29 November 2014


If you have been following me on Twitter (@daveguerra), Facebook (facebook.com/thedavidguerra), Google+ (plus.google.com/+DaveGuerra) then you know for the past several weekends I have been posting links to websites and online articles that are all about Etiquette: Business, Interpersonal, Professional and Personal.

Here is this past weekend’s ETIQUETTE WEEKEND collection (11/22-11/23/14).

1. Modern Etiquette: Reading micro-expressions can reap rewards

2. Business Etiquette: Professionalism Behind the Wheel

3. Radio series helps business owners reboot

4. What you should know about social media etiquette

5. Business Etiquette 101: Don't Clip Your Toenails in the Office

6. Confusing business etiquette explained

7. 8 Essential Tips for Great Business Phone Call Etiquette

8. 6 social media etiquette tips for your business.

9. 5 Social Media Etiquette Tips

10. Are Manners Fading?

Thank you,
David Guerra

I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

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11 November 2014

Exploit that opportunity

When an opportunity arises, do everything you can to exploit that opportunity. Don't let yourself get distracted.

Every once in a while opportunities arise. When they do, we have to do everything within our power to exploit them. You have to because once gone those opportunities will never return.

Sure there will be other opportunities but the moment you pass one up there will never be another like the one you passed up.

That is why you must do everything you can to exploit those opportunities. You must exploit to the full length of your abilities. Don't let anything stop you from exploiting any opportunity.

Some people will say, I don't have the money, I don't have the time, I don't have the connections.

To those people, I say those are plain and simple BS excuses. Excuses! Nothing more and nothing less.

You can get the money. You have the same 24 hours that I do every day. You are connected otherwise how did you get access to the opportunity you are trying excuse yourself out of. Think about it. You could do all of that with little to no effort.

If you don't exploit the next opportunity then you have no one to blame but yourself.

David Guerra

I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

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07 November 2014

About Give and Take and those that Refuse to Reciprocate

When it comes to trying do what you must do there will always be someone that will withhold something knowing fully well they will never need it or use it but refuse to offer it to those that will use it or need to use it.

It is a sad reality but what can you do about it?


You can't change the way people behave. Or can you?

You can try but deep down they are who the are and that means they will be what they will be.

However, you can be different and show them how it should be done. Don't sit there and complain, just move along until you find and connect with someone who will do for you that you would do for them. It is a give and take world.

Give and take in the sense that both sides are giving and taking. Not one side that is constantly taking what others are giving. That is no way to build a great relationship.

It's OK to move on. Really it is.

Don't be afraid to stop giving to someone who is only taking and giving nothing back in return. Do not fear the change. Change is always difficult but if that change moves you to a better relationship then I say go for it. I know this because while it hurt so much I had to move on and away from a relationship where all they did was take and never gave.

Thank you,
David Guerra

I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

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06 November 2014

What's The Real Price of "Get Your FREE eBook"?

The real price of "Get Your Free eBook" is NOT free.

You've heard that old saying, "there's no such thing as a free lunch." Well, it is true!

ALL Free lunches come with a price.

Mostly, they come with a sermon or a sales pitch. Wait a second! Wait just one second, aren't the two of them the same thing?

What's the online price for FREE?  Typically, the price is giving up your email address.

You give up your email address to get something for free.

There is nothing wrong with that. People all over do it. Heck, I've done it. I will more than likely do it again.

There is something to remember if you are going to do it: Think TRANSPARENCY.

You MUST be up front and tell people what the price of entry is. In this case, it is their email address.

Then, tell them what you are going to do with their email address.

Try something like this: "I have an ebook I want to send you. All I need is your email address. I will use the email address to send you future updates to this eBook and (whatever else you are offering or planning to do with that email)"

That's it. It is that simple.

Folks, the don't give your email address to just anyone. Give it to the ones that promise to use it only to give you what you want and nothing else.

If they can't promise that then don't bother. I know I don't.

Thank you,
David Guerra

I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

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04 November 2014

10 Real Leadership Realities

Not so long ago, I was told a story about a manager who thought he was a leader. This manager had received plenty of education and went as high as he could in his chosen profession but was not a leader. No matter just how much he thought himself  to be a leader, his people skills and leadership skills were severely lacking thus this manager was just that, a manager.

After hearing the complete horror story that it turned out to be I compiled the following 10+ Tips on what Real Leadership is.

1. Real #Leadership means you take the hit when the going gets tough, show your people you got their back.

2. Real #Leadership means you reprimand yourself before you find the lowest person on the totem pole to reprimand/fire. You #leadfromwithin

3. Real #Leadership means you work with your staff to ensure they can become better and not cut them loose at the first sign of trouble.

4.  Real #Leadership means you will work your ass off so that you don't have to chew on anyone else's.

5. Real #Leadership means that you are constantly earning the title of leader. An MBA, Ph.D., M.D., M.Ed. or any other scholarly titled does NOT equal to automatic leader.

6. Real #Leadership means you lead with a heavy hand AND a compassionate heart. However, if all you have is a heavy hand then you are NOT leading.

7. Real #Leadership means you must prove yourself, from scratch, to your followers EVERY day

8. Real #Leadership means that just because someone hands you people to supervise does not mean you are a leader. You have to work your way up to that.

9. Real #Leadership means there will be good days and bad days. Mostly, good days! Do everything to make the bad days better for your followers.

10. Real #Leadership means your success is based solely on the success of EVERYONE you are responsible for, not just those you like.

BONUS: Real #Leadership means you don't care how you look to your supervisor you care how others under your care are looked at by your supervisor.

BONUS #2: Real #Leadership means you will take care of those you supervise and they will take care of you! I promise.

Thank you,
David Guerra

I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

To order your copy of The Walking LeaderAmazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

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