07 November 2014

About Give and Take and those that Refuse to Reciprocate

When it comes to trying do what you must do there will always be someone that will withhold something knowing fully well they will never need it or use it but refuse to offer it to those that will use it or need to use it.

It is a sad reality but what can you do about it?


You can't change the way people behave. Or can you?

You can try but deep down they are who the are and that means they will be what they will be.

However, you can be different and show them how it should be done. Don't sit there and complain, just move along until you find and connect with someone who will do for you that you would do for them. It is a give and take world.

Give and take in the sense that both sides are giving and taking. Not one side that is constantly taking what others are giving. That is no way to build a great relationship.

It's OK to move on. Really it is.

Don't be afraid to stop giving to someone who is only taking and giving nothing back in return. Do not fear the change. Change is always difficult but if that change moves you to a better relationship then I say go for it. I know this because while it hurt so much I had to move on and away from a relationship where all they did was take and never gave.

Thank you,
David Guerra

I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

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