As we start the last month of the 4th year of the 21st Century, I will be taking the time to reflect on what I see as "MY VISION OF 2005 AND LOOK FORWARD TO IN 2006!!!"
So join me as I attempt to make heads or tails of 2005 and some prognostications for 2006.
2005 should be that no matter what people will always be who they are and will only change when change does not threaten their place in within their circle of influence (at the center). Sometime around August or was it September, I decided that in order to grow as individual, I was going to have to shed some of my outerskin and with that shed some of my comfort zone. This meant that I was going to have to make my cirlce of influence wobble a bit.
When a circle wobbles it means that it is no longer properly centered. In my case, I was ready to let go of being at the center of MY circle of influence. I also knew that MY circle of influence was eventually going to put me back in the center once the wobble wore off and I adjusted to the new changes that were coming.
The first change was that I fired two long time customers. These two customers I felt were starting to slow me down to the point that I was not able to cultivate new business growth. Their businesses were thriving and they were buying new cars, taking trips, and where was I? Taking their calls when I was on a vacation that I took flying coach. I had to not be afraid and let go, even if it meant not having someone to replace them in the near term. Well, I bit the bullet and I am all the better for it.
2006, I will continue to cut down and trim off those clients that I feel are not beneficial to my advancement. I truly hope that they don't take it personally, because this is business and that's why they are called customers and clients. I would never intentionally cut down or trim down my list of friends as a matter of fact I would do anything to move some of those clients to my friends list.
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