2005: In 2005, like any other year there is change everywhere. I was witness to global changes, political changes, personal changes, however very little business change. Then again, there is that old saying that goes something like this: No matter how much things change they stay the same.
2005 was no exception. There were promises that 2005 will be the best year ever. There were
mission statements that reflected this "pipe dream". Why do I call it a pipe dream? I call it that because the change may look fantastic on paper, but when it comes to implement one important thing was forgotten: THE BUY IN.
Seems that the writers of the mission statement went all out on the changes but forgot to get the people to buy in to the change. They gave their change a name but forgot to get the buy in from the ones that matter the most...the employees. They give trinkets and t-shirts in the futile efforts of the shirt magically conveying the new change.
NO SHOES, NO SHIRT, NO SERVICE, and, most of all, NO CLUE!!!
So what is the magic pill to change? The is no magic pill. Change has to has to happen NOW. No Shoes, No Shirts, No lame-ass bracelet (that worked for LANCE (everyone else is just riding a tired and well worn out coat tail)) will do it. Change happens the moment EVERYONE buys in completely and not a second sooner.
2006: In 2006, I firmly believe that change will permeate everything and everyone. However, I will do all that I can to ensure that the management gets their employees to buy-in to the changes. Failing to do that, the organization that makes changes without the buy-in is like that guy who gives himself his own nickname. If you don't understand that last sentence, well walk up to your co-workers and tell them that your nickname is <<> self-defined goofy-ass nickname here>> and see what kind of reaction you get.
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