03 January 2013

103. 2013 Resolutions (part 2)

Three days into the new year and some are preparing to start their resolutions after the weekend. So before you start ask yourself:

• What makes a difference in the quality of your life?
• What drives you?
• What motivates you?

Believe it or not, plain and so very simple it's EMOTION (yours, mine, ours). Everything else is BS you sell yourself, trust me on this one, we sell ourselves way too much BS.

If you are one of those that doesn't want to admit that you are buying the BS let me fill you in on a little secret: We all do it!

So cut back on the BS and load up on the Authentic Emotion and you will see your resolutions become a reality.

Till next time,
Dave Guerra

As always you can read this blog post in its original location at http://daveguerra.blogspot.com

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