Every Tuesday evening at 8pm eastern, the #DareToBe tweetchat takes
place on Twitter. The #DareToBe tweetchat is hosted by Andrea Sanchez
(@asanchez16), an Editor, Writer, and Communications Executive.
Every week a different topic. On the evening of August 18, 2015, the topic was DARE TO STEP OUTSIDE YOUR COMFORT ZONE. I could not capture all the twitter based answers to the 10 questions asked by @ASanchez16.
However, I present the questions and my answers (with a bit of
amplification). Please enjoy and if you can, please joins us. Look for
the #DareToBe hashtag every Tuesday evening.
Dare To Step Outside Your Comfort Zone
Q1: Define “comfort zone.” #DareToBe
My Answer: It is that place where we feel we are in control.
Everyone has a comfort zone. That special and unique place that all of us have, that place where we are in control, even if it is just for a little while. It may be real or virtual but it is ours.
Q2: Describe your comfort zone. What does it look/feel like? #DareToBe
My Answer: My comfort zone is early Saturday morning (before the Sun comes up). I'm the only one awake. It's just me and a cup of coffee.
This is the best time. The rest of the day is taken but this time is all mine.
Q3: What word comes to mind when you imagine stepping out of your comfort zone? Explain. #DareToBe
My Answer: Adventure. As in, here comes the next adventure.
Oh, do not get me wrong I used to dread stepping out of my comfort zone or being forced out of my comfort zone. However, as I have grown older and wiser (I hope) I now believe that it has to be treated as an adventure, otherwise it will bring you down.
Q4: ____________ is scarce in comfort zones. #DareToBe
My Answer: Adventure is scarce in comfort zones.
Comfort zones are called comfort zones for a reason. There is NO adventure or anything close to resembling adventure in any comfort zone.
Q5: Tell us about a time you stepped out of your comfort zone. #DareToBe
My Answer: Left a 17-year comfy job with the State of Texas and dove right in to the private sector. Greatest Adventure to date.
While I gave the state job everything I had eventually the bureaucracy, politics, and lack of agency leadership was just too much. When my own manager did not remember I finished Grad School a year earlier, I knew it was time to go.
Q6: Why was stepping out of your comfort zone good for you? #DareToBe
My Answer: I was starting to exhibit the physical signs of stress. NOT GOOD. It was time for a change.
My right eye was constantly twitching, my hair was starting to turn grey. It was getting to be too much. I was exercising to release some stress but that wasn’t working. Finally, it was time to go. I left the cushy state job and ventured into uncharted waters. A couple of months later, my eye stopped twitching, the grey hairs went away (well not completely but it was not as bad as it was) and I lost weight. I feel so much better.
Q7: Give an example of negative self-talk that often prevents one from trying something new. #DareToBeMy Answer: "What will others think?"
The worst negative self-talk deals with what other people will think. If I worried about what other would think NONE of my books would have been written. I never would have left a state job after 17 years. I never would have been the father to the two wonderful children I have now. I never would have bought the home I live in now. I never would have married the beautiful woman I was lucky enough to marry. I never would have left the Army. I never would have joined the Army. I never would have left my parent's home, wait a second yes I would have! You get the idea.
Q8: Why is it just as important to return to your comfort zone from time to time? #DareToBe
My Answer: You need a place to just be. A place to recharge. Heck, even Superman had his Fortress of Solitude.
Every one of us need a break. A break from what we have to deal with on a daily basis. We need our Fortress of Solitude. Remember, Superman live in Metropolis and visited the Fortress of Solitude. That is why we need to VISIT our comfort zone. Stay there too long and complacency starts to creep in and before you know it you become MEDIOCRE.
Q9: What motivates people to push themselves outside of their comfort zones? #DareToBe
My Answer: If a rolling stone gathers no moss that means it is well outside its comfort zone. People are the same way they avoid being still.
There are those that are restless and must keep moving and doing something. Then there are those that are perfectly happy collecting moss. To each his or her own.
Q10: Learn to be comfortable with the uncomfortable by ______________. #DareToBe
My Answer: Spending more time with the uncomfortable until it becomes comfortable. Then you start all over again.
The more we do the uncomfortable the more we will get used to it. Then we see the next uncomfortable thing and we pursue it until it becomes comfortable and the cycle repeats itself. This wanderlust is what happens when people yearn to be comfortable with the uncomfortable.
Q11: Tomorrow, I will #DareTo step outside my comfort zone by ____________________. #DareToBe
My Answer: Doing something that I have dreaded doing. As soon as I remember what I will post it.
Thank you,
David Guerra
I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com
To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking Leader: Amazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble
Here are some Tags: • The Walking Leader • Great To Follow • Andrea Sanchez • DareToBe • Comfort Zone • Leadership • Dave Guerra • Leadership • Leading • Leadership Development • Professional Development • Lead, Follow, or Get out of the way • Ready, Fire, Aim! • If it ain't broke, break it. • Hire Crazies • Ask dumb questions • Pursue failure • Spread Confusion • Ditch Your Office • Read Odd Stuff • Avoid Moderation • Higher, Admire, Desire, Require, Satire, Inquire, On Fire, All Possible Scenarios • Give to the American Red Cross • Hire A Hero
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