Every week a different topic. On the evening of August 10, 2015, the topic was Leading Change.
I present the questions and my answers and a little bit more. Please enjoy.
If you can, please joins us next week. Look for the #LeadWithGiants hashtag every Monday evening (and throughout the week) or follow @LeadWithGiants on twitter to get the questions..
Leading Change
Q1: What is the difference between innovation, adaptation, transformation and CHANGE? #LeadWithGiants
My Answer: They all are forms of change. They, however, have different origins either, internal, external or a combination of both.
This means that the reason words like innovation, adaptation and transformation exists is to show us the various angles of origin of CHANGE. They say necessity is the mother of invention. Thus, innovation is born. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Thus, adaptation is born. Evolution comes from survival of the fittest. Thus transformation is born.
Q2: What’s the most important benefit of any change, if any? #LeadWithGiants
My Answer: The most important benefit of change is that new or renewed attention is given to the problem, the solution, and all those involved.
Q3: Can we change the person, who somebody is? Explain. #LeadWithGiants
My Answer: We are always changing. The ability to sustain that change to make more change is different for all. All at own pace.
Q4: What’s the best way to initiate change in organizations? #LeadWithGiants
My Answer: When all recognize the problem and all are encouraged to be part of the solution.
I was once member of an organization that crammed change down our throats. The organization’s leadership management was in survival mode. They wanted to keep their jobs and threw change so fast at the rest us that either you accepted the change (no questions asked) or you found yourself being shown the door.
I was once member of an organization that crammed change down our throats. The organization’s leadership management was in survival mode. They wanted to keep their jobs and threw change so fast at the rest us that either you accepted the change (no questions asked) or you found yourself being shown the door.
In a previous organization, you were told change was coming months before it arrived. Everyone, was given time to buy into the coming change. Whether individuals bought into it or not at least they knew they had a voice in how it going to impact them and everyone.
Q5: Who’s responsible for leading the change in an organization? #LeadWithGiants
My Answer: Everyone that believes in the mission and vision of the organization is responsible for making change happen.
You are part of a team. You wanted to work with the organization. You stepped up and volunteered to be part of the organization. I guarantee no one walked to you, put a gun to your head, and said “You will work here or else!”
You are part of a team of individuals that have one goal. To succeed. Success comes with a price. That price is you must accept, embrace, and live change. There is nothing gained by remaining stagnant. Change or reap the rewards that stagnant pond water offers.
Q6: What’s the best way to deal with people’s fear of change? #LeadWithGiants
My Answer: Fear of change can only be conquered by diving into the deep end. Go all in or why bother?
While others may get “touchy-feely” about the deep psychological impacts of fear on the psyche of the individual. I respect that! Really, I do. However, what I respect more is an adult that has committed to the organization enough to take that leap forward and join the organization in making progress towards a better future.
While others may get “touchy-feely” about the deep psychological impacts of fear on the psyche of the individual. I respect that! Really, I do. However, what I respect more is an adult that has committed to the organization enough to take that leap forward and join the organization in making progress towards a better future.
Q7: How can we ensure that change attempts don’t fail?
My Answer: No one can ensure a no fail situation. I would expect failure in order to make the change better.
So long as the company/organization continues to accept and embrace change, it can never truly fail. Still, you need failures to know whether the organization, department, section or group are on the right track or wrong track when it comes to implementing change.
Embrace ALL the failures; they will make you, your employees, your organizational stakeholders, and your organization better. BETTER is GOOD!
Q8: How do we measure change and its results? #LeadWithGiants
My Answer: Change is measured by how fast the next change happens (either needed or wanted).
The moment change has been implemented others will start to see what else they can change. They will say to themselves if we can make this good, then we can make that better. Making things better is a sign that change was needed but also, that organizational change works.
The moment change has been implemented others will start to see what else they can change. They will say to themselves if we can make this good, then we can make that better. Making things better is a sign that change was needed but also, that organizational change works.
Q9: What (or where) is the biggest change we will witness in next 5-10 years? #LeadWithGiants
My Answer: Our lives will change. Everything we do, say, watch, eat, listen, and so on will change count on it!
The only constant that we can be certain of is change. Change is happening whether we like it or not. Change is what made white bread become wheat bread then honey wheat bread then oat and wheat bread and then organic wheat bread and then become organic whole oat wheat bread.
Q10: The more things change, the more they stay the same, has what implications?? #LeadWithGiants
My Answer: You can't fight change but that does not mean you can't make it comfortable.
Who said all changes have to be uncomfortable? Pull up a lawn chair, pour yourself a tall glass of iced tea and watch change happen. You can’t stop the bum rush. Obviously, you will have to get in there when you have to and help.
For the most, enjoy the ride.
--Until Next Week--
Thank you,
David Guerra
I invite you to follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra • visit my website: www.daveguerra.com
To order your copy of Great To Follow: Amazon paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble paperback
To order your copy of The Walking Leader: Amazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble
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