06 June 2015

a • ware • ness / Do you have what it takes?

Do you have what it takes to be constantly and continually aware?

Being aware is one thing. Having the wherewithal of being constantly aware is something else.
The ability to see, feel, and acknowledge all that is going on around is a trait that many people THINK they have, few actually do, and a miniscule amount can actually master.

Those that master it, do so after many years of trial and error. Just like anything that we master, it does take time. However, the ones that are naturally aware of all that is around them usually don't know it and let that skill fall by the wayside, never to be fully utilized.

However, by being cognizant of the fact that it is something that comes naturally (remember, survival of the fittest and survival of those that can adapt to change) they stand a chance at achieving greatness. Don't worry you do as well.

I am not going to pass along the secret to raising your awareness in every situation and in any setting:
Keep your eyes, ears, and mind open all the while keeping your mouth shut.

(definition courtesy of Google.com)

Thank you,
Dave Guerra

P.S. I do invite you to join the conversation and tell me what you are thinking.

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