31 December 2013


WOW! Another year is done. Another year is starting. An end and a beginning all in a matter of seconds. That’s it. As everyone knows but no one wants to accept “we can’t change time”, we cannot speed it up and most certainly, we cannot slow it down. All that we can do is accept that time is change and change is time, it is always happening it is all around us.

The past is written never to be re-written. The future is a blank slate that we, in the present, get to write on. However, there is no going forward to write it we can only move in time towards it. We can plan things out but even then, no plan is foolproof. As General Dwight D. Eisenhower is credited as saying, “In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable." Obviously, 2014 is not going to be a battle but yet we often set ourselves up for a situation in which we are destined to fail. It is because we fail to plan.

This leads me to the hottest topic this time every year: RESOLUTIONS.

Many of us (myself included) have been guilty of proclaiming resolutions for the New Year only to have them fail or forgotten a few weeks into that New Year.

There are many tips, tools, and ideas (mine included) there flying around right about now.  There is nothing wrong with that!  Actually, I look forward to them every year because it shows that we need help.  We need plenty of help!

However, just before I finished writing my book “The Walking Leader" I stumbled across something and it became my mantra, my catchphrase, my daily mission, my motto: "Be Better Than Yesterday."

Now with a minor change I make my new year's resolution and I invite you to make it yours:

Thank you,
Dave Guerra

P.S. I do invite you to join the conversation and tell me what you are thinking.

As always you can read this blog post in its original location at http://daveguerra.blogspot.com

I invite you to
follow me on Twitter: @daveguerra
visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

To order your copy of The Walking Leader:  Amazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle | Barnes & Noble

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