06 November 2014

What's The Real Price of "Get Your FREE eBook"?

The real price of "Get Your Free eBook" is NOT free.

You've heard that old saying, "there's no such thing as a free lunch." Well, it is true!

ALL Free lunches come with a price.

Mostly, they come with a sermon or a sales pitch. Wait a second! Wait just one second, aren't the two of them the same thing?

What's the online price for FREE?  Typically, the price is giving up your email address.

You give up your email address to get something for free.

There is nothing wrong with that. People all over do it. Heck, I've done it. I will more than likely do it again.

There is something to remember if you are going to do it: Think TRANSPARENCY.

You MUST be up front and tell people what the price of entry is. In this case, it is their email address.

Then, tell them what you are going to do with their email address.

Try something like this: "I have an ebook I want to send you. All I need is your email address. I will use the email address to send you future updates to this eBook and (whatever else you are offering or planning to do with that email)"

That's it. It is that simple.

Folks, the don't give your email address to just anyone. Give it to the ones that promise to use it only to give you what you want and nothing else.

If they can't promise that then don't bother. I know I don't.

Thank you,
David Guerra

I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

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