20 July 2014

LEADERSHIP STRESS and EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE / A Tuesday Night with Lolly Daskal (07/15/14)

JULY 15, 2014: #LeadFromWithin Tweetchat with Lolly Daskal (@lollydaskal)


Join us every Tuesday evening from 8PM EST to 9PM EST and use the hashtag #leadfromwithin to find us and interact with us.

Here are Lolly's Questions and my Answers:

Q1: How would you define stress? #leadfromwithin
Stress is something that causes discomfort as it goes against who we are and what we are made of #leadfromwithin

Q2: What are the leadership demands that cause stress? #leadfromwithin
Leadership demand that causes stress is leadership. Plain and simple it is hard work. #leadfromwithin

Q3: What are the most stressful interpersonal demands? #leadfromwithin
Saying “YES” way too often and not enough “NO” #leadfromwithin

Q4: How would you define emotional intelligence? #Leadfromwithin
EI is the ability to know and understand that emotions play a big role in everything we do with others and with ourselves. #leadfromwithin
Q6: How can emotional intelligence help manage stress? #leadfromwithin
When we have more information about an individual’s unique situation we can better prepare ourselves to deal with him/her #leadfromwithin

Q7: How do you as a leader manage stress? #leadfromwithin
MAKE time to talk to others, have alone time, exercise, be a student and a teacher #leadfromwithin

Q8: What support systems offers you the most assistance when you manage stress? #leadfromwithin
My family, my Army buddies, and my business mentors offer the greatest support #leadfromwithin

Q9: As a leader what can you do to help manage or relieve stress for others? #leadfromwithin
Knowing that you have their back. Knowing that they have the tools to do their job. Knowing that you will lead them right #leadfromwithin

Q10: How important is it to #leadfromwithin when dealing with stress? #leadfromwithin
#leadfromwithin when dealing with stress is excellent because that’s where stress relief begins: inside each of us.


Thank you,
Dave Guerra

P.S. I do invite you to join the conversation and tell me what you are thinking.

As always you can read this blog post in its original location at http://daveguerra.blogspot.com

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visit my website: www.daveguerra.com

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