DOUGHBOY CITY is something that I have been working on since 2011 when I was a participant in NANOWRIMO (National Novel Writing Month). Then I put the core of this book on the shelf for about a year and a half. After the publication of THE WALKING LEADER, I decide to dust off the file that was DOUGHBOY CITY and I hit the keyboard running.
Then before I knew it, the book that was to become the final product was complete.
I had a lot of fun writing DOUGHBOY CITY as I did writing THE WALKING LEADER. If I can do it, I will continue to have this kind of fun for a very long time. Writing FICTION was a very nice departure from the NON-FICTION. Personally, I believe that I have stumbled on to something in alternating between FICTION and NON-FICTION means I can decompress from one while working on the other. I like the idea of breaking it up. It reminds me of the author DAVID BALDACCI who wrote a long line of serious thriller novels before taking a different path in The Christmas Train. FYI, The Christmas Train happens to rank in the top 100 of my all-time favorite Christmas stories.
The story takes place in the two months before the fall of the Berlin Wall. A terrible training “accident” takes the life of a young US Soldier. Another Soldier who is friends with the victim starts to put two and two together and figures out that it is no accident. However, he cannot prove it, especially, when the person he suspects is the killer all but confesses. He cannot prove it until one night as the world was changing an unlikely duo changes everything for everyone.
You can order your copy for the KINDLE DEVICE or APP: DOUGHBOY CITY (Occupied Berlin: Tales from Freedom's Outpost)
Don't worry the paperback version of DOUGHBOY CITY will be available on 7 JANUARY 2014.
Thank you,
Dave Guerra
P.S. I do invite you to join the conversation and tell me what you are thinking.
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