28 March 2015

on Happiness (Your happiness)

If you are complaining you are NOT advancing and you are certainly NOT happy.

If you turn to others to give you permission to be happy, you never will be.

What if those you are soliciting for permission to be happy are not happy themselves, then what?

One, they are not going to give you permission to be happy. Two, they will do everything in their power to ensure that you are never happy again. Trust me on this, I have dealt with such people for a very long time.

I dealt with them until one day someone who is happy told me that I can no longer fall for them, their nonsense, their drama, and most definitely their unhappiness.

The only person that can give you permission to be happy today, tomorrow, and forever is YOU!
You are the only one that controls you happiness.

Be Happy!

Thank you,
David Guerra

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