17 January 2013

106. About Plans: Execution! (Part 3)

Now that you have your plan on paper, what happens next? Now you have this treatise that will define your future for tomorrow, next month, next year and you are probably wondering when do you start?

You start NOW!!! Not tomorrow, not this weekend, you start right now!!!

If for some reason you don't start right now, like you are in a full body cast and cannot train for the next 5K then you start the moment you are physically able.

Seriously, if you PLAN to start next week, guess what? Next week never comes and what does come will be plenty of nonsense and excuses. If all you want to do is complain then why start? There can be no half-ass attempt at having a plan in place and attempting to execute that plan.
...and that's why NOW is the best time to start in executing your plan.

Thank you,
Dave Guerra

As always you can read this blog post in its original location at http://daveguerra.blogspot.com

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