader" Amazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble
Here are some Technorati Tags: • The Walking Leader • Company Vehicles • Employee Drivers • Bad driving • Road Rage on company time • Employee Behavior • FESCO • Tri-County Communications • CHURCH'S FRIED CHICKEN • GENCO • Phase One Electric • Glazers Distributors • Professional Service Industries, Inc. • PSI • Top Cut Lawncare • LeFleur Transportation • Dave Guerra • Leadership • Leading • Leadership Development • Professional Development • Lead, Follow, or Get out of the way • Ready, Fire, Aim! • If it ain't broke, break it. • Hire Crazies • Ask dumb questions • Pursue failure • Spread Confusion • Ditch Your Office • Read Odd Stuff • Avoid Moderation • Higher, Admire, Desire, Require, Satire, Inquire, On Fire, All Possible Scenarios • Give to the American Red Cross • Hire A Hero
01 October 2013
Always Carry A Pen and Paper / Always have something to write with and on!
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Retro 51 Tornado Red Rollerball Pen |
Having something to document any action, idea, suggestion or recording a meeting on or with is something that makes you as someone who is prepared for any situation. Whether you have a folded piece of paper and an old chewed up pencil or a Moleskine pocket journal and a Mont Blanc fountain pen, it really does not matter so long as you have something. Now what does matter, is that you have something that will work for you every time you need it.
Personally, I prefer using a pocket journal from Field Notes (R) and a pen that fits my taste and style, as well as, my budget. Personally, I used one of the following three pens: 5280 Summit carbon Fiber Fountain Pen, Padrino Aero Silver Ball Point Pen, and Retro 51 Tornado Red Roller Ball Pen.
Each one of these pens works well with the paper in the Field Notes Pocket Journal. The paper quickly absorbs the ink from the rollerball pen as it does with the fountain pen and the ballpoint pen.
The beauty of the Field Notes Pocket Journal is not only its compact size but the pages can be torn out and attached to any other piece of paper either by a staple, paperclip, bulldog clip, or dog-ear.
There is absolutely no excuse for anyone to get out from behind a desk and the office or cubicle or whenever you have without something to write on and something to write with. You are a professional and you need to start acting like it. People see you as a professional the moment you start acting like a professional. There are many things people can do but being recognized as a Professional in your field is something you can not fool all the people with.
People will immediately recognize when you're not telling them the truth, when you are just playing the part, and they will certainly recognize that you are not genuine when it comes to using the tools of the trade.
If you are constantly arriving at a meeting, gathering, or anyplace without at least a piece of paper and pen but instead are always asking to " borrow a paper and a pen" people will see right through you and know that you are not the genuine article.
Don't take your selections for granted. Never, ever do that. This is one of those thing that will help define you as a leader among men and women. This will help start to set you apart from those that are never prepared but somehow seem to skate on by.
Whether you are a "Newbie" or a "Veteran" it is never too late or too early to start increasing your professional skills of which having the right tools for the right job is the key to the increasing skill set thus increasing success.
The Professional is always prepared! The Professional is prepared to deal with any contingency and is ALWAYS prepared to make a decision.
A Professional should also be prepared to take notes. Therefore, as a Professional you should always have something to write on and with otherwise why bother considering yourself a professional?
Thank you,
David G. Guerra
P.S. I do invite you to join the conversation and tell me what you are thinking.
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To order your copy of The Walking Leader: Amazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble
Here are some Technorati Tags: • The Walking Leader • Rule #3 • Go by yourself • Always carry • Paper and Pen • Right tools for the right job • Dave Guerra • Leadership • Leading • Leadership Development • Professional Development • Lead, Follow, or Get out of the way • Ready, Fire, Aim! • If it ain't broke, break it. • Hire Crazies • Ask dumb questions • Pursue failure • Spread Confusion • Ditch Your Office • Read Odd Stuff • Avoid Moderation • Higher, Admire, Desire, Require, Satire, Inquire, On Fire, All Possible Scenarios • Give to the American Red Cross • Hire A Hero
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