It's that time of the week again. That's right this past Tuesday
night and every Tuesday evening from 8PM to 9PM EST, I participate in
the #LeadFromWithin tweetchat hosted and led by Lolly Daskal, author of "Thoughts Spoken From the Heart: Over 500 thoughts that bring meaning to your life"
I invite you to join us every Tuesday evening.
On the evening of TUESDAY, MAY 6, 2014 the topic was "LEADERSHIP COACHING: When is it right and When are you ready?"
Here are Lolly's question and my answers.
Q1: What is leadership coaching? #leadfromwithin
A1. Coaching is the ART of teaching and leading others to achieve a common goal usually success #Leadfromwithin
COMMENT: Coaching requires a fine balance of teacher and leader. You might be tempted to not only teach them how to did a foxhole but to dig it for them, you have to let them dig their own foxhole.
Q2: What is the role of the coach? #leadfromwithin
A2. The role of the coach is to be there THROUGH the good and bad times to motivate the “get up” and the “keep going” #Leadfromwithin
COMMENT: The coach cannot throw the winning touchdown. The coach's job is to ensure that the Quarterback has the right tools and people at the right place and right time to catch the ball and make game winning score.
Q3: What are some principles for leadership coaching? #leadfromwithin
A3. The same principles for any leader: Character, Collaboration, Compassion, Competence, and Courage #Leadfromwithin
COMMENT: If you are a leader then you are a coach. As a leader, you must possess all the right leadership principles to make it possible. It is those same principles that a leadership coach will be teaching others.
Q4: What are some leadership coaching skills? #leadfromwithin
A4. Know OPEN ears more, CLOSE mouth more, and TEACH & LEAD with all your heart #Leadfromwithin
COMMENT: The Coach must know that Coaching is 99% Listening and 1% Hoping they listen to you.
Q5: What is a framework for leadership development? #leadfromwithin
A5. Framework is from all mutually supporting sides. 360 degree agree to work together for successful development to occur #Leadfromwithin
COMMENT: All sides of the Coach/Player, Mentor-Mentee, Boss-Employee, and their home organizations (if it exists) MUST work together to ensure that success has an more than better chance to take root and occur.
Q6: What should you expect from coaching? #leadfromwithin
A6. Someone that will listen and understand my goals and not cut me off after 18 seconds and tell me what he thinks my goals should be #Leadfromwithin
COMMENT: A real Coach plays off the strengths of his players. A real Coach will also work to minimize the number of weaknesses the players have. A True Leadership Coach will do the exact same thing. The only way that can happen is by really, truly, deep listening to not just the words that come out of the mouth of the one being coached but listens to the words they are not saying, as well.
Q7: How does one select the right coach? #leadfromwithin
A7. Observation & most definitely go with your gut. However, more times than not you just find each other. #Leadfromwithin
COMMENT: Like any great relationship in your life, the next thing you know you are in it. There is no science matching on 41 levels of compatibility. There is however, plenty of going with your gut and a lot of trust.
Q8: How do you evaluate if your coaching is a success? #leadfromwithin
A8. If Coach is helping you learn from mistakes and path is constantly being corrected then you should be on track to success #Leadfromwithin
COMMENT: The answer to this question is subjective. Subjective to the respondent's experiences. For the most part, you have to feel if things are happening for you. Do you see the light at the end of the tunnel? If you don't, do you believe that there is still a turn or two ahead before you can see that light? Remember, you must be patient and it will happen. Then again, you should also know when it is time to throw in the towel and change coaches.
Q9: How do you know when you are ready for coaching? #leadfromwithin
A9. The moment you know you need help is the moment you know you are ready for coaching #Leadfromwithin
COMMENT: As David Bowie (Where Are We Now) sang: "The moment you know You know, you know"
Q10: Do you have a coach? If yes, who do you recommend? If not, why not? #leadfromwithin
A10. No coach at this time but would not mind finding one. Everyone needs a little help now and then. OK, whom am I kidding? We need help all the time. #Leadfromwithin
COMMENT: Do not get me wrong. I do keep my eyes and ears open! You have to. When there is no formal or recognized Coach and when there is, never forget that the world is full of examples of what to do and what not to do. All you have to do is STOP, LOOK, AND LISTEN!
Thank you,
Dave Guerra
P.S. I do invite you to join the conversation and tell me what you are thinking.
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