06 December 2005


Re-imagine NOW!!!
2005: Tom Peters once wrote, "It is the foremost task—and responsibility—of this generation to re-imagine all of our institutions, private and public” and I add "OURSELVES." In 2005, I saw none of this. I lead the pack. Halfway through 2005, I stood alone, then one by one I started seeing others failing themselves and their organizations. I saw that I lost my edge. I saw that I lost the thirst for change. Things were becoming static. I was becoming stale and not going anywhere. Then it happened. June 4, 2005 things changed.

As usual, things changed because they had to change. I was on the fast track to becoming a diabetic. I was overweight, lazy, and just not in good shape both physically and mentally. So I had to act fast. I started exercising and life started to get more focused. I started seeing the way I do business start to change. I not only re-imagined the future with a better me, I re-imagined me.

2006: In 2006, I will start to expand the "Re-Imagine" mantra. I will let people know that these are not times for the faint of heart. In 2006 there will be a call for the maximum from each and every one of us. For the sake of ourselves, our communities, our children, our world. No right answers or certain rules are on the horizon. We must make it up as we go along. As for a Blessed Hiatus…forget about it (I ALREADY HAD MINE).

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