I said it before and I will say it again: Do you know what happens when your employees take your company vehicle home?
Sure it might be after hours but they are still advertising your company name, phone number, website, and they are most certainly advertising your company's reputation.
The situation is do you really know what your employees are doing with your company name on the weekends and after hours? Better still, what are they doing with your company name when they are driving home after work or when they are driving to work first thing in the morning?
Are they really promoting the professional reputation that you worked long and hard to develop, cultivate, and maintain?
Are your employees working hard to maintain that professional reputation? Most of them are. However, just like at a restaurant all it takes is one bad meal or a rude waiter and that restaurant's reputation goes down the kitchen sink and so will your organization's reputation.
All it takes is for one employee that is in a hurry to start the weekend and run a red light or do rolling stop at a stop sign or worst still shows signs of road rage in your company's van or truck and come Monday morning and almost as if by magic you sit there wondering how your company's reputation just disappeared.
Now, I know there's a need for employees to take company vehicles home after hours and weekends, especially if they are on-call. However, those employees need to fully understand the severity of how quickly things could escalate and the importance of them to remain highly professional from the moment they drive the company vehicle off the company parking lot to the moment they return the company vehicle to the company parking lot.
So long as they have control of a company vehicle they have control of your company's reputation and fate. Now, you need to ask yourself: Are you prepared to turn over total and complete control of your company to someone who you know is not prepared?
Of course, you send out your service vehicles and service people. Your employees have to get from point A to point B. Obviously, you trust them enough to get from one point to another to do the job that they were hired to do. That’s fine, however, it is their attitude and behavior while they're traveling that is the biggest indicator of how long your business will last.
If you have in the past or if you haven't, get those drivers together and lay down, in no uncertain terms, your exact expectations of those driving the vehicles no matter when they're driving the vehicles. Also, don't forget to stress the repercussions of violating the expectations that you have just finished giving them. I understand that there will be people who will push you, that will not take you serious as to what your expectations are and what will happen if they do not follow through.
Therefore, it behooves you, your employees, your company, and your insurance company that every driver signs a form that acknowledges their understanding and expected compliance of the vehicle use policy as you have explained to them. Don't forget to ask if there any questions. If there are no questions then verbally acknowledge that no questions were asked otherwise answer the question(s).
Something to remember; when you are talking to your staff please do not pull any punches, do not joke around, or they will most certainly take with them the impression that all of this is just a joke and you were not serious! This impression will be difficult to shake when it comes to following through when someone breaks the driving policy.
Remember, whether you want to admit it or not your customers and potential customers are ALWAYS watching you, your company, your employees and what they do with your reputation. So take my warning or not, that is up to you.
Thank you,
David G. Guerra
P.S. I do invite you to join this conversation. I want to know what you are thinking.
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