US Army Veteran, MBA, Author "The Walking Leader" "Great To Follow" and the OCCUPIED BERLIN series (historical fiction). This blog contains my Thoughts, Words, Tips, and Lessons about Personal and Professional Leadership. Count on everything being delivered without pulling a single punch (NEVER!)
30 July 2014
MIDDAY NUGGET: Are You Doing it the Old Fashion Way and NOT USING SOCIAL MEDIA?
Are You Doing it the Old Fashion Way and NOT USING SOCIAL MEDIA?
The other day, there was a small business owner walking around passing out flyers. Very admirable. When he entered my office building, I asked him to sit down and talk a while about the . I asked him to show me his flyer. It was postcard size, front and back. It was loaded with images and information. It has a phone number on it but that’s all.
That’s all? What do you mean that's all?
Yes. It had no web address, no Facebook page address, and no twitter handle. Seriously!
I asked him where these three things were on his flyer. He said that he had a Facebook page but no webpage or twitter.
I pointed to the front door and showed him our company info. I told him this is 2014 and you have to have that information ready for anyone and everyone. Whether they become a customer/client or not they might know someone who needs or wants your service.
He just gave me this look of what is this guy talking about?
He then said something that just floored me, “I am doing this the old fashion way and I want to get my customers by word of mouth and by going out there to meet them.”
Excellent. That’s the right idea. A righteous idea. However, what happens after you leave?
What happens when you leave the office and the person that you talked to does not want your service but has a cousin who is looking for it. Do you really think that flyer will stick around? NO! It offers that first point of contact nothing so it goes into the trash.
With no Facebook page, twitter address, or website to visit that piece of paper (flyer) becomes as valuable as a used Kleenex. COUNT ON IT!
He just refused to get it.
That’s alright. Sometimes, it takes people a couple of bats over the head before they get it. However, I feel that for this guy it may be too late before he gets it.
As with any business, there is plenty of competition out there. His business is not unique, his closest competitor is less than a quarter of a mile away, and it is located on major thoroughfare. It is actually on one of the most popular streets within a 100-mile radius. He has location, location, location going against him and I am more than certain there are plenty of other business owners that have that going against them, as well.
However, that’s when going ONLY old fashioned will not work. You, me, and everyone that wants to do business in 2014 has got to fully understand that it is the shotgun effect of using social media consistently and effectively that will get that much needed attention and that attention will turn into sales of your product or service.
If you absolutely have to go Old Fashioned, how about trying this: Go Old Fashion using the New Fashion Devices, Media & Apps.
Thank you,
David Guerra
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