It's that time of the week again. That's right this past Tuesday
night and every Tuesday evening from 8PM to 9PM EST, I participate in
the #LeadFromWithin tweetchat hosted and led by Lolly Daskal, author of "Thoughts Spoken From the Heart: Over 500 thoughts that bring meaning to your life"
I invite you to join us every Tuesday evening.
On the evening of TUESDAY, MAY 13, 2014 Lolly Daskal was joined by FRED AUBIN (@FM_Aubin) and the topic was "BALANCING TOUGH-MINDED AND TENDER-HEARTED LEADERSHIP ?"
Here are Lolly's question and my answers.
Q1: Why do some interpret being a tender-hearted leader as being indecisive or overly dependent upon consensus? #leadfromwithin
A1. The heavy-handed tough as nails leader has been the epitome of what a leader is and not the balance of both sides of the scale #LeadFromWithin
COMMENTS: The media, the entertainment industry, everywhere has made the tough as nails leaders as what all leaders should be. This is the 21st Century and there is a place for the tough as nails leader just like there is an equal place for a tenderhearted leader.
Q2: Many believe that being a tough-minded leader implies a lack of compassion, empathy or sympathy. True or False? #leadfromwithin
A2. True & False Today’s modern Leader must know when to employ hard and soft skills and sometimes both. #LeadFromWithin
COMMENTS: The battle harden Sarge of days long ago was that “lack of compassion” stereotype. Today’s modern Sergeant is the tough-minded, empathy-, compassion-filled leader. They have to be because the old DO IT MY WAY or GO TO JAIL (Stockade) way of doing things just do not work in today’s workplace.
Q3: How do tough-minded leaders maintain strength of vision, but also maintain flexibility & agility of mission? #leadfromwithin
A3. They became tough due to being flexible & agile. They gained experience and used it to climb the leadership ladder. #LeadFromWithin
COMMENTS: No one just becomes tough-minded. They became tough because of the being flexible and agile. They gained that experience working their through the organization. I am not saying they became cold and callous. I am saying that they saw what it took to maintain the strength of vision and they used it to their advantage.
Q4: What's the Tough / Tender relationship between maintaining “unity of thought” and ensuring “unity of action”? #leadfromwithin
A4. That relationship is a delicate balanced that must be maintained constantly. Go either way and someone will lose focus or lose faith or quit altogether #LeadFromWithin
COMMENTS: It is all about maintaining balance and ensuring that the mission and vision is put into action to create positive, measurable, and substantial results.
Q5: What’s the roles of tough-minded leaders for ensuring creativity & tenderhearted leaders for enabling imagination? #leadfromwithin
A5. The only role is that of ENABLER. Enable them to create or imagine and team will succeed. #LeadFromWithin
COMMENTS: Give them the support with reinforcement, then step back and the magic that can happen will amaze you.
Q6: For tough-minded & tender-hearted alike: When do you compromise & more importantly when do you never compromise? #leadfromwithin
A6. Each situation is different. When the job is an understood ALL HANDS ON DECK there is very little room for compromise #LeadFromWithin
COMMENTS: There can be no cookie-cutter approach to every situation. Sure some will be like the others but never exactly the same. Remember that and everything will be alright.
Q7: What’s the roles of the tough-minded & tender-hearted in establishing values and maintaining standards? #leadfromwithin
A7. The Values and Standards are rooted in tender-heart thus maintaining them is easy due to no compromise allowed (that’s the tough-minded) #LeadFromWithin
COMMENTS: Perfect question. A standard or value rooted in tenderness means that someone cares enough to create such a standard or value. It is also that caring that should never be misinterpreted by others as a sign of weakness. Some people will try to exploit that caring and that is when the tough-minded leader comes in.
Q8: Does either the tough-minded or tender-hearted corner the market on courage? What’s their role? #leadfromwithin
A8. No one corners the market on courage. Courage comes from knowing what must be done and then doing it No Questions Asked #LeadFromWithin
COMMENTS: The role of the tough-minded or tender-hearted leader is to lead. To lead means you are willing to stand up for something or someone. It also means you will do what it takes to get it done. It means to be a leader is to be courageous no matter if you subscribe to the tender-hearted or tough-minded way of leading.
Q9: Do you have a choice to be one or the other (tender or tough) or must you be equitable? #leadfromwithin
A9. To be a well-rounded Leader you have to be tough and tender. It’s a give and take which can be difficult but it has to be done #LeadFromWithin
COMMENTS: No one can be completely equitable or centered. You could say it is 51-49 where in the end one side will win over the other. There can be only one answer given to any situation or question. This doesn't mean that the answer or decisions has to be completely tough, it can have a bit of tenderheartedness attached.
Q10: Do you personally practice or naturally default to one approach more than the other (tender vs tough)? Why? #leadfromwithin
A10. I lean towards tender but my Army past keeps tough standing front & center. #LeadFromWithin
COMMENTS: It's a balance. I want to be tender but I also know that I have to be tough. It is a difficult balance but some times that is the only one side you can take.
Thank you,
Dave Guerra
P.S. I do invite you to join the conversation and tell me what you are thinking.
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US Army Veteran, MBA, Author "The Walking Leader" "Great To Follow" and the OCCUPIED BERLIN series (historical fiction). This blog contains my Thoughts, Words, Tips, and Lessons about Personal and Professional Leadership. Count on everything being delivered without pulling a single punch (NEVER!)
18 May 2014
BALANCING TOUGH-MINDED AND TENDER-HEARTED LEADERSHIP | A Tuesday night with Lolly Daskal (May 13, 2014)
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