2005: This past year I was witness to some very bad forms of Integrity. The proclaimed #1 tool of effective leaders. BAH!!! BAH? That's right, for some strange reason there are many people who are nothing more than managers and NOT leaders. The two are NOT the same. Anyone can be a manager, anyone can manage a stack of baseball cards. Not anyone can be a leader. In order to be a leader, you have to be able to motivate people to do something without having to resort to fear and intimidation. A manager uses fear and intimidation like they use toilet paper. Picture the manager of a stack of baseball cards, he gets rid of the cards he thinks are bad and hopes that the new cards will be good cards. Sound familiar? Truthfully, does it sound TOO familiar?
A leader is one that will motivate the players to perform thus raising the value of their respective baseball card. I was witness on multiple occasions to moments when managers would be magically transformed into leaders. However, their personal perception of what integrity is failed them.
They dropped the ball.
In order to not publicly offend anyone, I will stand up and say that they lacked "inherent decency and fundamental humanity" all that shined through was their ugliness (nothing else). That may be why they will always just manage and never taste the sweetness that is LEADERSHIP.
2006: Should I find myself crossing paths with managers, that in their minds, think they are leaders, I promise myself that I will quickly point them to this blog post and ask them not to be another bad card holder on next year's version of "MY VISION OF 2006 AND LOOK FORWARD TO IN 2007". This is not in an attempt to publicly humiliate anyone but in an attempt to make them become the "GO-TO" person in their organization. To be the person, people turn to in times of confusion. The person who people recognize as the leader.
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